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Savage Beauty

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Posts posted by Savage Beauty

  1. But... the thing is.. I'm scared that if I go somewhere organised with this, that they're gonna try and mold me and shape me and tell me what's right and what's wrong and this and that "'cause their books say so".. I'm sure I could get a lot of help and tips, but at the same time, there could be people there with no room for different methodes and points of view, and that could destroy whatever good is in this, and mess me up.

  2. ofcourse. everyone has a gift of SOME sort, and if they have it they should use it. you dont know when you might need it.



    That's very true.. And I keep forgetting that not all people are as unwilling to experience things as me. I'm 26, I've been this way my whole life and I'm still working on coming to terms with it.

  3. i dont want it for myself. i wouldnt use it all the time, i just think it could come in handy in certain situations and I use it to help. i know its not as easy as turning the tv on and off, but you get me.



    But you do know that once you've opened that door, it's very difficult to close should you regret it? :)

  4. LOL this reminds me of the third pokemon movie. or the hulk. like when you're so angry or stressed you dont really know what you're doing or cant control yourself.


    Exactly, haha :D

    Though thankfully I never take it out on anything :roftl:

    Could be wiser than taking it all in though.. But at least I don't hurt anyone!

  5. Yeah, it is hard for her. I was wrong; the dream about her grandpa was two days before she saw him. She had even told my grandma about it so when my grandma heard about it, she was so completely shocked. I asked my mom if there were any other occurences (how do you spell that word, lol). And she said the other major one was she had a dream that an old lady we know quite well was seriously injured but wasn't sure how. A few days later the lady got bit by a dog, and it was a pretty serious injury. She also said that her grandpa was in the exact same position as he was in the dream. She said she always felt guilty about it, because she felt as though she should have said something. But how would she have known? She said after she thought about it, it was her grandpa in the dream, but before she couldn't tell. Also, her father died when she was only 11. Right before he had died, he and her mom had been having huge fights and my mother told him she wished he was dead. He died two days later on his birthday. My mom found out when she was walking back from the store after buying him a birthday card. It's pretty personal to my mom but you don't know her and I figured it'd go with this thread. Anyway, she always feel guilty about that as well as the two other deaths she had dreams about, like she caused them.


    OMG, I hope she realises deep down that it's not her fault??

  6. That's cool. I can visualize perfectly, but can't get any information from it. Haha, I don't even have to eat something to taste it I can jut imagine it.


    Gosh, a pretty scary storm is coming here, I see a lightning every few seconds. That's probably because of our conversations. :biggrin2:


    Ok, I guess I'm going to bed, I'm afraid that lightning could blow up my computer :shocked: Good night, girlies :wink2:



    It's just like visualising other things (like food, hehe) but in addition to the things you expect to see, there are other things as well, like shapes or people or items or auras..


    Nighty night, speak to you later! :)

  7. ive just talked to my dad about developing my ESP.


    He said by going to a spiritualist church and doing a circle, or by talking to someone who's experienced, and then held my hands, looked at me in the eyes and said "dont ever wish it for yourself" so i said "oh i know, i just think it could be very handy" "yes, but it can also be dangerous, and lead you to know things that you won't want to know." or something along those lines.

    i hate it when family gets serious on me...it makes me want to cry and i dont know why.


    i had experience with ESP a few years ago and i havent really had such a significant experience since. maybe or two small things, but nothing significant, and i want to get back in touch with it again.



    Why on earth would you want it?? I'm not meaning to sound rude or anything, but life would be a hell of a lot easier without it.. The only advantage with it as far as I can see, is that I can use it to help people and animals.

  8. your determination and will depends on this as well. if you dont try, or give up easily, of course it will not work. Nothing happens as easy as that unless you're incredibly talented. You often find you will go through strong psychic phases and weak ones. I don't know why that is, it's probably connected with the planets or something like it is with your birth chart, but also if there is a lot of negative energy around you, your 6th sense will be blocked. alot of the time you will find you can connect with things easier when there is little stress in your life. that's why animals and babies/children can sense things so well. as we get older we discover real life more, and therefore life gets in the way of sense.


    For me it's often when I'm stressed it pops up. When I really don't need any more strain, it gets stronger and wears me out even more. Or it could just be that I handle it better when I'm feeling on top of things..

  9. at least they're warnings of future events, and if you realise this quick enough they can be prevented, although maybe..sometimes..events shouldnt be disturbed.


    My nan used to dream of a burning bush when someone close to her was pregnant.

    hmm, wonder where the burning bush came from...:fisch:


    But still, if it's meant to happen, then it will happen no matter what you do to prevent it, and then I'd rather be blissfully unaware until it actually happens, and not go around dreading it for ages..

  10. same here. I seem to be able to deconstruct things very easily, particularly dreams (i have helped out with interpretations in the "tell me what your dreams mean!" thread without a book, just my interpretation) and they're more than often right. I think studying Media has helped though, because you have deconstruct a LOT in that subject. I know Media and Paranormal are two entirely different subjects, but there's ideology in both (hidden meanings).


    That's is the way to do it though, combine two knowledges into one to find answers :)




    some just have a natural knack. i know it must be horrible for you, but I think that in order to cope you must learn about your gift, learn how to control it, and accept your gift. You might not want to but it will more than likely make your life easier.


    Well, I have accepted my empathic gifts now, after 26 years. I've finally learnt how to block most of it as well, and have finally gotten rid of a terrible social anxiety because of it! I couldn't be where there were people before I knew how to block them out. But as I learnt that, it grew stronger in other areas, so now if I focus on someone, whether they're here or not, and whether I know them or not, I take them in without any trouble at all, including people I've never met :blink:


    But it's still difficult, if I'm in a room with one other person, or talking to a person one on one, it's still difficult not to take in that person unless I really want to.


