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Posts posted by LoveLove

  1. Mika bientôt au musée Grévin !





    Pics and news starting from here: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21225&page=68




    16/12/09 à 20:01

    Alors que sa carrière ne cesse de prendre de l’ampleur, voilà que Mika va bientôt faire son entrée au musée Grévin !

    En effet, selon "Europe 1", la statue de cire du chanteur sera exposée aux côtés de celles d’autres artistes en septembre 2010 !

    Mika, qui s’est rendu célèbre grâce à son album "Life in Cartoon Motion", continue sur sa lancée avec son nouvel opus "The boy who knew too much" !







    Whilst his carreer continues to grow, Mika will soon make his debute in the Grévin Museum. In fact, according to 'Europe 1', the wax statue of the singer will be exhibitioned alongside those of other artists in september of 2010!








    Wow! A wax statue of Mika...'bout time :)

    It looks brilliant!!

  2. OMG! You know you're a huge MIKA fan when....you've done 95% of the things on the list. Good Lord!! I ALWAYS rearrange the CDs at the music store so that MIKA's is in the front. I'm even guilty of arranging the intitial-letter necklaces at Wal-Mart so that the name MIKA was displayed in the front. I figure the more people see the MIKA CDs or the name MIKA, the more fans he will have and maybe someday I won't have to travel 10 hours to see him at a gig.

  3. It's hard to believe some people don't like MIKA. :shocked: He's so much fun!!!



    Maybe it could be the next Happy Ending?

    The songs are not really the same, but I think many people will think like: Oh! So that Mika also can make some slow songs?

    I think Happy Ending suprised many people also!

    Eveytime I talk with my friends or classmates about Mika, they always say they don't like him, but that they DO like Happy Ending. I've seriously heard it a lot of times! :thumb_yello:


    I think I See You will have the same effect.

  4. Yes! And besides that video from being an oh so fabulous performance captured by tiibet, again I will stand firm on what I've confirmed to you from seeing this live in Toronto a few days ago -


    he sings "Don't staaaaay! You're lost to me"


    (it starts at Tibet's video from 2:16 - and you can hear and see it twice :wink2:)



    I've watched the video and to me it sounds like he's saying "Dont't stay.....too close to me". That's what I make out anyway.



  5. OMG! One more day. I have the butterflies and everything:wub2:. Just think....Tomorrow, I'm going to see MIKA. I'll be in the same room as MIKA. God, Somebody pinch me. OMG! I'm so excited!!! I'm getting up at 4 am and leaving at 5 am. It's suppose to rain though, which sucks big time, and I hear it will be raining in Montreal, too. GRRRRRR! Oh well. Some things you just cannot control.

    Anyway, I must go.

    See you soon.:biggrin2:










    I'm packing up chairs, food, water, blankets, hats, mitts, earmuffs for me and some decadent friends. You'd think I was heading off to an Arctic expedition. :naughty:




    Today is his first concert of his North American tour! :clap:


    And then we do it all again tomorrow in Montreal, but replace cold weather queuing with a 6 hour train ride and some chicken and poutine with more MFC friends! :pbjt:

  6. It's mine. All mine!

    I was all giddy on the way to the local HMV to get TBWKTM. I got the deluxe edition. YAY!

    I didn't know which song to play first, I was so excited! So I played BIOTG, and oh! I love GGG. It should be a single and a line dance.

    Anyway, I must get back to work. Can't wait 'til 4:30 so I can listen to more.

    Woohoo!! I never thought this day would come.

    Love you, MIKA.

  7. Hi Everyone!!

    Guess what? I'm going to see MIKA in concert in October. :clap:Yes. I did say I. I can't believe it myself. I'll believe it when I'm standing at the very front, hopefully. OOOOh!! YAY!! I AM SO HAPPY!! :swoon:

    Here is a pic of my daughter's TShirt, which she spent a whole evening decorating for our first-ever gig.





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