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Everything posted by diridis

  1. Oui, le même, mais je lis beaucoup et interviens peu... enfin, j'ai aussi déserté un temps pour cause d'overbooking!! Now I'm back!
  2. Oui, fin, je m'exprime peu, mais j'y suis!
  3. Wow, thanks for the welcome!! Tiens Pamette! Cool de te retrouver ici!
  4. Yes, I think I'll enjoy the city! I have lived a few months in Milan. So I know a bit northern Italy. I don't know what to begin with in Rome! There are so many places to see and things to try...
  5. Hello everybody! I just realised I hadn't talked about me yet. So I'm 25, living in Lyon with my boyfriend, a rabbit, a guinea pig and many fishes! I'm from Toulouse and hope to come back there soon. I have known Mika throw TV shows in april. I went to see him live last sunday in Grenoble (booked from early july). It was great! Soooo see you later on this board! Cheers!
  6. Hi everybody! The first review is mine. Unfortunately, no pics and no chatting with Mika to talk about... I'm a very busy girl and had to left tooooo soon to go to Swiss with my boyfriend for work. Actually my boyfriend is a very busy man! BUT we had a good time. I hope to be able to go to another gig soon. The Summum was small, but I wished I had seen Mika in a smaller place. Actually, I will be in Rome in November (beginning of the month). Has anybody heard about a gig round there ?
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