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I've been 'Mikafied'!

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Posts posted by I've been 'Mikafied'!

  1. "Because I stole my tamagotchi from woolworths! Why did I ever do that?" moaned mika.

    "Why did you want a tama anyway?" asked lg.

    "Well, I'm lonely. when it beeps, it makes me soooo happy! lookat it's cute little face!" said mika, cooing at his tama.

    "okay, not what i expected, but, how are we going to get to san deigo from here?" i said.

    "umm," said glowstick, tappng her feet, "We go in disguise?! mika can dress up like perez, unfortunatley, for an interview or something and we can be his little fans!"

    "Why has this got to do with a stupid little electronic thing?! the police are coming up with some weird thoughts about singers these days." Said phunkygal.

    "HEY! Don't insult me! or my little tama! She did'nt mean it, no."

    "Yes, but HOW ARE WE GOING TO SAN DEIGO?? It's impossible to go pass secruity at an airport. They take down identity, DOB, everything to make sureyou're not a theif or somthing!" said lg, impatiently.

    "I know!" i shouted, "We-"

  2. He didn't like it very much, well, i think we already know that. Then, music blasted from the radio in the kitchen.

    "We interupt this program for a news update: there is a hunt going on for a strange man floating around. WE NEED HIM!! Description: curly hair, obsession with toys and white shoes, sings this song: *plays love today*. If he is with you or you know him, please contact us straight away. We thank you for your help. Back to normal program. *plays cheesy kind of music*"

    Mikas heart was thumping rapidly, wondering what to do. He hoped that glowsticks mum wasn't going to phone up or something to claim he was in a house.

    "Uh, mika? are you alright?" asked glows mum. "you look very pale. is it my cooking?"

    "No! of course not! it was... uh... lovely!" lied mika. he hated tofu.

    "whats wrong then?" said glowstick.

    "I'll tlk in private." they all went into the lounge and mika said about what he had heard.

    "the radio alway-" said phunktgal when lollipopgirl interrupted her.

    "Oh, no! mikas gonna die! mikas gonna get hunted down! What are we going to do?"

  3. "Mum, is that you?" Mika questioned the dark figure. It was!

    "Who are friends here?" Mika introduced his mum to us.

    "Can't stop now, lovvie." Mika turned bright red from his mum kissing him on the fore-head. "Got some catching up to do with perez."

    "WHAT? Are you going out with him or something?"

    "Yeah, he's a real help (I'm not saying he is), real cute etc."

    "Oh. What happened to Robbie Williams then?"

    "He said he wasn't happy with me so i said i wanted to be with perez but robbie said he was gay! Waht tripe! He is not gay!"

    "He is." said mika in his head.

    "Well, mika lovvie, bye!" hurried mikas mum to find perez.

    "That was unexpected." i said.

    "Lovvie! HAAAAAA!" everyone laughed but me.

    "That's not funny! That's sweet! Just like you."

    "What?" said Mika.

    "Nothing!!!" I said.

    "Did you just say I was sweet?"

    "Yeeeeeeeeessssssssss." I whispered.

    mika smiled. "I think you're sweet."

    Then mika grabbed my hand! (i wish)


    (I have to go bed now. B back in the morning though)

  4. LOL!!! God, that really made me laugh! :roftl::lmao:


    "I'm breathless! Ooh, breath! breath!" said mika, laughing his usual funny laugh.

    "Awww, you're laugh is soooo cute!" I said, glaring at mika.

    Mika didn't know what to say.

    clang.clang. it's that noise again.

    "Shush... It's Chew Chew again. I think." said cautious lg.

    "How do you kn-" said phunkygal, with glowstick covering her mouth.

    "listen. Footsteps. So it's proberly not chew chew because monkeys footsteps are hardly ever hard. They're really soft. But then again, I maybe wrong." said glowstick.

  5. Mika was like::shocked: "uh.....uh.....uh.....*cries even more than last time* why???"

    "Cuz I'm in love with 2 people."


    "My secret gay lover and Peter Pan."

    "Why Peter pan? He is a pan. A deep fat fryer pan." laughed mika, while he was crying at the same time.

    "Yeah, he is sooooo dreamy! With his little green hat and his little fairy tinkling above him! He's everything you want him to be!"

    "Well, in that case, I never did love you! You're just a gay t*** then!" shouted mika. Billy ran away to see his lovers and to pay his bill.

    "God, what a hectic day, I suppose we should get some sleep." said phunkygal as we all started to get dried and dressed.

    "yeah *yawns* I'm absolutely shattered like a mirror!" yawned lollipop girl.

    So we all setteled up too sleep under a tree in the following order: glowstick, luke, phunkygal, mika, me, lollipop girl, mikey and big girl.

    "NIGHT!!!" Shouted big girl, quite loudly.

    "that went right through my ears." said mikey, "You should marry Hagrid!"

    "I ain't a giant! Thank you very much!" said big girl.

    So we all went sleep, but there was a brupt noise that kept waking us up in the night.

  6. "I lied to him saying that i didn't love him, but I didn't want him to know." sobbed mika, with his hands in his head.

    "You know, when you cry, you sound just like yor laughing!" I giggled.

    "reallyy?" sniffeled mika.

