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Posts posted by liliana

  1. Okay, lets have a report shall we!

    Myself and Sharon, arrived in Porto early Friday morning and swiftly got to our hotels, which were next door to each other, which was handy, as I seemed to spend more time in hers (most of the MFCers seemed to be staying there), than my own:naughty:

    After I had a nice nap, in the incredibly comfy bed (in my hotel that is:naughty:), we all got together and went into Porto to meet the rest of the MFC contingent, and seemed to take over most cafes/restaurants we stopped to have refreshments in. It was fantastic finally meeting Mary and Rosa, they are so much fun to hang out with, as was everyone there that night. Was so enjoyable.

    It was great getting back to the hotel, they let me take a pot of tea up to my room with me. SO didn't want to leave there:wub2:

    Next morning, we all gathered at the Novotel, for a morning of chilling and, for some, swimming. It was so relaxing, not queuing, but sitting by the pool getting some sun. That's my kind of day before a gig :biggrin2:

    We left the hotel about 4 to go down to where the festival was taking place, a 30 minute walk I think, and even though there was a bit of a queue, it was set up like Westerpark a few years back, with about 6 rows to queue in.

    Gates opened at 6, and we filtered in, and went down to another barrier near the stage, which opened not long after we started to queue there, so we rushed to get our places, which this time was barrier, with Abby, Kath, Jazzy, and the French lady & her daughter and hubby, who were at Compiegne the week before.

    Later we were joined by Ingie and Yulia, which is always a lot of fun. We finished making the Porto flag (see pic in first post), which I promised the girls I would do for them. I was quite happy with how it turned out in the end.

    We saw Aureas soundcheck, which was interesting, then saw her perform for real. She's quite an entertaining singer, and I like how she interacted with her band.

    The less said about Tindersticks, the better, I think!

    It wasn't really their fault, this wasn't really their kind of festival, everyone wanted to sing and dance, but that's not their kind of thing, they are more suited to late night chilling out sessions, not the kind of crowd that go to Mika gigs!

    And by this time, the rain and chill setting in, were not helping peoples mood, so I got the feeling their set got cut short.

    Hence why The Cranberries, got to have a encore, as they really went for it, and helped improve our moods a bit, getting us to dance about a bit and warm up slightly. Kudos to Dolores for that :thumb_yello:

    Watching the set being put up, was a little painful, as we were all cooling off from The Cranberries, and they seemed to be taking forever to get things sorted. In the end they even took some parts down, as the wind was blowing them around a bit fiercely!

    Pt 2 coming up.


    I wish we had talked more!:wink2:

    And I loved your flag! :wub2:


    I just wanted to say...







    That music is completely hypnotic! :shocked:

  2. I was curious so I checked this Tindersticks..I must say I quite like this music...but maybe not for the situation you were in...in the need of jumping out of your skin to the moment you were waiting for..hungry, wet, cold, in pain etc.... :original: but for a quiet evening, to relax...it's ok...mesmerizing...

    Honestly I can't say if they were good or bad, because I don't remember their music.

    I know that in those conditions and with those artists, Tindersticks didn't fit at all. I was in pain, wet and I had a group of very tall people in front of me. So I just saw their backs and nothing else. I couldn't do anything besides feeling tortured! :boxed:

  3. [YOUTUBE]6B5qim2xUPs[/YOUTUBE]


    Was he saying something about the group pic?:blink:


    Can I just say that the highlight of this gig was meeting all the framazing Portuguese and Spanish fans, you know who you are:wub2:


    And my American friends of course ya'll:mf_rosetinted:


    You have to come back for a more relaxed gig and you'll like us more! :aah:


    When we were posing with Mika, if you check the pic, there were more people on the right trying to get in the pic (for example Liliana and her boyfriend), but it was impossible. :huh:

    Now that I think of it, I'm surprised I managed to appear! :roftl: Feiticeiro tried to move just a tiny bit for me to go there (obrigada!) but it was mad! Mika must have been sooooooo squished there in the middle! :aah:

    I moved away. It was no use. I didn't even tried to join to the group pic, since I only had a place near the floor, so I wouldn't appear anyway.

    Now that I'm thinking I could ruin all the photographs, If I had jumped to the front of each camera. :roftl:




  4. Let's see, where to start. It was lovely meeting all those new and old faces and I had a great time in the queue (thanks to everyone for giving me food hehe).


    Going inside was hectic, lost my shoes during the running so I went back, grabbed them and kept running like a trooper with no shoes on. Over stones and ****. It hurt. Survival of the fittest.


    Aurea was quite nice, I enjoyed it and we were dancing like crazy. Tindersticks made me want to kill myself. Cranberries were really nice although by that time my feet were killing me, I was tired and wet and wanted to slap a random person just because I could. I didn't though, 'cause I'm cool like that.


