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Posts posted by Posterofagirl

  1. Well, here's a mini summary report, I guess. My pics are really not that good! :( they are all blurry or dark!


    I arrived to the venue at 3:15 and there where allready people in the line! But we where pretty close, it was VERY cold, but we made it!


    The Bell Centre was FULL! SOOOO MANY PEOPLE, I think it was about 10,000 from what someone else told me.

    as you know The Midway State and Creature opened the show. They are great bands! go check the out, definitely worth it.


    and the part everyone cares about. MIKA!


    I don't even know if this is the right order, but he sang


    Big Girl

    Billy Brown

    My Interpretation

    Holly Johnny

    Ring Ring

    How Much do you love me

    Any other world

    Love today (with trash cans and his shirt off of course)

    Grace Kelly ( He sang a little part in french)

    Stuck in the middle

    Lollipop! (of course) and the lollipop girls from the MFC came on stage!

    and last Relax again, like a remix version!


    He interacted a lot with the crowd, making us sing, clap and jump up and down! He told us a story about the first time he was in Montreal, and the small venue he played,the crowd was super energetic.


    I don't know what else to tell you, it was really great, I shivered as soon as he started singing! and was sooo happy, jumping up and down, singing! I didn't care about the hunger, tiredness or cold! It was like those 10 000 all got a unique experience out of that concert, or at least that is what it felt like for me. AMAZING!


    It went by super fast, if you ask me. :roftl:


    I'll look for some good pictures.

  2. I got home like 30 min ago and I was getting something to eat!


    I have to say my pics are terrible, and I am still trying to process everything.

    I have to go to sleep soon too, it's 1:30 and we leave for toronto at 7:30, so that means I get up in like 4 hours.



    I don't know what else to say, or how to explain it, I still have a hard time believing it.


    I'll try to put my things together and do a report, go through my pics see if there is anything good and post it.


    sorry guys.

  3. :roll1:


    I can't believe it! It's today! it's in a few hours!


    I will be wearig lots and lots of layers for the cold and a colourful scarf! I'll also had a BIG smile on my face and may be crazy dancing in the middle of the street!


    To everyone who's going: See you tonight!

    To everyone who's staying at home: We will do our best to bring you a detailed and picture-full report TONIGHT!





    WOOOOOT !! We picked up Becky yesterday !!




    yeah don't think we're gonna sleep... :naughty:


    Yeah, definitelly, no sleep when I get home on Monday. I think I'll sleep on the bus, I just can't help it, hahaha moving cars for long periods of time make me sleepy.


    I am so excited! :roftl: ! Can't wait to meet everyone! and have fun in Toronto!

  5. This is amazing, i can not believe it!!! have I been dreaming for a month? lol. I have so much work and I can't even concentrate in doing that!!


    I have to go to university tomorrow to get some information:thumbdown: . It's a good thing my university is very close to the Bell Centre, I will go there after!!!


    What time are other people going? I ask because I am going alone, and it would be more fun to do the line with familiar faces that share the excitement!!:punk:

  6. Anybody from Montreal wants to do it? *is wondering the feeling to be in front of over 10 000 ppl...*


    Hahaha! 10 000 people?! It only takes one person to make me nervous about it When there's Mika on stage!!!:mf_lustslow: *faints*

    I sure you would be sooo into it, you wouldn't even notice everyone else!



    I will think of something and I will try to make up a video to enter. What is the worst that can happen, I don't get it and still get to see Mika in concert? (Front row of course)





    Everyone should enter! Forget the shyness for a day, really, this is the chance of a lifetime!!! :shocked: DO IT!


    good god it's cheap !!! our tix were mor expensive then that... oh well it's the first time I miss being a student !



    how far do you live from the bus central station ? you could go back to your place on a cab, would be safer... and you should have money since your bus tix are so cheap !



    Actually this was without the student discount, in their regular website with student discount it was like 90$ I think.


    http://sales2.coachcanada.com/ this is the website i used, apparently they have special sales. The ticket's have different prices depending on the time. but it looks like a good deal!.

    Also, I will come back with you guys anyway, even if I have to be in class at 8:30 the next day! I guess I will have lots of coffee, but it's for a good cause! :roftl:

  8. We're taking the 7:30 bus to Toronto (and we're not passing through Ottawa :D) and are taking the 5h30 bus to Montreal.


    oooh OK! Thank you! This is good news! my ticket will be cheaper than I thought then! :) AWESOME!


    But 5:30, it means we will get to Montreal like at 12:15! Will I be able to get back home in the metro? I have class the next morning really early, I might have to come back home earlier than you! :(

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