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Everything posted by Posterofagirl

  1. I'm back! Oooh I so laughed at that! so not cheesy at all! Well, I think so, anyways! It's 1:40 and I have to wake up at 7! Man! Helloooo!
  2. awesome! I guess brown is in today! I had cookies! and that makes me hyper, but I have to keep it down because my parents are sleeping. why are you in an odd mood?
  3. wooo! I just got home! Just wanted to say hello...and really, I have nothing to say. So, I'll just be random. I'm wearing a brown t-shirt right now, just so you know. I like this thread.
  4. wooo! that is an awesome idea! It sounds like a lot of fun! So do we post our picture in this thread when we are done?
  5. aaaah! Cool! How exiting! I want to know what it will be and how I can win! hi hi! Like I need an other reason to constantly refresh the MFC website. Thanks Freddie!
  6. I'll start saving! So that next year I'm able to see him in Montreal (Hoping he will come) and maybe I'll do a trip to New York , I have always wanted to go (and I want to go to a Late Night with Conan O'brien taping too!) and doing my research for the GMA, I realized it's not so expensive and that I can do it! hahaha! Next year I'll go to 2 Mika shows! just because I couldn't go to any this year. Either New York or Toronto.
  7. ok? so was it at both performances? That's intense!! But I'm sure all the rain, walking and scars were worth it if you saw both performances. Now that is what I call dedication! I would have been sooo lost! I only knew how to get from the bus station to Bryant Park, and I would have been alone, with no way of knowing the show had changed locations, or how to get to the other place. But it's a shame I missed it. Next year it will be!
  8. Did the girl scream this at the acoustic performance or GMA, not that it would make a difference, I'm just curious! And to think I "almost" adventured to go to New York that day to the GMA thing.
  9. No problem! When ever you want if I can be of any help! Portfolio day was really super important for me. They told me based on what I had what I should keep, what I should take out and what ever else I needed to put in. Ha ha! believe me. Me too! I'm better at painting, sculpture and digital stuff. but drawing it's a problem! but I have noticed that with practice I have become better. So just get practicing.
  10. I applied in Canada. To a Design program (really, it's just called Design) and the Portfolio Day it's really important. I don't know if it's the same, but do you like take what you have done so far and they critique your portfolio and tell you what you should keep or do better? that's what it was like for me anyways. For the one I applied to, the most important thing was variety, and yes, it's important to put your best stuff, but also the variety so that they can know you have a good technique. I had stuff from painting, drawing, digital stuff (photoshop illustrator) sculpture, photography, some t-shirts I designed, logo designs. (but I guess that also depends of the program and school you are applying too.) Also, for me, I don't have an excellent technique, i mean I really suck at life drawing and I still managed to put some "expressive life drawing" that looked really cool! After all you are going to school to learn and become better at what you do, so yout technique doesn't have to be perfect. Sorry it's so long, I get carried away!
  11. I think I'm glad I wasn't there. I would have turned around and be super rude with a "SHUT UP!"
  12. Ohhh! cool! I had to make one last year too to apply to the university I'm going now. I am so proud of the finished product! It was hard work to make it, but so much fun and totally worth it at the end.
  13. Yeah! come next week, i don't think i will be able to log in too much, it will be hard hahaha, but i know I can do it! what kind of portfolio?
  14. Well, you know, I guess it's a matter of opinion, I speak for myself only here. But for me, if you judge that what you post about it's ok, well then do it. I've decided that if I don't want to read about those things, I just don't go on those threads. It's just a matter of opinion, really. I'm sure no one here has the intention of pointing out or offending anyone.
  15. Yeah, I must admit MFC is taking a lot of my time right now, I can't think of how it will be when I start classes. Also, I'm out for like 5 hours, and as soon as I get home, the first thing i do it check my e-mail and MFC! hahaha! and if you are gone for like 2 hours there's allready like 2496 new posts. It's craaaazy!
  16. hahaha! yes, that smilie creeps me out a little bit, but I always laugh when I see it. I would say MFC has been the most exiting part of my day, I was very lazy today. But tomorrow should be fun!
  17. The rain! that doesn't sound like fun! My day was very uneventful! and boring! hahaha.
  18. I hear you, I understand what you mean, but I guess no one can stop others from talking. The only thing I can suggest is to stay away from those threads, at least that is what I do.
  19. It's not just you, some of the information is wrong. I seriously have no idea where they got that information. I agree, they should have come to the MFC! We could have written a kickass article! AWESOME! at least there's nice page-big photo!
  20. I think we can forget about Mika performing at Osheaga, but it was never confirmed to begin with, so it's aaaall good! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R38NvBTbErU in that interview he said that V festival was his last show for a while and that he was going to take a long break.
  21. hahaha! I'm trusting you. I'll keep it for a while.
  22. I wanted to change it! I did it because i was bored. hahaha it looks mean!
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