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Savage Beauty

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Posts posted by Savage Beauty

  1. the total lack of that thing people call The Cool, and the worrying realisation that it might not be as important as everyone thought...there's a lot to forgive. And you HAVE to do it, or you're a grouch.



    Ooohh nooooez he doezn't have the coooooolz!! *head desk*


    Some people just don't get what Mika's about, which is fair enough, but don't let them anywhere near his music with a mission to review it!

  2. It's been some time since I've been here, I love how much was going on!


    "I met a few of them" LOL!! Which ones?? What did they say?? The Killers afterparty, how cool is that!


    Sorry it's taken me a while to get back here, been on summer hols and then got sick, but am back now :)


    I met Ronnie and Mark, spoke with Ronnie for quite a while without realizing it was him (yeah I know, I'm an idiot) and he laughed out pretty loud when he had to tell me who he was *blushes like crazy*

    Talked a bit about Norway and the festival they were going to the next day, the concert and how seldom they get to do club gigs like the one they did here etc. Mark told me it was one of the best gigs they've done this year, which he actually repeated to the press the next day!


    It was kinda strange being there though, the club was split in 3, an open lounge for everyone invited, a semi-closed V.I.P for celebs, and then an all closed V.I.P section for the band & crew only.


    I didn't even realize that until 5 minutes before leaving, and for some reason I had access to all of them, so just to take a tour of the place I spent all of 1/2 a minute in the semi-closed V.I.P before escaping the B-list celebs that just wanted to be photographed by anyone who envied them their "celebrity", and popped my head into the closed V.I.P which turned out to be deserted except the usual hoochie-groupies that were sat with their boobs hanging all over the place hoping the band would pick them up. Of course, the band had escaped that VIP section for the exact same reason, and would much rather hang out with normal people in the open lounge and actually TALK to the people were there. They were just hanging around the bar in the open lounge and sitting down at the tables talking to everyone in the club, haha! I love those guys!


    Went home long before the party was over though, I'm such a lightweight :P


    Oh, and would you believe they actually checked my ID when I first came to the club? The age limit was 18 years, and I'm 28!! I can't possibly look that young??

  3. Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,

    Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started, wait...

    The Earth began to cool,

    The autotrophs began to drool,

    Neanderthals developed tools,

    We built a wall (we built the pyramids),

    Math, science, history, unravelling the mysteries,

    That all started with the big bang! BANG!



    Oh yeah, I'm kinda very obsessed with The Big Bang Theory these days...

  4. from what i read, the lines were clogged like crazy!! so did you get tickets?


    I did, and I was bloody lucky!

    I was sat by my mac 5 minutes before the ticket-site opened with a phone in my hand and redialed and reloaded every other second in case it opened a minute early or so, but the minute it opened, they both died!:blink:


    So I focused on the internet site and reloaded as soon as I got an error notice, and FINALLY got through to get ticket nr 5 out of all the tickets (so it can't have taken more than a few seconds really :teehee: ), registered it, paid for it, and just for fun went BACK into the ticket site to see how fast the tickets were going- the standing tickets were already sold out!!


    After that I couldn't even get on the site anymore cos it broke down completely, but when I went back in later that day, ALL the tickets were sold out... AMAZING!!! :biggrin2:


    Now I'm just trying to find someone somewhere who want to go to other shows in Europe with me as well, 1 concert is NOT enough!

  5. Alice I think we need to have the links to all the countries polls in one place, then we can click each one.

    Not many people seem to be voting at the moment.


    they're on the front page, let me know if I've missed any :)

  6. I won't get it until friday, I guess, but I can't waiiiit! The book must be awesome! :wub2:


    (btw, anyone got the mail with the codes thingy, bla bla bla? :naughty:)


    I only got the


    "The product(‘s) you have purchased can be redeemed for a personal gift from MIKA. We will email you on May 25th with a unique code and full instructions.

    For more information keep checking back to www.mikasounds.com"


    mail, it was never followed up with a new email..

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