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Status Updates posted by Gracekelly85

  1. 682820999_206961.gif


    Merry Xmas, dear!!!! :newyear:

  2. 682820999_206961.gif


    Buon Natale anek qui, cara!! ! :newyear:

  3. 682820999_206961.gif


    Buon Natale, tesora!!! ! :newyear:

  4. 682820999_206961.gif


    Buon Natale, Mauri!!!! :newyear:

  5. 682820999_206961.gif


    Merry Xmas, dear!!!! :newyear:

  6. 682820999_206961.gif


    Buon Natale anke qui!!!! :newyear:^_^

  7. 682820999_206961.gif


    Buon Natale anke qui, tesora ! :newyear:

  8. 682820999_206961.gif


    Buon Natale Sara!!!! :newyear:

  9. 682820999_206961.gif


    Buon Natale, Mari!!!! :newyear:

  10. 682820999_206961.gif


    Merry Xmas, dear!!!! :newyear:

  11. ah si!!!!!




    BUON NATALE, TESORA!!!! :newyear:

  12. Ciao tesorina!!! :huglove:

    da quanto tempo!!!!!

    come va? la scuola?

    Qui va tutto ok... :wink2:


    un meeeega kissss :huglove:

  13. and now I want to wish you:




    Merry Xmas, dear!!!! :newyear:

  14. Hi dear!:huglove:

    I'm really sorry if I reply to you now but on this period I was a little bit busy and I had not much time to stay online.

    How are u, hun?! i hope fine.

    Here everything is ok :)


    Uhm,... no diet ok! Maybe next time me too I coukld be a BG:teehee: and why not me and you together.... :teehee:

  15. hi! :bye:

    Im really sorry if I reply now to you but on this period I wasn't so much online.

    I'm passing here now to say you:




    Merry Xmas!!!! :newyear:

  16. 682820999_206961.gif


    Merry Xmas, dear!!!! :newyear:

  17. cIAO TRESOR!!!!:huglove:


    Scusa se rispondo ora ma il tempo a disposizione è poco. Uff! :(


    Mi ha fatto piacerissimo rivederti domenica, anke se virtualmente. Dai... che Gennaio nn è poi cosi lontano!:wink2:


    quando mai nn è stato attraente?! :teehee:

  18. Hi boy!

    Sorry if I reply you too late but the time is not enough and I always have many things to do. Now I'm at work and I'm on my sparetime. :wink2:

    Time is not enough sometimes :aah:


    yes... I watch gig in argentina. Here it was 01.00 am. I knew that gig in Brasil too was on streaming but I was too too tired. and then I knew it the day after :(


    How are you?!


    Have a great week! :huglove:

  19. as soo as I can I'll add you on Mikasounds and youtube! :biggrin2:

  20. Hi hun!

    Sorry if I reply you too late but as I already said time is not enough. Now I'm at work and I've 30 mins of spare time ( now left only 10 ) :tears:


    how can we say?! STAGE FOREVER?! :teehee:

    Me too I'd dance next to him for many hours.... we could ask him if we can work as LG or BG... :das: we'll make the tour of the world in this way... and maybe.,.. we can be his body guards too!!! :teehee::das:

  21. Ciao Noemi!




    Non esitare a chiedere se hai bisogno di info :wink2:



  22. yES yES... I've undertood that its not MIKA's gig! :wink2:


    btw... what do u study?


    I'm too tired now. on a few minutes I have to go to work but... I don't want to go :huh:


    Kisses dear boy! :huglove:

  23. si, dai... poi ci mettiamo meglio d'accordo definitivamente per il Meeting. Anke Enrica viene col treno ma deve vedere anke lei gli orari. E Michelle mi sa che nn ci sarà perché deve fare 6 ore di viaggio.

    Credevo ci impiegasse di meno.


    nn vedo l'ora che arrivi domenica!!!!!! :biggrin2:



  24. Eliiiii!!! :huglove:


    prego! si... scenografia di Roma :tears:

    MADDOOOOOOO CHE NOSTALGIAAAAAAA :crybaby: come faremo ad andare avanti mi chiedo?!


    eh ti capisco... anke io quando guardo le foto ke ho di LUI di Cattolica o Milano e dei vari gigs.. penso : " quei giorni meravigliosi son passati in un batti baleno dopo gg e gg di estenuante attesa!" e poi pensi a tutte le cose belle... le chicchierate tra fans.... gli scleri di gruppo a go go... DIOOOOOO CHE BELLE COSE!!!!! :tears::wub2:


    E LUI.... BELLISSIMO!!! :swoon:

  25. Ah! I didn't know that for going to a gig there was a censure.

    That's strange! :boxed:


    I really hope that you can go at his gigs one day:wub2: It will be the best experience of your life! :)


    So...best wishes for your exams :)


    It's nice to talkt to you too :wink2:


    Have a great day!


    PS: then let me know for the shoes

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