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Posts posted by natalie923

  1. Haha I hope this doesnt show up in search engines... that would be embarrassing! But this thread sounds fun, so I'll play along. Here are different sides of me... that should be enough for a dating game show, right? Haha :blush-anim-cl: :blush-anim-cl: :blush-anim-cl: :blush-anim-cl:

    Name: Natalie

    Age: 20

    Birthday: September 23

    Favorite Mika song: I love all of them, but "Any Other World" made me cry the first time I heard it... it just hit me right in the heart

    Favorite Food: Ice Cream with Hot Fudge

    Favorite Drink: Water... and Vodka when its happy time

    Interests: Dancing (bellydance, hiphop), Painting, Drawing, Singing (only in the shower), Modeling, Costume Parties!!!





  2. as for mika replying to myspace messages.... i could understand how thats impossible coz he probably gets tons everyday. i would shoot myself (jk).


    but i did write cherisse a myspace message telling her she was awesome and she replied saying thanks and stuff. i love her now. but that could also be not her personally and be her assistant (if she has one)

  3. "and what I meant was

    Please lets put an end to

    over marketed, expensive heartless

    tacky rubbish, autotune, airbrush

    should i market myself to look OUTRAGEOUS and kooky or would

    it be easier if I sold records by playing safe and serene

    and for the family

    to save more record sales. Cliff richard. enrique iglesias.

    mutton dressed as lamb."


    music shouldnt have to be anything! music just is! i hate it when artists think that theyre the keepers of a special emerging "type" of music... but in reality, everyone's just different! and it works! so let it be!!!


    ah sorry for the rant. i just hate how patrick wolfe thinks he can judge what mika does and the way he chooses to approach music. i mean, mika's obviously doing well!

  4. "erase" pretty much describes the drunken phonecalls i've given lots of people and regret the day after.

    but im also inlove with the song because like all other songs in LICM, i pretend he's singing this to me... but in this scenario (or music video in my head), we are far away and he's walking around in early daylight (not too bright) singing "erase" while im listening to my phone looking perplexed


    haha yes i imagine music videos :biggrin2:

  5. here are wise lyrics from a very special song that should ease the mood of this thread....




    LOVE LOVE ME LOVE LOVE ME!!!!!!!! :biggrin2:

  6. Ok guys. Honestly. Mika cancelled his Facebook account last thursday. So whoever is behind this one, it's not the real one. :thumb_yello:


    And the fact that the pic hasn't been seen before is maybe because this person never put it online ?? :blink: Not EVERYBODY is on MFC or whatever photo website... People can actually keep their pics for themselves...


    But you can keep on dreaming, if you really want to...


    wait where and when did he say he cancelled it. coz that would make me feel much better actually!!! :thumb_yello:

  7. It was the day before my first final and I was "trying hard" to study (aka procrastinate). My sorority sister gave me a mixed cd and mika was on it. So, my roommate and I were studying (ahem procrastinating by listening to the cd) out in our common area. And "Love Today" played, and I was OBSESSED. However, I havent seen mika yet, so for a good 2hrs, I thought he was this fat old lead singer of a band. Then I bought the entire cd, googled him, and fell inlove. He shocked me mainly coz I wore skinny jeans, blazers, suspenders (braces), funky necklaces a lot, and seeing this curly haired, gorgeous, british-accented, guy sporting the exact same stuff (pretty much the male version of me) was enough reason for me to stop studying. He was pretty much this perfect dream man i've been painting in my dreams and i couldnt believe that he existed. im also hyperactive and i jump around a lot (ask my roommates), so mika was pretty much me. Anyways, I spent the entire finals period listening to Life in Cartoon Motion and being my merry self. Everyone around me hated it.... I kept playing it for my 6 roommates and by the 3rd day they admitted they liked it. haha talk about persistence! however my bf and all my guy friends hated his voice and him. i fell in love with mika even more as the days went by and i still do, and i think he's amazing at life!

    oh and i didnt do so well in my finals. my grades went down. i would normally be upset, but i think im still jaded by my whole "mika-love"

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