    The other things I can't controll yet, and so they still scare me.



    well the thing is, i didnt even share that much of a bond with Lola. i was friends with her ofcourse, but not someone i hung around with a lot. my best friend and i are so alike in personality its uncanny, and often say the same thing at the same time and have the same thoughts, due to the fact that because we've known each other so long there's a psychic bond between us. He is not really that much of a believer though ("i believe when i see") so i doubt he'd believe me if i told him that.



    I've only known Kira for 6 months and we've only met 5 times, and still we have experiences that freak us out... but in a good way, if that makes any sense :P

  11. Before I was born, my mother used to have dreams mostly about small random things, and then within the next few days the stuff would happen. They were always very small like seeing a friend she hadn't seen in a while, you know, nothing serious. Then she started having dreams where more serious things would happen. First, when she was pregnant with my oldest brother, she applied for a part time job at a tuxedo shop. They told her to come back for an interview. The night before the interview, she had a dream about how she arrived at the shop only to see a note that said to go around back. She went around back and no one was there but she felt like something was seriously wrong, and she woke up. Well, the next day she was quite uneasy about the dream and even told my dad that she didn't really want to go in but she did anyway. Once she got there, there was a note that said that they were closed but if you were here for an interview to go around back. My mom was a little freaked out about this but she went around back. She opened the door and didn't see anyone. It was exactly like her dream except one of the employees came out from the back room and told my mom that the owner's father had suddenly died that morning and that she'd have to come back later. My mom never went back, she was too freaked out, lol


    THEN, when my oldest brother was 5 or 6, my mom had another dream about an old man falling down a flight of stairs going down into a basement. She told my dad that she couldn't see any faces or where it was. The next day, my parents and my brother went to what would have been my great-grandparents house. My great-grandmother greated my mom and dad and my brother wanted to know where "Grandpa" was. My great-grandma said he must be in the basement. So my brother went down there only to come back up and say, "Why is Grandpa sleeping on the floor?" They all rushed to him. He had fallen down the stairs and I think died right there either that or at the hospital.


    Luckily, those are the only two serious dreams my mom had that came true. Since, then she's had little things happen again but for now, I'm always extra careful if she said she's had a bad dream, lol. It also seems as though some of those little occurances are starting to happen to me. I'll dream about little things and a day or two later they'll happen. I really hope I don't start having those serious dreams that happen! :shocked:



    OMG!!! I'm so glad I don't dream such dreams that later come true :shocked:

  12. This is actually the right way to do it. That's why it is good to use a deck that you like, so that your fantasy and intuition works and you can develop your own meanings. However, it takes time to develop your own meaning to 78 cards :blink:


    It is the right way? I have no idea about these things, like the rules and what's right and what's not, I just do what I feel like and whatever comes naturally :blush-anim-cl:

  13. oh thats interesting. i should really look into this more *searches google*



    It was fascinating!

    The bond I have with that girl is getting so intense it's almost scary. It's almost too telepathic for my liking, especially since I'm "only" used to getting people's emotions, not their thoughts as well.

  14. anyone can see ghosts, psychic or not *although technically everyone has a 6th sense - it just depends how developed and/or talented you are*

    Spirits can choose to reveal themselves, usually those who refuse/don't know they are dead. These are usually the spirits most psychics see as they are ones who have unfinished business or simpy don't know that they are in limbo. They appear just like you and like - fleshy, 3D, touchable, speakable...however if they died due to injuries those can appear as well...though I'd rather not think about that.


    If you see them in your mind then it is most likely your third eye seeing them.


    I know all those things, I just don't understand why they appear to me that way, and not the way other's seem to see them *shrugs*

    I'd rather not see them at all though :blink:

  15. I have three tarot decks and I have read books about them, but still I'm not sure they are "speaking" to me. There are some cards which I think I understand very well and there are some that mean nothing to me. Often when I try to do a reading I pick those cards that say nothing to me or the ones which, In my opinion, have nothing to do with the question (for example, I ask about relationship and pick a card that means financial loss). Then I try to make another spread and that is already 'playing'.



    See, that's where I go the opposite way.. I don't read up on it and don't get confused and lost as to which interpretation I should put into them.. Instead I use my intuision as to what the card's trying to tell me and put my interpretation (no pun intended) into them instead :)

  16. apparently i have strong energy. my friend lola and i faced our palms together - but they didnt touch. apparently energy is supposed to form in between them or something, and my energy was so strong both of our hands got really warm and started shaking, our fingers started twitching and shizz O.o


    Have you tried pushing a pendula away using that energy? My mate Kira and I've done that. We found out about it when she was searching for my helpers but my aura/energy kept pushing the pendula away when she got too close so we decided to explore that :)

  17. Oh, I have another spooky story. Once I went to a fortune-teller who works with tarot. I had some not very important questions to ask him, I wanted mainly just to see how it happens. He answered my questions (they were about school etc) and I had a bit more time left. I didn't really have anything else to ask him, but I remembered that some of my friends were going to participate in a team olympiad in maths. I knew they were all smart and that they will do very well, but still I decided to ask how they will do in it. The man spread the cards and I was shocked that all the three cards were very negative - there was (if I remember correctly) The Devil, The Moon and one more card that I don't remember. And the fortune teller said something would go wrong. I didn't tell that to my friend that was participating, because I thought it was nonsense. However, after the olympiad the rumors were spread that they had cheated. The day when results became known they found out that their team could have been the best, but they were disqualified for cheating.



    jeeez :shocked:


    I've got a beautiful tarot deck, but I don't know the rules on how to use it. I know the basic meaning of most of the cards, but I only use my intuision when I use them. Works better for me that way. I can't study these things, they have to come naturally to me, or I just mess it up.

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