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Posts posted by LoveLove

  1. I love Mika's five o'clock shadow. My favorite feature of Mika's is his mouth, though. Beautiful mouth.


    Remembeing some posts about people (or was that just me?) saying that they like the look of a man (*coughMikacough*) with a 5 o'clock shadow, I thought that I'd make this thread.





  2. This is so nice. It was nice to hear from him. ???? Looking forward to more. Have a great weekend, peeps.


    Monday, May 12, 2008

    My one day off in Connecticut, rain, and itchy scalp


    Im sitting 45 mins outside of New York, planning the last few days of my US trip. I've been here for 12 days now but only have two more to go. As I started searching through the internet and going through comments and messages on myspace as well as spying into various forums(the latter always being a bit of a dangerous activity), it became clear to me that I needed to write something and let people know what I'm up to.


    Tonight I'm off to watch Tegan and Sara at Terminal 5 in New York. If you don't know them, check out their song Back In Your Head. Its pretty damn good. They're playing the very same place that we all took over a few months ago. I'm also going to be checking out the illustrator Sophie Blackall's studio in Broklyn. I've spoken about her before. She illustrated a brilliant children's book called Ruby's Wish.


    Its been a busy few weeks. Mainly, I've been working on the new album. Writing and demoing. But I've also been planning a few other things. Mainly my website and my short festival run in July.


    I have decided to redesign my website and change the way that I've been approaching what I do online. From the very beginning, I always wanted a website that not only represented me, my music and my visual world but something that could take on a life of its own. I never really had a chance to make this happen the way that I wanted it to. SO... I have formed a small team, and together with them, I am going to write about what I'm up to on a regular basis. Posting things that we love from around the world as well as creating new art, cartoon strips, short films and loads more.


    Ambitious? yes! but fun too. and thats the point. I suppose that as we have become less broke, creating things like this have become more possible. I know that if I started a normal blog people wouldn't be interested in reading what I was having for breakfast or which other musicians I think are asses. So that's not the point. Think of it as bit of an online scrap book.


    We are going to start building the new site really soon and we will be looking for your help. So keep your eyes peeled for how you can get involved.


    As for the July run of shows. You can find out where I'm gonna be on the LIVE section of http://www.mikasounds.com I will post the dates up here by tomorrow.


    I have to say one more thing. I notice that the past few months I've been getting loads of messages and comments from people in the United States and especially from South America. I'm really proud of what's been happening with my music in Argentina and Mexico, Venezuela and all over South America. I am thanking you to high heaven for giving me an excuse to tour over there on my next record. Can't wait!


    Right my ride to the city has been waiting for me for 45 mins. Its almost five and I havent showered or eaten yet. My hair smells as i have refused to wash it on a "natural" wash experiment I've had going on. Now that it itches, I've had enough. Screw natural. My scalp needs chemicals.


    a bientot,



  3. Grace Kelly 18

    Lollipop 18

    My Interpretation 16

    Love Today 18

    Relax 18

    Any Other World 14

    Billy Brown 10

    Big Girl 13

    Stuck In The Middle 15

    Happy Ending 13

    Ring Ring 14

    Holy Johnny 14

    Only Lonely One 11

    How Much Do You Love Me 18

    + My Interpretation

    - Only Lonely One

  4. Friday, December 28, 2007




    Hello to anyone that reads this.


    Just a note to thank you all for your Christmas greetings and for helping make this year very memorable. I've been pretty useless at replying to some of the nice comments about the gigs and my own music but we've been travelling continuously and whenever we stop... we sleep.


    Thanks especially to those of you who have sent me pictures of the gigs. We really appreciate this as it shows us stuff that we'd never see otherwise. Next year will hopefully be as exciting as this one. Tour of North America in Jan/Feb... and I'm definitely gonna put aside some time to do some more writing again.


    Thank you again for anyone that has played a part in making 2007 such fun. I wish everyone a happy new year and a great 2008.





