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Posts posted by Bellatrix

  1. *Imagines Mika with a Tokio Hotel haircut and loooads of eyeliner*



    Baaaad idea:blink:


    *imagines Mika using the idea Tokio Hotel had for their MTVE performance with the water*


    Not so bad idea. :blink:




    But yes. If it's a proper song, I definetly want to hear it all.

    Could it be like, a little rhymething from a film or something?

  2. Hi. I'm Hanne. I'm a bi guy shoved in a girls body. X_X That makes no sense, but you'd understand with the way I think. xD Though more a gay guy in a girls body with tendencies to fancy a girl or two or five.


    How are all of you this evening?

  3. A British wallet is the same as the American wallet. A British PURSE, on the other hand, is not a bag. A purse is what Americans would refer to as a coin purse, not the bag with a strap.


    But then a purse wouldn't have stuff for your cards and notes seperate!

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