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Posts posted by Nika

  1. YAY!

    Did you stand by his bus the whole time or did you stand by the minibus?

    Cause I stood by his bus and talked to his busdriver (?)..

    And I talked to alot of people that I didn´t know so maybe I talked to someone that´s on here =P


    We stod most of the time by the minibusses. But then changed location to the big buss, and that's where we later got to go in to the arena. :biggrin2:

  2. Mika konsert in Stockholm November 9th 2007 – the cut story!

    (The whole uncut story in Swedish could be found here)


    When I couldn’t find a friend to travel with I went online and found a gang from MFC that were going. Sienna was going to meet me and a couple of other people from MFC. So I could go after all. Yay!


    I meet up the gang in the queue. They had gotten great places right in the front. There was Sienna, Marianne, Anzuzu, Jasissa, Lunafisch and Mirano and her mother. They had so great places so they didn’t want to go and eat. I made my way through the queue and meet my new friends. A hug and it was like we had known each other a very long time. We got more and more exited the longer we waited. It was something after six when I got there and we had to wait a while. The guards are so macho it’s almost funny. One guard had a little speech: ”Okay, now it’s like this – when we open the door, there will be no running. If someone falls then fifty people will run over them – and that will hurt. IF you run, there’s a yellow door and you have to go through it and run around the Globe and stand in the back of the line again. Okay, no running in the arena”.


    This meant that it would be time enough to leave our coats. We got in and walked to the stage. The guards told us to sit down on the floor. This is because it makes the people spread out more. And it was about an hour before the show started. We had some time to talk and Sienne went over to the famous filming-man to ask his name and if he would come over and film Marianne and Anzuzu in their dresses. And so he did.


    We sat there and waited until someone, somewhere, saw something that resembled Mika, or it was just a shadow, anyway the growd stood up in a second. But of course it was only stage worker of some kind. We got good places though. We stood just couple of meters from a cube that was in the center of the stage. This was to be the place he was the most. So we had great places.


    The warm-up band started to play 3-4 songs and the crowd was warming up all right! The guards gave us water throughout the whole show, and we surely needed it.


    Then they had to replace all the equipment on stage and it was yet another waiting period.

    But then, at half past nine something, it started. I just couldn’t believe it was true. The music started and there was some dancing by a girl in a funny dress – but then – he was there, in front of me. I saw him as clear as a day and he’s just as beautiful in real life. He has cut his hair a bit too short for my taste. I like it when it’s a little longer, with all the curls.


    The show was fantastic. On the piano songs the rolled up a piano and placed it so he was facing me. Wounderful. It really felt like he sang just for me.

    It really looked like Mika and the whole band had FUN! They were all laughing and were picking on each other. He talked a lot of Swedish too. According to an article in a paper in Sweden it sounded like he had studied a whole Swedish-course on the plane to Stockholm, and I can only agree. He didn’t just say “Hello, how are you?”. He talked about how Sweden was the first country to play his songs, and that he was totally unknown a year ago, and look at him now – in Stockholm. He said in English: “If you don’t understand what I’m saying do this” and then he waved his arms over his head. And then the crowd did the same. The band laugh so much and Mika looked over at them and said “My band thinks this is very funny”. But we did understand him.


    Sienna the little dirty one, noticed that the trash cans was way over on the right side of the stage. Damn it, we thought. But when it was time for the take-of-the-shirt-and-bang-the-trashcans-part they moved the trash cans to the middle. We really got great places – did I mention that?! I have noticed one bad thing about my contact lenses though, I have to BLINK every once in a while or they dry up. Sometimes you don’t want to blink ya know!


    But the show was really, really good. He had some problems with his earpiece and probably didn’t get good feedback so he took it off a couple of times, and then he sung even better.

    Musically it’s always A+ of course. He remakes the songs, makes them longer and just keeps on going sometimes. He gets the crowd to sing along or sing by themselves. And he really likes it. On one song – I forget which – he made the crowd sing for a long time, and he really liked it and laughed a lot. The show just gets better if the artist and the band look like they are having the time of their life.


    In lollipop they did a shadow theater with themselves in animal costumes. At the end they did some dirty moves – haha, that’s humor. And then I haven’t even mentioned what he did to the blow up Big Girl. So funny. He laughed afterwards and really looked like “What the f**k am I doing”, but its fun when he’s being himself in the moment. During lollipop they through gigantic balloons in the crowd and had confetti-canons that made confetti rain down over the crowd.


    He also did a different version of Holy Johnny. The band all stood in front of the stage and hand a little instrument each. They played and sung almost in a capella. Nice. This probably is as much for themselves as for us. They must go crazy if they have to do exactly the same thing every show.


    But Mika really has to buy some new throwers. His fly went up and even though the closed it once it just went up again. A little funny, but I felt sorry for him. It can’t be fun standing in front of several thousand people with the fly open.


    After the show Sienna, Marianne and Anzuzu wanted to see Mika and of course I wasn’t far behind. I had bought a Mika logoband with a plastic card with info about the tour stops. The guards didn’t seem to know what it was, because they let us stay behind when all the other people had to back up. Finally the guard said that if we didn’t have a guest pass it really wasn’t any use to be standing around. So we left – with our tail between our legs - just to go outside to the buss.


