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Posts posted by emmylou

  1. i love the one about the ice cubes!!!!

    so many fond memories of playing with ice cubes in a bar - not throwing though just playing passing pass the ice cube :wink2: oh mika you should have been there maybe you:naughty: would have saved me from being lumbered with my ex ha ha ha - i have no regrets it was fun!!!:naughty:

  2. I'm here!


    He's not a virgin kids, sorry... It's just one of the things I know... like fruit. :roftl:


    Such a silly question too! There's not always going to be music on! Plus you don't have to be drunk not to remember... trust me, there are other things to concern yourself with!



    But *shhhhh* I agree with Yoppa's first post....





    ha ha ha lmao!!! true do very true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am watching the kids awards for nickaloeden with mika uop for an awrd and i hve wrong images going thorugh mind like him with a pocket fullof condoms wtf !!!

    ha ha

  3. cheers guys . well i am only going because my mate who the tickets are cant get any time off work ( ha ha ha ha ha that will teach him to not buy me a ticket in the first place) just i have to drive over the pennines and didn't want to be told they were fake !!!

  4. my tickets hjave been printed off the computer from ticket master does anyone else have or has ever had to do this with your tickets. i an scared thatthey are not real !!!!!!!

  5. channel four usually shows it the day after!!!


    i really hope that mika wins. i think he may . do americans get to vite beacuse he is huge in america !!!! my brother went to new york and couldn;'t believe the hype!!!! he best get hyped up he is coming to see mika with me !!!!

  6. i am going to post them and write a note telling him to mention them on stage:wink2: ha ha thats a bit cheeky but you do not get anywhere without trying and if i get to meet him woo hoo !!!!!!!!!

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