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Everything posted by JULS92

  1. i can't write u on msn :(( doesn't work ?!! o.O

  2. you know that girl that slept until NOW ? o.O :( it reaaally scaares meeee. :( how are you ??

  3. srryy huuun ^^kinda fell asleep or something like that ^^hahahahaha i'm goooooood was at a concert tonight ^^what did u dooo ? :)

  4. carloota :) still up ? hey darliing :wub2:

  5. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Giiiiiiiiiiirl that's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaziiiiiiiiiiiiiing :) i'm soo haaaaaaappy foor youuu woooh hooo hooo hooo :) i will viiisiiit youuu there xd or i will come with you :) xd

  6. hahahaha i'm watchiiing germanys next top model on tv xD xD xD xD xD drama baby drama.. :D

  7. yeess buuut iit suuucks xD now i always turn on my alarm clock when i take the train ^^so i don't driive to somewhere i don't want to be hahahaha :) aaanywaaayy what are u doiing?? =)

  8. aww suucks :) hahahaha noo well that's the weiird thiing there's no reason i should be tired i worked on the movie on monday ok that was a lot of work but on tuesday i had no school on wednesday only for 2 hours and today for 1 hour o.O hahahhaa i had eeenouugh of sleep and i just feel the same i could sleep fooreeeveeer ^^

  9. ahhhh xD you diiidn't answer my questiioons. bad giirl ^^hahahaha

    abouut my disease xD.. i have a sleep disease hahahaha i had pracitcally no school this week only a few hours on wednesday and today ^^and i had the need to sleep eeeverrydayyy all day looong omg its soo weiird. i could sleep for a week without waking up xD hahahaha.. today i was on the train home and i fell asleep as soon as i went in the train and i only woke up when i was at the last train station o.O that never happened to me before hahaha it's scaary xD

  10. brb have to eat diiinnnnnneeeerr back sooon soon soon :) argh you are my druug at the moment i feel like i have to ttalk to youu all eveniing loong :) i missed youu so much !!


    seee u sooon :wub2:


    btw ^^i thiiink i have a weiiird disease xD xD xD tell u about it later.. :D

  11. hahhaha ok :D first iii'm gooooooood and youu ? i had a perfect day ^^i only was in school for 1 hour hahahahahahahahahahahahah couldn't be better ^^ and you ?

    heard the new songs love them and you ? xD

    orderiing the EP you ? xD

    not suuuure .. i don't thiink soo o.O no time no money :( sucks sucks sucks ^^what about youu ? :)

  12. woooohoo huuuuun :) how are uu ??

  13. sry hun i was already gone yesterday when u wrote me ^^i'm goood btw and youu ?? :) about to go to schoool -.- hear u tonight. hopefully :wub2:

  14. hheeelloo daaarliiing :)

  15. hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha suuuuuucks :( oh and yaaayyy that's exactly what i wanted to look like ^^i alsoo have pictures how i look as a grandmother o.O but i don't want to scare you anyyywaayyy hahahahahaha :)

    hey i gotta goo soon.. so i already say bye for now ! but i'll be back !!! hope you are still up then :) would be coooooool to have a little talk later :) missed you soo much hun!! love you ! =)

  16. oh hun you are back ^^thought i'm going out in a few minutes but not for very loong i'll be back in about 2 hours :) i'm gooooooooooooooooooood very goood i had a day off because of our hard work yesterday omg it felt soo gooood to just sleep all dayy looong :) oh and i have a new look now :




    tadattatatatatata :) you like ? hahahahahahahahahahahahaha


    what abouut youu i wanna knooow everythiiiing :) and piictures!!

  17. huuuunny buuunnyyyyy you are cooooomiiing hoooooooome :) wooohooo :)


    hope to see u reaaallyy soooon :wub2:

  18. hun :) i just read what you wrote on the thread.. what do you mean with akward ? well i can tell you very very fiirst day i went to my art school it was reaally reaallly reaaaaaallly akward too. i didn't feel comfortable at all!! and then we had to draw in the fiirst lesson and i started and i saw all people from my class drawing so well.. and i was thinking liike WHAT THE HELL am I doing here ???!!! i have no talent at all. it was just weird because in regular school i always was one of the most talented people in my class .. well in arts i mean. and there in the new school there were suddeny only talented people and i felt just really stupid. and i can tell you it was liike that for 2 months or longer o.O i don't know if it's the same situation with you but for me it was just weird to just concentrate on drawing and painting etc. i didn't do that every day in regular school..and i was really bad in compare with the other students. but i learned so much sooo fast i don't have that feeling anymore. :) i'm more confident now. and if it is akward because of the people i can also tell you that was akward for me too ^^in art school are people with soooo special characters you just have to let yourself go and be yourself and i think it's the most fun thing in an art school to have so many diffrent people but there's always something you have in common with them and that's art. :) so i'm sure you are going to connect with them! aaanyywayy i don't really know if all that helps you or if i'm just talking bull**** ^^but i want you to have a good week there and i hope it's getting better aand you find a lot of new friends. :) i'm sure you're gonna work it out :) go giirl.


  19. huun i'm goooiing to beeed ^^need sleep xD.. hope to see ya in the mooorniing.. and if not. i reaally reeaally wiish youuu a gooooooooooooooood weeeek!! enjoy iit :) i hope you liike iit there :)

    loove youu

    and gooood niight :wub2:


  20. oook have a niice diiinnneeer :)

  21. hahahaha i hope u find something you use for england else you looked around your room for nothing ^^what a waste of tiime hahaha ^^.. guess whaaaaaaaat i'm like that tooo :D i always siit in my room for awhole afternoon before i go on holidays xD

  22. HEEEEEEEEEELLLOOOUUU :) argh i'm kinda bored ^^what about you ? what are u doing? still looking around your room? xD

  23. ook baaack hun! :)

  24. :) hahaaa :)


    brb gotta search somethiing...

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