    Aaaanywaaaysssss. Mika was great as usual. Not the best gig of our tour (That was Liege) but he was still great, although he looked and sounded kind of tired to us (that is Laura and me, I'm not schizophrenic). Imma was great as usual, so was the rest of the band bla bla. Ben was way better as well, I liked him. It seems like he adjusted well to the Mikaness of all things.


    After the gig we wandered to wherever the hell he might come out. Luckily, it was on the way back to the hotel, huray! He came out and immediately people started mobbing him, so we just stayed back. I wanted to ask him something but figured it wasn't worth fighting my way through the crowd and I know that I will get another chance. We did comment on the mobbing situation and we provided comic relief with our rendition of 'Move Bitch, get out the way' and Laura's 'Whatever happened to a good old fashioned British queue.' It made him smile a little in all the panic.


    I do understand if you've never met him before that you get over-excited. Still, there were MANY people who've met him MANY times, who can't seem to grasp the concept of what we call; respect, fairness and getting your big ass out of the way after you've had your turn. We weren't too bothered that we didn't get to speak to him, although it would've been a nice way to finish our trip, but we know that there's a next time and we were lucky in Belgium. What was disgusting about this all, was watching it from a distance as he tried to get away and mentioned this several times, but in the end security had to step in to drag him away. Which is always a bad sign.


    About the numbers thing. As a wise person once said (5 seconds ago, it was Laura): 'A queue without numbers, is not a queue without numbers, it's just a motherf*cking queue.'


    It is a festival. Mika is not the only artist, even if he's last on. The other groups are NOT support acts. Numbers should be for gigs where it says MIKA on the ticket and on the sign above the door on the venue. No matter how you put it, numbers should not be used at festivals. We've become quite selfish and just expect to get in first because of the luxury given to us during the past tour. Luckily, we were able to get rid of them at the festival, even though it pissed certain people off (dilligaf).


    Besides, haven't we learned the hard way? Anyone remember Compiegne? How did the numbers work out for you there? It does not work, unless someone from the organisation is there (JOHN COME BACK!).


    To conclude this essay, this was a nice ending for our trip, although b*tches should stop mobbing Mika like he is a fascinating monkey in a zoo.


    Ps. on a more positive note, Laura promised to upload her fan-f*cking-tastic videos of Happy Ending and Elle me Dit on Tuesday, after she's been to the hospital.


    Now I shall pack my bag and go home to Clogland. I have to wake up at 3 in the freaking morning. FML.


    More than agree!

    Have a safe flight! :wink2:


    Anyways, Mary's cake is amazzzing and I shall forever recall the heavenly taste on my tongue.


    I didn't remembered the cake! :shocked:

    Mary didn't offered me! :crybaby:

  5. Demos sorte nesse aspecto mesmo. Se um dia tentarem algo parecido com isso aqui, ia sobrar punho para pouca cara :mf_rosetinted:


    Espero que a próxima tour ele faça bastantes shows, cada um vai no seu país e deixa Portugal e vcs em paz :boxed: igual foi no Campo Pequeno, ano passado ^^


    Pois, eu também queria ter dado umas estaladas, mas não ia dar sozinha que elas eram muitas.

    Eu não passei bem a noite anterior, por isso decidi que ia mais tarde, não me ia chatear com filas, coisas parvas e afins e mesmo indo tarde e ter ficado longe das confusões na maiorias das vezes ainda tive que levar com cenas parvas.

    O problema desta vez foi que o nosso concerto foi dos primeiros a ser confirmado, o pessoal achou todo que não ia haver mais então vieram todos para cá.

    Que fique claro que eu não tenho problemas com pessoas de fora, só tenho problemas com pessoas de fora PARVAS. É bem diferente.

  6. HUAHUAHAUHA, fico passada com a falta de educação de certos europeus. NÃO vcs, óbvio. Depois não podem falar que latino americanos são mal educados. Nosso encontro com ele foi lindo e completamente educado :shun:




    que chato isso, não podem aproveitar o espetáculo no seu próprio país? tem que ir a Portugal para fuder os fãs locais? absurdo :boxed:


    O vosso encontro foi lindo porque vocês têm a sorte de viver longe de certas pessoas e as viagens para aí são caras. :boxed:


    Nós quando estamos todos juntos também não temos problemas. Combinamos horas e ninguém tenta passar a perna a ninguém. Dentro do nosso grupo não há grupos rivais como há noutros países. Tivemos sempre foi muito azar que quando estivemos só nós (SBSR e Sudoeste) ele não quis ou não pôde estar connosco.

