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Posts posted by Sarina

  1. Should someone maybe message one of the band members and ask? I thought of messaging Mikey yesterday, but I think Babspanky has already sent him 50 messages about fruit in the last 24 hours so he'll probably ignore mine if I send it...




    I think they can't answer if the situation is so weird...maybe even Mika has to say what his management think is better to say :emot-sad:

    Maybe If they don't release "official" information no one can say anything....

  2. Well, it's SUPPOSED to have updates, but it usually doesn't, really. :roftl:
    Nope they don't! They tell us interesting things like "Patrick Wolf is a genius", but they have not told us about a gig being cancelled since Brighton in february and general updates isn't really their thing it seems :yay:


    thanks for the answers!

    so, it seems not strange that no updates appear on his Myspace this time too for tell us he was sick.......this situation seems an X-FILE....:bleh:

  3. I think that maybe he wanted to greet his fans as first reason?I think YES.

    I don't think is all money problem or sueing problems....even if those factors are important too...it's obvious!

    But, if he's sick he should stay at home and don't stress his voice or damage it! THAT would be really a problem because he's working with it!


    I can't understand this situation completely. I think is very sweet if he likes to greet his fans...but I think we need to wait to see what really happened there before saying he did good, he did bad!


    sorry for the poor english but I'm a bit sleepy :blush-anim-cl:

  4. retaerj0.jpg




    "3 dimensional Mika picture!Now on half price in all IKEA-s.Each with different face expressions.Touch him, feel him!While stocks last." (Best with the Mika chair)



    *MFC girls: O_o----> attack IKEA*




    OMG what an expression!



  5. Don't worry, as long as he realizes he needs to rest NOW, then he'll be fine. It will probably take a while though. I just hope he doesn't try to come back before he's completely well.



    agree he must realize it at this point!

    Also usually he takes care of his voice so good and in this case, I think, is very important to rest and take medicines and relax to not ruine his precious voice!

    So Mika, darling, please, listen to us!Take care of yourself!

  6. Pneumonia could have complications only if is not taking in time.

    It seems that Mika's doctors are taking care of him now so I think there will no problems, but HE HAS TO REST, RELAX and TAKE CARE of himself because the complications could arrive also if illines is neglected after the symptoms are gone!!

    My mom has pneumonia one time, she rests, she stayed at home and after about 10 days she felt good!


    Good Luck Mika!I wish you to feel better soon!

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