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Posts posted by natmika

  1. hello once more, random people:wink2:


    You know, I'm at school, and there is a very Mika-ish boy in my school. I saw him walking around while eating a banana. And I found it so saxaaay:mf_lustslow:

    Isn't that weird:blink:


    Even though with HIS looks, who doesn't find him hot:naughty: ?


    Finally someone I can understand!


    But I'd rather hear about karot and flowers, please (sorry)


    Shows the kind of mental health I have. That and the fact that the majority of my posts have been here.:boxed:

  2. It has come to my attention that there is a new practise amongst friends now...I wonder if they use Persil


    Of course they use it. It's the only way it can survive intercontinental travels.

    I don't think we should look too deep into it.After all, extreme circumstances demand extreme solutions.



    Gunners...I'm thinkin Arsenal :mf_rosetinted:


    Why Arsenal? There's only two of them, but they are quite tight


    I'm sorry, but we're trying to keep this thread what it is: ununderstandable :naughty: Unless you have your jedi cerification, which would then allow you to know we're talking about peas and flies only. And flowers, of course... aaaah, these flowers :wub2::roftl:


    I don't have a Jedi certification, but I still haven't been kicked out of here.They just bear with me.


    I totally agree. Although I wouldn't know what to chose if you also have fried cocopops over there.


    Why choose?


    I hear rocks have minerals ...moonstones,turquoises,chrysocolla...blue-ish ones seem to have a high content of nice substances


    Yes, especially rocks that have iridiscent properties.I hear those are quite good for your eyesight.



    Okay, done with the multiquote now:roftl:

  3. Thanks everybody for the pics and video links. it's interesting that nobody cares that he didn't win the Grammy, he just hipnotized us with his gorgeusness:roftl:


    Mika: "I just don´t feel like singing today, I'll just stand here and be beautiful"

    Crowd: okaaaaaay master:hypo:

  4. That set looks like the front room of some old mansion house!!!

    What a wonderful setting!!! :wub2:


    I thought it looked a bit like the setting for the GK video, I loved it.


    Thanks everyone for the detailed reports, videos and pictures, this looks like a rare treat that won't be repeated unless he decides to do an acoustic tour.

    And I've been thinking, I think Mika lost money with this gig, having to refund money and renting instruments, I wonder how many artists do that!:punk:

  5. Actually, flowers are much more wicked than peas: they are to be found in the most unexpected places and weirdest circumstances ever...:naughty:



    Thank you.You have provided with the most valuable piece of information.I have solved the mistery....not!

    Now I must retire. We stalkers have a wedding to attend and we haven't gotten ready yet.

  6. Hence your presence here, right?

    Only interests are flowers, insects and peas :naughty:


    Oh, yes, I'm interested in all the biological studies. It is a taste acquired with age and wisdom I must say.



    Though I must say I'm still working on the title of the thread and I'm sure you all are having a blast watching me making an ass of myself:naughty:

  7. Very nice offer, but will all the gifts my stalkers leave at my door, I'll soon have to buy a new flat :naughty:


    Why would it die out? :blink:



    Ah, well, had to try it. I guess no deep fried Bounty then. Fair enough.

    I had to fish for this thread for four pages today, that's why I thought it was dying.


    Off topic, but are you by any chance the moderator for the Argentinian thread?

  8. We can't import fresh coconuts in this season! I mean, it would pollute the earth and Al would make a fuss again!


    Please import fresh coconuts. They are in season where I live, I can deliver them to your door personally. I'm sure Al won't mind, since they are quite harmless.





    Ah, ah, ah, is there anybody home? I don´t want this thread to die, it´s too much fun in a masochistic kind of way!!:blink::roftl:

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