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Posts posted by mikaholic

  1. Ah, I typed mine...I just need to send it to Melanie. I think I should fix it or something though because it sounds funny, haha. I didn't mention my favorite song though. I don't know what I'd say about it because I think all their lyrics are amazing! I feel like whatever I say about my favorite song would just sound insincere and kind of boring.


    That's so cool you're getting an autograph in the mail from them!

  2. I was actually just thinking that. Stop reading my mind.


    Because you hear the band members say stuff like "I've played for a bunch of different bands before Mika..." etc. Got me thinking...who's to say this is their last stop?


    I'd miss them. I think it happens to a lot of fans of different bands though.

  3. We'll if they tour soon to St. Louis then we'd be the girls to deliever it to them personally.:roftl: If by chance they would come to Chicago and we'd go there, then we'd want you Melanie to deliever it to them and maybe if we went we could video tape it for you.:blush-anim-cl:


    Mailing it would also be fun, but what any honor Melanie to get invited to give it to them.:thumb_yello:


    Mjoshi, those are great pics!!!


    We got done with our artwork. Hopefully you all will like it and maybe we could put it in the book.




    Love Love:wub2:

    The Meyer Twins

    Megan and Haley


    I'm confused...which one's Nathan?


    Hahahaha just kidding. That's AWESOME!!! They're gonna love it!

  4. Mika Kirsh told me they're most likely coming out with tour dates soon. He said once they album comes out in April the boys will definitely be back in Boston.


    So I think they'll probably be going to some of the places they went with Mika...I'm guessing the main cities like NYC, Chicago, etc. would be included in their tour. That's just me saying that though. But it seems unlikely that they'd be touring in random places and leaving these big cities out.


    Fingers crossed!

  5. Eesh. I like the beginning of this topic a lot better than I like the end. How 'bout we just agree on the fact that Midway is pretty awesome and completely deserving of a thank you project..? Not to jump into anyone's business or anything.


    But regardless, I'd like to see how the project thing ends up working out. Sounds like a great idea to support the Midway boys!

  6. Okay, I posted this last night for Hollis and Sarie and now I must share it here too. I know you all are gonna "awwww" :)


    Anyway...here's is what my bf's card for Valentine's Day said...


    On the front it says: I don't know how other guys feel about their girlfriends...


    ....but whenever we're together I just know that I must be the luckiest guy in the world. Happy Valentine's Day.


    Then this is what Chris wrote to me:


    14 Reasons Why I Love You


    1. You're kind

    2. You're compassionate

    3. You are forgiving

    4. You are oh so Beautiful

    5. You are faithful

    6. You love God

    7. You love me

    8. You accept me for who I am

    9. Ghostbusters is your favorite movie (That's actually HIS fave movie LOL)

    10. You get excited about little things

    11. You are the morning person that is compatible with me, the night person

    12. You soften my heart

    13. We compliment each other

    14. Because you give me the opportunity to find a new reason to love you every day


    I Love You - Chris




    AWWWW!! That's adorable!

  7. Yea, my school's bad with the snow days too. They give us them when it's not necessary, on rare occasion. And they don't when we need them.

    Do you get early dismissals if the weather's bad?


    Yeah, we rarely get snow days. We have two this year, which is pretty high for us haha. We never get early dismissals. It's kinda ridiculous.


    And I really like the podcast idea for shows!

  8. I checked out their MySpace before the gig and I wasn't thoroughly impressed...but at the gig I was like WOW! I love them now!! I met Nathan after the show too and he's so nice. He said they really want to come back to Boston soon because it's one of their favorite cities. I don't know if they're just saying that or not, but whatever...they want to come back, fine by me! I told them I'd definitely get tickets. :punk:

  9. 2. I don't mind if he keeps the stories, but it would make the show so much better if he would also let himself relax a bit and would talk naturally with the audience.

    3. That way each audience would feel like they were not only getting a well-rehearsed show, but also sharing a moment in time with the musician and just them (the entire audience, I mean). Something that is unique to that particular time and place and that would not be repeated elsewhere. Of course each show is already unique to a degree, but this way it would be even more so.


    Think of all the shows that seem to be most memorable on this board--they are usually when something funny or new happened, and Mika went off-script. I am just saying that almost all of them could be like that, and without even all that much extra effort on his part.





    Mika relaxing....now there's the problem. He's so energetic! I think he sometimes needs a way to control all that energy, which might explain the stories. I mean, I enjoy the stories....got a good laugh. And I'm sure people who've never experienced find them kind of comedic or cute. But I can see your point more and more as you post. I'm still fine with whatever Mika chooses to do in his shows, spontaneity or no, because I don't have money or time to see his shows in many other places than Boston, so my chances are pretty limited. So I take what I can get and I'm happy with it. He's such a good performer, and that's what I go to see...a performance. It's his show, so whatever he feels is good should work. Not really my place to say, I guess.


    I do agree that shows are more memorable when something unscripted happens. It makes the gig stick out from the "crowd" and feel more special. I guess sometimes it's just luck of the draw when something like that happens, like if something goes wrong. And when I say "goes wrong" I obviously don't mean something bad happens, but for example, at our show in Boston, Mika started playing Stuck in the Middle and he messed up and stopped the whole show and said something along the lines of "When you mess up, you mess up. And you just gotta start from the beginning!" And he laughed, as did everyone else, and started the song over. It wasn't embarrassing (at least it didn't seem embarrassing) or anything, but it was cute. He played it off really well and the crowed cheered. That's the kind of thing I mean by "luck." Sometimes stuff just happens that's funny.


    Regardless...he's still amazing. As I'm sure you all are aware. :naughty:

  10. Personally, I think it's quite easy to banter. I've done tiny gigs before at places like Coffeehouses, and it's actually not as hard as you'd imagine. Just say what you think mostly.


    Then again, I also am in a improv troupe, so I might not be the best example :naughty:


    Well, I'm no performer. So I guess that's why I don't really get it, haha. I'd probably just get up there and be like "...so ah....there sure are a lot of you, huh?"


    And Jack, I do agree with what you just said. I guess all I'm saying is that I really don't mind. Whatever Mika wants to do is fine by me! I just want to watch him perform! :punk:

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