    "why don't you phone billy up and say that you love him?" said lollipop girl.

    "I'll be too embarrassed to talk to him. Can someone else do it for me?"

    "I will!" I said, taking my phone out of my pocket, dialled the number and said 2 billy:" Hi billy! It's me, lamorna ( my real name but please call me maverick) yes, uh mika says he really needs you right now to tell you something. Okay, bye!"

    "What did he say?" said phunkygal.

    "Hes coming right now. Syaing the name, he's here!"

    " WHY DID YOU SAY I WANTED 2 TALK TO HIM? I'M 2 SHY!!!" shouted mika angrily.

    "It's bettter if you say it to his face, he'll respect you more." said I.

    Billy came right over to mika.

    "This'll better be good! cuz I've come all the way back from Mexico and I'll have a REALLY hefty debt bill when I get back!" said angry Billy.

  7. "oh, no! He's spotted us!" cried lollipop girl.

    "Just keep running! Don't give up!" said big girl. "if your hungry, why don't you eat one of your lollipops?"

    "oh, yeah!" said lollipop girl sucking on her lollipop.

    "Don't suck too hard." said mika

    Billy brown was now running faster than ever! "Where are you going? Those cost me £100.05!"

    "Why did I ever make up a homosexual? That was named Billy Brown?" Wondered mika. He then tripped up and sprained his ankle."oww"

    Billy caught up and stopped at mika. With an angry face, he said,"I love you!" now face turned lovingly hugging mika. We all laughed and stopped running (would we really leave mika?)

    "Are you alright?" said luke.

    "Billy, you're almost paralyzing me. Let go. I know you love me but i don't love you." Billy stopped hugging him and crying running away. "I'm going back to Mexico! Where i should find my other gay lover there!"

    Mika gasped for air, fainting. We were all really worried...

  8. "can we go and see it? Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaasssssssse?" said billy, jumping up and down and clapping his hands as if some really excited kid.

    "yeah! lets!" said mika, winking at all of us. he waited until biloly went inside to discuss his plan to us. "right, when billy gets the tickets, we get the flying dead pony and fly to.... somewhere! That'll leave billy threre wondering were we are! It's the only way to get rid of the gay stalker."

    "It's great! Bye Gay!" said lollipop girl. We say billy get the tickets and rushed straight over to find the pony, but it wasn't there! What'll we do?

  9. "Hehe, uh, you heard me?!" said mika, trying not to laugh.

    "I don't find it very funny." said lollipop girl, trying to hide a smile.

    "Whats that over there?" said luke, pointing at a treehouse.

    "It.. it looks like a...a....a dunno." said billy.

    "GO AWAY YOU GAY GERM!!!" shouted glowstick, then billy walked over to the treehouse.

    "IT'S A CINEMA!!!" the 'gay germ' shouted.

    "ooo! I love films!" I said gleefully. "but don't everyone?"

    "so do I!" everyone shouted.

    " What are they showing?" shouted mika

  10. sorry! it was just a random thought! I've also just had my dinner, andfeel a bit sick now! Anyway,


    When phunkygal and luke finished what they were doing and the others had finished puking up, the pony startred to fly to the right.

    "where's it going?" questioned mikey and big girl at the same time.

    We all soon noticed that lollipop girl was missing.

    "Hey! lollipop girl's gone! Where is she?" said phunkygal.

    "chew chew proberly got her." said mika then he whispered,"Again"

    "It is a bit annoying, don't you think? That lollipop girl keeps getting taken away." said glowstick

    "Shall we just leave her?" laughed billy.

    "how can you be that mean?" I said "shes our friend!"

  11. So, Mika kept on poking the poor dead pony until it made a noise.

    "What was that?" said glowstick, turning pale.

    "I..I dunno. I think it was the..." paused Mika, glancing to and from glowstick and the pony. It started to grow wings! It was still dead, with mika keeping on poking it without his noticing. The more he kept on poking it, the more the nerves from the pony stated to kick in.

    "Oh, god, now I AM going to be sick!" said Glowstick, hurrying behind a tree and regurgetated. "Thanks, Mika." she said sarcastically.

    "Why has it got wings?" asked billy.

    "proberly...uh..proberly, going to heaven!" said lollipop girl.

    "I don't even believe in heaven!" said phunkygal.

    "STOP POKING IT!!!" shouted glowstick, throwing whatever mika was poking it over an old persons garden...

  12. (i'll have to go sleep now, but i again later in morning)


    "dunno, uhhhh, celebrate? don't really mind what we do except to have fun"(not that sort of fun e.g kissing etc.) said mika. so, we did that in the magical world and well, had fun!



    Right, im off, night!:sleep_1:

  13. I looked quite embarrsed so i whisperaed in his ear:"umm, okay," soon turned bright red

    Everyone, except from me and mikey sniggered then had first kiss, nothing else!


    (Can't think of much, have to go sleeo in minute)

  14. (sorry to barge in, but, i jus t joined)


    The wildebeest were mating with rhinos! (i dont know if there is rhinos in niarobi) we all started laughing at tthe sight.

    "i think that somethings completely wrong here!" declaered glowstick, trying not 2 laugh.


    (can't think of what to rite next!)

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