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Savage Beauty

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Posts posted by Savage Beauty

  1. This is impressive :shocked: I don't have any clairvoyant abilities, but I often also feel extremely vulnerable, because I can really feel what people think about me when I meet them.

    I know that my grand-grandmother was a healer, and when I was little my grandfather always took away toothache from me and my sister. My grandfather told me that many years ago he knew a man who was constantly ill, once he (my granddad) wanted to make a joke, he shook that man and yelled at him "Stop pretending you're ill! There, you're healthy now!" And the next day the man's wife called him and told it's a miracle - he was totally healthy.


    That's pretty impressive as well!!! :blink:

  2. Like being an empat; feeling other people's emotions as my own. Comes in handy when people are hiding things they really should let out cause I can help them. Comes in handy when working with animals since they can't express what they go through. Comes in handy when meeting people I haven't met as I know whether to trust them or avoid them.


    Does NOT come in handy when people really dislike me (imagine feeling like you hate yourself for no reason), does not come in handy when people are ill, does not come in handy when they're in pain, does not come in handy when you're on a bus or a train and suddenly feel the feelings of 50 people as well as your own.


    Like being clairvoyant backwards- I can see what has been, not what's to come. Like having healing powers I can't controll yet (which is basically just annoying). Like ghosts and remaining... I don't know what to call it.. energies? in different places.. not always so pleasant :(


    I'd give it all up in a heartbeat, but instead it just keeps growing it seems.


    I had some mates whom I spent 3 nights with in a church last winter (I'm not religious, and it's a looooong story) and at the beginning of the stay they were all like "I'll switch with ya any day!"... 3 days later none of them said the same :P

  3. hey:)


    nice to see that everyone has been paired so well :lol3:


    although i haven't got any responce from my personiey...


    thanks you pink!!


    You have now ;)


    Sorry I couldn't reply sooner, been away for the weekend :)

  4. I know you're all in the middle of a single- discussion but I just have to comment on the postcard-vid they linked to.. Since I live in Norway I haven't seen it until now, but I just had to say that I LOVED IT!!! :D


    Fun to see what he gets up to backstage, and just his face when Gerard McCarthy walked by :roftl: PRICELESS!!! :biggrin2: :biggrin2: :biggrin2:

  5. Yeah RAK1 is right, you're not as far behind as you think, Savage Beauty. And you have some great story lines ahead to watch!


    I'm pretty sure he wont be come a regular character, Mirtilla.




    Good to know :D


    And I'm also sure he won't be a regular.. but he's a Hollyoakes fan and they're Mika fans, so of course they want to work together! :)

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