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Posts posted by mikaholic

  1. At least you guys got to meet them! In Chicago we didn't get to meet Mika or The Midway State men.:thumbdown: We are so glad though that we got to see an excellent performance from Mika. The Midway State was awesome also. We are so glad that our first experience with Midway was hearing them live. It just makes it more cool to listen to them now and know what it is like to hear them in person, just like Mika.




    The Meyer Twins


    I agree, I love that my first experience with them was live. Well, I checked them out on MySpace first, but I didn't really listen because I was like "Wooh! 3 days till Mika!!!" But I really listened to them in concert and I was like "Wow!" I'm glad that my first experience with them AND Sara Bareilles was live!


    Speaking of Sara...has anyone tried to get tickets to her headlining tour in April? I went on Ticketmaster when I got home from work today (at about 4...tickets went on sale at 12) and I think she already sold out! I'm so bummed!!

  2. Can't wait till the mail tomorrow. Hopefully we'll get our autograph. We wonder if it will be the same as cheesygoodness (sorry don't know your name)?


    Just watched the video again of Nathan watching some video. It is so hiliarous.:roftl: Whoever is video taping says something like the people who is watching this will know because of the music and Mike Kirsh says yeah and laughs and we think it is such a cute laugh. It makes us laugh every time. Also when Nathan says "Oh my GOD!" It is priceless.:roftl:


    I love Nathan's reaction to that video! It's so cute!! He like flinches in the middle of the video, haha. I'm assuming you've never seen the video. Do you know what it is? My friend sat me down and told me to watch it. So I did. BIG mistake. Thank God he didn't record my reaction though like he was going to, because I was like gagging and shuddering. Haha I just love Nathan's reaction to it. He's so awesome.

  3. i asked them what "the midway state" was, i think it's a mental think, like a point in your life....

    this is what mike wise said:

    Hmm thats a tricky one.. seems to mean something different to different people. Our original bass player came up with name. The way I think of it is a period of transition.. be it adolescence, a phase, any period of change..

    - Mike Wise


    Mike Wise: Philosopher.

  4. :lmfao:

    Is it still there?

    *sprints to window*



    I just opened up one of the boxes of Valentine chocolates and my mom goes, "I got the one with nuts!"

    me: "Where's the orange filled ones?"

    dad: "I got coconut.....I got coconut......I got coconut.......I got cocnut.......I got coconut...."

    All while my mother and I are talking, then we realized he was repeating that for like five minutes and....this is pointless, never mind..



  5. Lol yeah that's true...

    My granddad was a French and latin teacher... Back in the day ;)

    So he helps me with homework usually but he doesn't "get me" like you guys do :D


    Latin teacher? Geesh, after 4 years of Latin I think all I know is "agricola, agricolae m. - farmer" :naughty: That's pretty much all I remember from the entire language....and I took it up until last year.

  6. Haha my friend did something like this for Italian. She had to print a picture of a body and then label all the body parts (she's only in Italian 2, so I basically labeled it all for her, haha). So she printed out a picture of Mika and labeled all his body parts. Her teacher was like.... :boxed: "Who's that?"


    But, sorry, I don't know French so I'm of no help.

  7. I know! At the house of blues in chicago. He didn't do a meet and greet with the fans and it was our first concert. We met a lot of mfc'ers though so that was a bonus. We really wanted to meet Mika though but he had a concert the next day and the weather was getting bad.:thumbdown:


    All of our autographs are mainly actors and actresses. A majority are from the classic or golden age of hollywood. It's really a fun hobbie. We love getting chummy with the famous.:naughty:


    He really didn't do a meet and greet in Boston either. Security kept yelling at us, telling us to leave. There were about 20-30 of us who just didn't listen to security basically. We stuck around in the pouring rain until security finally told us to get in a line against the wall. Mika came out and found shelter underneath an overhang in his we little bubble coat and fur hood. All we could do pretty much was say hi, bye, thank you, etc. I threw a hug into the mix though. :naughty::thumb_yello:


    All those autographs sound really cool. What do you do with them all??

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