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Posts posted by Bellatrix

  1. ^

    Right. Thank you. :D


    http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=4BMWVVHgGVA last vid since the others won't upload on youtube :boxed:



    My full review:

    I arrived at the venue around 9.30 and just, parked myself in front of it. It was rather amusing. Got a lot of comments, the guy working at the sports store next to the venue came out with something for me to sit on after a bit.

    I saw the buses arrive, but I was too scared to go over so I just stayed but, fool that I am X_X

    Ended up just hanging around the venue until 2ish when 2 other girls, Mina and Stine, finally showed up. We talked for a bit. Laughed *a lot* and dyed part of their hair blue, which was full of lulz and Stine got a fashion girl feather boa [which was late thrown up on stage :3].

    It was just the three of us before Norway showed up around 5pm I think, and then Kath and Abby showed up, and Savage_Beauty soon after and we had a rather amusing time.

    Around 6.30-7ish they started to set up barricades for the line and we shuffled ourselves into that.

    Doors finally opened and I got myself a t-shirt. Then I found out it was 15 minutes until the downstairs doors opened so I ran up and checked my coat. Then after that doors opened and I ran down and got a place at the front row, 1 person between me and Kath and the centre podium thing. At that I realised I’d forgotten my camera batteries in my coat pocket so I had to RUN back up to get them, and thankfully Norwegians are amazing and they let me right back into my place once I had returned.

    Yelle was rather nice I must say.

    Richard came out. Richard was much talked about and me and Abby were both rather Richard nutters by the time we got inside the venue. And Richard was kind. He asked me and Alyssa a few questions about how big Mika is in Norway and we awkwardly told him how GK was on the charts for about 9 weeks and Love Today had been there and Relax and Big Girl. So that was very very amusing to me. Richard met his expectations.

    But then. Then it was Mika. The man I’ve been waiting to see for ages. Since I first really fell for Grace Kelly and heard more and more and drank it up like the sweetest of nectars.

    Oh it was brilliant. I don’t even remember everything because my mind turned to mush. I need Savage_beauty who I was standing next to get on and post the set list.

    Started with Relax obviously. And then I don’t remember. I think it was any other world. But I’m not sure.

    He spoke a bunch of Norwegian which made me really stupidly happy just because he was so darn adorable when he did and he waved his arms and he waved his arms when he said “Billy Brown” and at that I just died and went to heaven.

    The gig in itself was just brilliant. And I was just so close. There was barely a security gap, and the thin one there was couldn’t have been more than two or three feet so it’s not like that was anything huge and holding us back.

    I danced and sang and had the time of my life.

    Phoned my friend Heather during Stuck in the Middle and she got it. I’m glad it went through since it’s a bit dodgy with her being in the US and all. But it worked and she heard it. *flails*

    He took his shirt off. And I think that sent us all into a bit of hysterics tbh. Well. For us first timers at least.

    Went off and came back for Lollipop which in itself was absolutely brilliant. The stage dive was mad and just the whole atmosphere with the confetti and balloons and everything was just out of this world and I had the biggest grin on my face during it all.

    He went off again and came back for his second time with Relax. He was singing and I was and I decided to take a chance and I reached and stretched my hand out to him and he grabbed it, looked me in the eyes and sang. And my mind went to mush at that. I do remember when he let go I turned to Alyssa and went mad with excitement and forgot about Mika completely. That wasn’t good. Haha.

    Finally got out and realised I had missed my train, so went back with Kath and crew to the back and hung out with them, me and Abby pining for Richard and wondering where on earth he was. Simon came and told us Richards name isn’t Richard but it’s Andy. But we reckon that he’d rather be Richard because Richard is a good solid name whilst Andy is not.

    Mika didn’t come out until 1.30 nearly, and we were all shuffled into a line. No photographs though sadly, I would have loved to get one. But I shall next time, as that’s my goal. And I plan for there to be many more times for me to meet him and hug him again and smell him again and that time get a photograph or 5.

    By then it was super late and me and Abby tried to get stickers but the security man was a douche and didn’t understand what we meant. Spent the time pining for Richard as we had nothing better to do.

    Once the buses left we headed for the train station only to find it closed up for the night, so the rest of it was spent wandering around Oslo until we got to a chip shop, and stayed in there until around 3.30 much to the owners dismay. It was fun though.

    Finally got into the train station and met Alyssa again, she was on her way to denmark. She left first, and then Abby and Kath left me and I was stuck alone at the train station until 7am. Mum wanted me to go to school, but by then I hadn’t slept for 26 hours and I couldn’t even bare the thought of school. Overall it was amazing though. A slice of heaven.

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