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Status Updates posted by Gracekelly85

  1. Ciaoooo!!!

    visti i videini del concerto di ieri sera? Per ora ce ne sono 2 .




    LUI è DIVINO COME SEMPRE!!:fangurl::swoon:

    Ce la faremo a sopravvivere fino al prox concerto?!


    hihi.... semmai per domenica mattina ti mando un sms per ricordarti :wink2:


    No, a Viterbo nn ci sono mai stata e non vedo l'ora di vederla... Guarda per me va bene tutto e credo che vada bene tutto anke per Enrica :wink2:

    Prima ho mandato un PM su facebook a Michelle per aggiornarla :)


    ci aggiorniamo!


    KISSOTTOTTOLI! :huglove:

  2. yes HE hugged us /me : :blush-anim-cl:

    at that time I would stopped the time :teehee:

    Same when I was a :lg::teehee:

  3. 'morning hun!

    I hoep that you are able to finish what you ahve to do in the week.

    I know... sometimes me too whe I have many things to do, even if it's only one day, I became nervous. The hours that we have in a day are never not enough... we'd need more hours par day :bleh:


    AH! me too on saturdays and sundays I relax almost the time... and sometimes... MIKA and full volume on stereo :punk: and I jump and scream around my room:teehee:


    and you know? Other good things taht happend thanks to MIKA are friendhips... sometimes not only virtual but REAL! :wub2:

    We'll meet one day at his gig! :wink2:

  4. HI! :bye:

    and sorry if I reply you late...

    Evrytime that I'm here I say to myself to reply to messages and then I surf around the forum and I forget to reply to the messages :bleh:

    Well... Now, Im here... I move from kitchen to my bedroom and from bedroom to kitchen :roll1:


    I didn't understan why you can't go to his gig? why the "f**king censure"?


    I really wish you to go to one of HIS gig one day cause HIS show is really really fabulous!!!!! :mf_lustslow:

    I went to 6 gigs and one tv show:blush-anim-cl: Not too much if I have to compare with other people! :aah:


    and don't worry! You don't annoy me! :wink2:

    I like to know new people!


    Kisses from Italy! :italia:

  5. Sciauuu!!

    scusa sempre se ripsondo in ritardo al tuo messaggio ma come sempre ogni volta che sto al pc ho sempre i minuti contati :aah:

    Dico sempre di rispondere ma poi mi metto a leggere il forum e addio :teehee:

    Cmq eccomi qui... intanto che aspetto mio marito a pranzo!!

    uuuhhh.. nn vedo l'ora di vedere quella cosa... miiiii sonio curiosa! :woot_jump:

    Posso immaginare che sei stanca... anke io dopo il matrimonio ero piu morta che viva! :aah:


    Nn preoccuparti per i treni... gg fa il sito di trenitalia funzionava bene e ho visto gli orari... dovrei arrivare a Viterbo max 10.00 ma poi ne parliamo in privato! :wink2: sai, qui è un forum pubblico e meglio che certe cose nn le scriviamo qui!


    kissottottoli! :huglove:

  6. 'moreeee!!! :wub2:

    figurati.... mi sarei sentita in colpa se nn ti avessi mandato gli auguri! :)

    Cosa hai ricevuto di bello?

    Io sabato sera sono andata a ballare che c'era qui in zona un gruppo che seguiamo e conosco il cantante... sono andata a letto alle 04.00 e ieri mattina avevo un sonno :sleep_: Ieri poi a pranzo sono andata da mia cognata e siamo tornati a casa verso le 18.00 ma che stanchezza pero! :teehee: Sabato sera divertimento e domenica coma... come dopo i concerti! :naughty:


    oggi stavo guardando gli orari dei treni... poi ne parliamo domenica! :wink2:


    BUONA SERATA TESORO! :huglove:

  7. and here's the vid of the surprise taht we've organised for him :blush-anim-cl: ...

  8. hunnnnyyyyy!!!!! :huglove:

    How are you, dear?

    Did the week start good?! Here not much... Monday is always a tragedy for me! :aah:


    In Milan too there were Zuleika and Fortuné... everyone is too lovely!

    Omg...what an experience! I miss it soo soo much:tears:


    Going to a Mika gig together it would be amazing :boing: We're a little bit far but we'll see how we can do... Just wait the new MIKA dates!

    But I think that there won't be soon :(

  9. Have a golden week too! :wub2:

  10. Hi! :bye:

    I said her but you have to talk to her because she has to need to know many things and she has to have time to make them :wink2:

    a Pm is coming with her name :wink2:


    are you going to MIKA's gig in Brasil?!

  11. Did u see the vid of the bday surprise on stage?


    OOOOHHHH.... HOw sweet is MRS Penniman! :wub2: She's really really nice woman.

    Me, when I was LG there were John and 2 women ( Maria and Anna ) who called us. Then I met MIKA's mum when I was in the dressing room and she asked to me and to my friend (There were only me and my friend) if we were ok...:blush-anim-cl: After the gig ( I mean outside the venue) I was the last of the queu and I was in front of the van. She was outside and she congratulated to me for the LG dress that I wore. I don't know if u've seen it. My mother in low made that dress as LG Golden... You can see a part of it in my photo album :)


    and me neither I don't like to go to gig alone. In general I travel alone and then I meet my friends or at the station when we arrive and we sleep in the same hotel or, I meet them while we're queing...