  7. Thanks so much for the reports!! I really wanted to go to this but I have to say that I am just too old to do the festival thing. My bladder has a few years on yours Kira, not sure it would be holding up for 8 hours. :naughty: It sounded so fantastic on the radio though, wow. You got a great performance. :mf_lustslow:


    Mika was pretty hopped up on painkillers in Oakland but I'm glad he told you he remembered you anyway. :teehee: He really has a special thing for Americans. Not jealous!! (:mf_rosetinted:)


    I know no one is going to listen but I am going to say it anyway. When Mika stops to sign autographs after he leaves the venue it is not a meet & greet. I think even calling it a M&G is raising unrealistic expectations. When you get a real M&G you can hope for a photograph for instance. When there is a mad scrum outside Mika's car or 200 people queued up outside the stage door the chances of you getting a photograph are extremely limited. The chances of everyone getting a photograph is ZERO.


    I'm sorry that people jumped into the Portuguese fan club photograph in the chaos but I have been to very few of these stage door scrums where he takes photos at all. The only one I can remember is Dublin and I think the only people who got pics were Luke and Blue Sky (out of about 100-200 ppl). I do understand the disappointment though because you get so few chances, especially at your home gig. :huh:


    I just call meet&greet because it's what I hear all the time. Personally it's just a name that I started to use since I'm a member of MFC. :naughty:


    Yesterday, I saw and lived certain things that I wouldn't expected at all. That's why I'm not happy when I think in the all day in general. I never had to leave a front row because of Mika fans till yesterday and I thought that in the end, because we weren't so much, we could have a relaxed time, like it happened in Liège.


    When he doesn't do anything after a show, of course I feel a little bit sad, but honestly I forget in a few minutes. For example in Vigo, he didn't came out and we forgot that and went to eat something and relax a little bit after the show. But yesterday was different. He appeared to chat a little bit with us. He did that without anyone asking or forcing him and that was really cool, but people started to surround him like he was running away (and he wasn't). Of course it wasn't so bad as it was in Brixton or even in Coimbra last year, but I didn't like the general behavior of people. Besides the thing with the group pic that we already talk, people after talking or having their stuff signed, they didn't leave, they wanted to be near him till he got back to his car. In all the photographs that I have from the meet&greet, you can see the same faces all the time.


    I think probably I shouldn't complain and next time do the same thing, but honestly I don't think I would feel confortable doing that, because for me, it's not a respectfull behavior and I know everyone wants and deserves to have their moment with Mika.


    Besides all these moments, I'll never forget that concert. It was amazing!

  8. Sorry to intrude people, I don't speak Portuguese, but I just wanted to say I listened to Mika's Porto gig on the radio and I could hear the crowd, you were f***** amazing as Mika likes to say! :thumb_yello::thumb_yello:

    It was a pleasure to listen to such a gig :wub2:


    Thanks! Despite the bad weather people were on fire!


    Mas que grande MERDA hein? :sneaky2:

    A merda do costume! lol

    A Liliana já disse que no próximo concerto deviam fechar a fronteira do país antes! :floor:


    Não achas que resolvia muita coisa?:blink:

    No início não era nada disto e as coisas têm vindo a piorar!:blink:

  9. I just arrived home and despite that I have took a very hot and relaxing bath, I'm still mad.

    This day ended up worst than I thought. I'm too tired to write a proper report today, but let me tell that some people are being more stupid and disrespectful each day. We (portuguese fan club) finally manage to ask if we could take a group pic with him, in the end you only see 2 persons from the fan club on the photograph.

    I mean, the show was amazing, he likes the portuguese crowd and we like him and I really missed to see him performing live, but I just hated the all day in general.

    Probably Mary or Wonka can tell you in a calmer way the all story.

    By the way, I loved too meet some new fans and see some 'old faces'. I'm sorry that I didn't say goodbye to all of you, but I was really tired and sad with all this.

    Going to sleep now!

  10. Yes this is so anticlimactic :aah: I remember being up for 20 hours on the day of PDP trying to keep up with all the reports and everything.


    I hope everyone is getting a good night's sleep then and we have reports in the morning. :bye:


    Yes. I don't usually follow the reports after each show, because people write so much, I only keep with the first page:teehee: Since by this time I'm still here and there is only one page, maybe this isn't a good sign.


    I think for a while not, maybe somoeones are still coming back to home, and another ones are going to belgium gig after compiègne


    Busy people :naughty:

  11. It will be perfect live, you´ll see....


    I really don't like it and I don't see how this could change. :blink:


    Actually I'm not worried for not liking the song, but if I start to think in a few things that bothered me in the past and a few things that are changing right now, I can tell that I'm not happy and excited for Porto and Benidorm.


    But this is a sensible subject and I prefer to not develop this. :teehee:

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