    Happy New Year to all of you and keep it up. The whole lot of you are just fantastic!!! Looking forward to album No. 2. I hope Holy Johnny is on it. It's my favorite as of late. Do you think that you guys will ever play in the Atlantic provinces of Canada someday? It would be so much closer to where I live than Montreal. I'll keep my fingers cross. For now, I'll just have to make do with YouTube, which I am so grateful for. Your lucky fans who can actually see you guys in concert are so great with sharing their videos. Anyway, it's been a blast sharing with you.

  5. Wow! I'm glad to be able to have a serious chat about MIKA. Mika is a breath of fresh air. I think he has THE best attitude toward being himself and that he will never change who he is. You've got to admire someone like that. This just makes him more appealing to me as a person. As for his being gay, who cares? He's gorgeous, his music is awesome, and the curls, come on! Gay, straight, Bi - He's still MIKA. And I really don't think he's afraid of losing fans should he ever come out (IF he is gay). Fans who would be turned off by this are not really true fans (This is just my opinion, of course). I will always love who MIKA is no matter what. Thanks, I feel a whole lot better now.

  6. An annual gift sounds like a much better idea. But I wonder if Mika would think "Hang on. Where is everyone? AND WHERE ARE MY PRESENTS? LOL.


    As you already know, I totally agree on this.


    I think an annual yearbook thing that is bound and easy to store is sufficient. Mika is already getting individual gifts by the truckload and doesn't need more massive projects.


    If it's not consumable, wearable or disposable it's going to be overwhelming soon if it's not already. He lives in a London flat, not a Hollywood mansion, and can't keep all this stuff forever.


    I also think the pressure involved both in giving the projects and Mika receiving them has begun to defeat the purpose. There was a note of obligation evident in his thank you to MFC for the birthday gift and he shouldn't have to feel obligated to accept things from anyone. Suzy, for example, also felt pressured to get him his gift under particular circumstances and others were extremely disappointed when they weren't as successful.


    If we focus all our efforts on one annual project it will mean that everyone can participate because they won't be confused about what project is happening when. It will probably be a lot easier to set up a meeting with Mika rather than having to hunt him down and hope for the best every month or two.

  7. I was supposed to get my DVD for my birthday on Friday, but my daughter said I could have it early. YEEEAAH! It was awesome! The concert part was great. I so hope to see him in persone some day. I especially loved the interviews and stuff. I like listening to him speak. And it was great to see his videos on the big screen instead of the little screen on YouTube. It's so great to have it. Now I can have more of MIKA. I just can't get enough! (I am so pathetic. I think I need professionnal help.) I also caught the sign of the cross, too. Very cool! Mika's THE man. Have a great day my MIKA friends! Later.

  8. Nice! I'm getting it for my birthday later this month, so I can't watch it 'til then (sad. Sooo sad). Can't wait.



    Ok you guys,


    I just got back from the cd-store and I bought my copy of Live In Cartoon Motion



    I'll start watching it RIGHT NOW


    Let me know what you think about it!!!!!


    (never been so excited as I'm now.......)




  9. Thank you for sharing. Great pics! MIKA is the BEST!




    I took the time to look through some magazines today....


    Here are two pics from the German Bunte:



    Newcomer Mika got four trophies (just the picture; nothing in the article though):




    Man in white: popstar Mika entertained with a spectacular performance (also just the pic... :wub2: ):




    and from the Gala:


    There was an article about the WMA in the gala but there were no pictures of our man :sneaky2: . Anyway, he was mentioned in the article:


    "Flirtchancen Mit dem Erfolg kommen die Frauen: Der dreifache Gewinner Mika, der schon bei den MTV Europe Music Awards abräumte (???), avancierte zum Liebling aller."


    translation (I'm not so sure about the words :blink: :


    "Chances for flirting Success attracts women: The triple winner Mika, who had also already cleaned up at the MTV European Music Awards, advanced to become everyone's darling."


    Plus another picture from the EMA (where he cleaned up up as the legend tells us):


    Mika's performance resembled a motley carnival as jugglers were dancing on stage during his song "Grace Kelly". :punk:



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