    I really miss his gigs!!!!

    and I miss the stage too :teehee:

  12. Heeelllloooo!!!! :huglove:

    1st of all thanks for your request on facebook... It's really nice to have you as a friend there too :biggrin2:


    Good luck to stay in front of your PC :punk: I really wish you to have HIS reply :huglove: You deserve it! :wub2:

    But I'm a little bit afraid becouse HE didn't tweet for a while. I hope that HE's feeling good and HE 's relaxed after this long tour and after what happened to Paloma.

  13. cucu!!!! :huglove:

    traqnuilla tesoro... rispondi quando puoi. Capisco perfettamente che con la scuola si ha poco tempo a disposizione per se stessi!!!!




    AAAAAHHHH!!!! per il Meeting dovvrebbe esserci anke Enrica... la conosci? è quella ragazza che aveva le paillets in viso a Roma :)

  14. io invece sono contenta quando mi suona il cell. Nn soppporto al vibrazione neanke io ( soprattutto quando è apoggiato sul tavolo che fa un rumore bestiale) pero' la canzoncina siiii... Ho Kick ass per ora....

    ah wow... anke rappresentante di classe sei! sei importante eh?! :naughty:


    un kissottolone :huglove:

  15. yes... you're relly nice girl!!!


  16. Me, I went to 7 gigs ( 6gigs + 1 Tv show)

    All the gigs were AMAZING... but in particular I loved the 2 where I went on stage ( 21/04/10 Milan as :lg: and 19/0810 when I took a cake on stage for him with 2 friends of mine) He was really surprised and happy when HE saw us there with that cake.


    And I feel too lucky that I was :lg: in Milan cause if I tried or in Rome or in Cattolica I think that it couldn't be possible.... There were many many little girls too who were screaming and running to MRS PENNIMAN when she went outside :shocked:

    You know what? I'd like so much to be a LG ( or a BG too, I don't care) again... I miss the stage! :teehee:


    and yes... I have facebook... this is my account:http://www.facebook.com/Gracekelly85

  17. ehm... yesss!!!! he replied to me :blush-anim-cl:

    It strange how it happened. I had to go out that night but then I decided to stay at home and turn my pc on ( in general I don't stay at oc on night)

    I went to his twitter account and I saw his last tweet a few second before so I decided to write him anything... I went to the kitchen to take a glass of water and I praied that he could repliy and at the same time I said " he will never do it" Back in front of pc...ta daaaaaa... surprise!!!!! :blush-anim-cl::blush-anim-cl::blush-anim-cl::wub2:

    I jumped around my house and my husband looked at me like this :blink: It was a great emotion and I really hope that one day HE will reply to you too :huglove:

  18. ME... I could be his dogsitter! :bleh:

    A few months a go I asked him on twitter and he replied to me :blush-anim-cl:


    and me too I changed TOO MUCH after that I met ( saw) him... :teehee:

    You know?! before to see him the first time I said " ok.. I'll do ONLY this one!" :teehee:

    but then.... I didnt resist to go to other gigs :das:


    How many gig did u do?

  19. Oddioooo... ma che schifo!!!!

    spero che abbiano messo la "censura" quando quello si è denudato... Che gente rincoglionita!

    ma nn ci pensano che quel programma potrebbe essere seguito anke da persone piccoline?! c'è... te lo ricordi il gruppo spalla di Roma?! ecco... anke quelli ne dicevano di tutti i colori!

    mi chiedo solo ki è che li sceglie?!

    a Cattolica c'era il dj che metteva cmq canzoni dance di oggi... e la cosa bella è stata quando ha messo WAKA WAKA e tutti stavamo ballando :wub2: DIOOOOOO CHE RICORDI! :tears:

    eh si.... le cose che vivono ai concerti non si possono raccontare e neanke la tv riesce a trasmetterci le cose che si provano dla vivo! :wub2:

    SONO COSE CHE DEVONO ESSERE VISSUTE!!! :wub2: e poi le grandi emozioni credo che SOLO MIKA riesce a darle! :wub2:

  20. Ciaoooooo!!! :huglove:

    io sto bene... te?

    come va la scuola? :)

    ooook.... mi faro' bionda la prox volta... o mi metto una prrucca... poi vediamo! :teehee:

    Allora, tempo fa ( almeno come è stato a Milano il 21/04) volevano persone maggiorenni.. L'altezza credo che conti poco e niente :dunno: Pero' so che cmq ti guardano prima di sceglierti. Quelle alte in genere fanno le spose... le medie le BG e LG... poi quando fai le prove, per la marcia ti mettono in ordine di altezza. Poi pero' a Cattolica han preso anke ragazzine minorenni.... nn so... Dai... vedremo come saranno i prossimi concerti prima di disperare ora :wink2:

  21. uPS... passerà vedrai!!! :)

    e poi in fin dei conti non sono cosi difficili gli esami di maturità....

    se i professori sono "competenti" ti vengono in contro :)

    E poi dai.... nn c'è nulla di male a ritagliarsi un po' di tempo per fare quello che vuoi :teehee:

    Io tutto ok dai... :) Il lavoro tutto ok anke se a volte è uno stress, soprattutto quando il telefono squilla in continuazione.

    Mi vien voglia di sbatterlo in terra a volte, ti giuro! :sneaky2:


    Un kissottolo :huglove:

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