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Posts posted by natmika

  1. daaaim,were we that unclear?

    Speedo,not necessarely mine,Peas...not that many, Jedi- who the heck came up with jedi? Karot - the sight could never scare you,it looks really good (and I'm someone who criticizes,so it probably looks amazing for most)


    Ok, I'll settle for one of the peas. And you didn't mention the hamster.What, do you want it all for yourself?


    But that was referring to jedi-ism in this thread,not a person


    You may be talking about jedi-ism, but I want to meet a certain jedi, wich could be a different person than the one you all talk about but I refer to him as a jedi. See? I can be cryptic too:roftl:


    Natmika has made progress,it's all about proper stalking :naughty:


    I just saw my name and had to quote this. You know, I am a fame craving stalker.




    Those two shouldn't be together. And Ioana, did you name that picture?:naughty:

  2. I'll say hello to the hamster, the jedi, the peas, the speedo, karot and the whole crew, on your behalf, next week, okie dokie? :fisch:



    I'm not jealous:furious: :badmood:

    And could you do me a favour? When you see them, tell the hamster, the jedi (yes the jedi too I wanna meet him), the peas, not the speedo because it belongs to Ioana, the karot even if its sight scars me for life and the hole crew to get their a***s down to Argentina please?





  3. Ok, am I the only one that noticed that The Maldives is not in South America?

    He said in an earlier interview that he had gone to a private island in South America. Either he's really bad in geography or he's playing with us lol!


    What, is he afraid we're going to follow him?:plane::roftl: :roftl:

  4. true...true...hamsters may die out because of it..it's sad actually



    Don't even say it. I'm already having withdrawal syndrome in anticipation for the hamster free times we are going to have soon.




    And...I think I've seen that picture before.I'll just have to search my (mental)files.Is it worth it? 'Cause frankly I'm losing interest (yeah, right!)

  5. Wow just...wow. Really Mana, your report is beyond great. I loved being able to go backstage with you, your attention to detail (you really know what we like lol!), and specially this


    I thought of you guys during Happy Ending. The other girls were chatting, trying to pick out friends in the audience, which I thought was cute - but I was hanging on to Mika's every lyric, every note. I thought of MFCers in places like Argentina, who haven't seen him set foot on their continent. I thought of Sou in Kuwait, who had him come within an hour of her, and couldn't go see him. I thought of all you sweet Aussies who are just clmbing the walls waiting for him to come back and give y'all a little bit of love. I thought of all of you from the US through Canada, throughout Europe and Asia - and for you dearies in the UK who get your national treasure home this weekend, before he gives you three more gigs.


    That killed me.

    For a large number of us, seeing Mika perform live is still on the to do list, and this reports are the closest thing to the actual show, so thank you and all the people that have put their experiences in here.:punk: :punk:

  6. You all missed me, I can tell, specially the jedis:glasses2:



    Natmika.... will u do the honors?


    With pleasure. Would you like it quick and painless or slow and painful? I suggest the latter.




    someone stab me!

    I like the dark...interesting things happen in the dark...and my eyes hurt from chlorine overdose

    so how dark is it on the dark side?


    Yes, the dark can bring you enlightment (sp?), but you should have special glasses to see (which I remind you I don't have btw)



    What do the slytherns have to offer?

    Griffy has flowers...and luk...Karot...and buttonz...ok I have to laugh now,I am getting flashbacks :roftl: :roftl:


    Yesssssss! I don't understand a word of it! I love it!

  7. Ok =)




    Wait, you mean you don't speak Belgian? :naughty:

    Btw perhaps you could tell me what Swiss sounds like? Similar to Belgian? Though I should prob know. If Sweden isn't the same as Switzerland than surely it must be a neighbouring country.. Oh and Denmark is the captial of Sweden..


    Seriously though, when a European makes idiotic mistakes like that, I really hurt inside. :boxed: (And a French person! They're your neighbours ffs!!)


    Plus, don't you just love the whole Europe-concept..


    "Where are you from?"


    "Oh you've got some great beers/food/beaches/skiing/cities there in Europe!"



    The funny thing is that several of the foreigners I've met here in NZ from for example India, Pakistan and Vietnam have gone "Ohh Sweden! I've got an aunt/cousin/friend there!" :roftl:


    (I feel I'm not exactly doing much to make sure this thread stays on subject xD )






    You mean that wasn't code talking?:blink: (drops the Stalking for dummies book on the trash)

  8. Okay, I leave this place for twelve hours, and what does it turn into?A mess, a real mess. Come on people, let's get back on track:


    Yeah rocks always go by pair ... always, don't they, Ioana?


    Interesting...let's meditate on that. Are rocks related? (I have an obsession for rocks apparently)


    Lukee lukee us


    Tho it was not luk ,I mean that most deffo is not luk,tis lukee bonding :roftl: :roftl:


    I would love to see that. Of course, you won't let me:furious:


    And...I thought you said scottish. Or are you talking different vegetables?


    Why is this becoming a thread about hair?


    This is not, I repeat, this is not a thread about hair. Hairy creatures, ocassionally, hairy situations, always, but not hair.




    Ok, done with the quoting. Let's discuss:mf_rosetinted:

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