    But there were two doors at the back of the house. Beside one of the exits there was a large buss, at the other there were two small busses. So now we didn’t know which door Mika would use. Some of the band came out to the small busses. It was snowing and cold. But finally it looked like it was going to be at the big buss. Again we were faced with the macho guard: “Okay, there’s a fence here, and if you push it will scratch the buss, if it scratches the buss we will have a angry buss driver, and we don’t want an angry buss driver.” So we stood nicely in a queue. Then the guard said: “Now we are walking, nicely, quietly – WALKING”. Then they let us all in to arena again. We were maybe 20 people. The guard: “Okay, now Mika has been nice to let you meet him inside so are you going to be nice enough so I don’t have to put up a fence again, okay?” We promised.


    We waited a couple of minutes. I turned around, and there he was. He came walking towards us. The damn dvd-filming-guy was there of course. If I turn up in some crazy-fan-clip I just might die. We stood in line and he talked to every one of us. He said out load to all of us that if he was distant when he hugged us it wasn’t our fault it was just that we were so wet and he didn’t want to get sick (!).


    Finally it was my turn and I said “I’m Nika from the forum” and he said “Ah…”, I said “No Nika with an N” and he said: “Oh, what’s your real name” I told him and then he signed my ticked. I got kisses on mine. Lunafish didn’t get kisses, I have to check with the others about that. Then I asked for a hug and I tried to reach but he’s so tall. He put his arm around me and touched my scarf that was all wet with show and he said “Oh, you’re REALLY wet!”. I said: “It’s not my fault it’s the snow.”


    He said that he wanted to go outside to look at the snow. ”You probably think it’s boring with snow but to me it’s exiting!” he said. He should come to Umeå in Sweden if he wanted to see lots of snow.


    That was that. I have meet and talked to Mika. I even got a hug. I felt like thirteen. I wanted to go outside and scream like the others but I controlled myself. He’s so wonderful. And beautiful even really, really close up. He’s beautiful on the outside and inside, an all around nice man.


    Then we went to get some dinner (at 2 a clock at nigh). We talked, talked and talked. Then we all went home.


    Now I feel sad. That might sound strange but it’s true. I realize that I will probably never see him again. Not talk to him again anyway. That makes me sad.


    I have to live on my memories…and what a memory you make Mika – what a memory.

  3. Nu är det snart färdigpackad. Jag sa åka utan att lämna in något bagage. Ska bli ytterst intressant och se om jag klarar det.


    Detta betyder ju dock att jag sparar lite tid och behöver inte åka till hotellet före konserten. Det känns som att jag kommer att behöva lite tid. Man vet aldrig med väder etc.

  4. Jag är HELT säker på att det finns garderob. Som Mika kan gömma sig i om han skulle få för sig det.


    Oj, nu har ju alla planerat vad dom ska ha på sig. :shocked:

    Det bli sistaminutenval för mig tror jag.


    Jag håller på att packa nu. Det spelar ju ingen större roll vad man har på sig egentligen. Kommer att bli tokvarmt i alla fall! :punk:

  5. En kompis var på Annexet i måndags, hon sa att man badade i andras svett. :boxed:


    Faktiskt bra att veta. Man vet ju aldrig hur en lokal är, den kan vara en bastu men också en ishall...


    Nu vet man ju lite hur man ska packa...

  6. :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


    Precis vad jag också undrade, dom har magiska krafter dom här tjejerna!:naughty:


    Ja, det kommer att bli intressant att höra.


    Jag börjar redan bli nervös. Jag vet inte vad jag ska ha med mig eller ha på mig. Jag vill stanna kvar och se om man kan få snacka med honom efter och jag vill INTE stanna kvar också. :boxed:


    Ingenting är klart alltså....:blink:


    Men jag är peppad i alla fall! Ska bli kul och träffa er där nere! :thumb_yello:

  7. Interesting. I can't give an accurate opinion because I am partner-less, but if Mika happened to come along now...:das:


    okay on a serious note. I mean, I love Mika to bits but I would NEVER:

    1) Take advantage of his money and fame

    2) Go out with him JUST because he's Mika


    Mutual feelinsg HAVE to be there...I've lived in a lie before and it was HORRIBLE, so I couldn't do it again nor do it to anyone else.

    If he just randomly wanted to hook up like...chicken like, I'd have to refuse...even though every fibre in my body would be screaming "GO GO GO GO!!!" :roftl:

    I'd rather we swapped numbers and had nice days out first, to get to know each other properly. Mika appears to be lovely, friendly and genuine on camera, and in front of fans, but how do we know if that's real? How do we know if it's just an act?


    I for one don't think it is...but I'd take it slowly at first.


    But we'd probably get together anyway :roftl:


    *wishful thinking*


    but anyway, thats my interpretation :mf_rosetinted:


    I have to agree.


    I would never:

    1) Take advantage of his money and fame

    2) Go out with him JUST because he's Mika


    Real feelings would have to be there. If he was a jerk, bye, bye. And I would never be with him just to sell the story to the papers. Or sell his stuff on e-bay or something like that. But that goes without saying. :wink2:


    "Every fiber screamning GO GO GO" :biggrin2: It sure would, oh, yes, it sure would.

  8. I'm curious to know if Mika wanted to get together, would you leave your partner?


    LOL! I absolutly loooove the title: "I love you baby, but let's face it - he's MIKA!" Maby one would have to say something like that, I don't know. But I would imagine that my boyfriend would have to say the same thing to me if some hot, celeb, would want to hook up with him.


    Hard to live with Mika? Yes, probably, but I'll manage for several years at least.

    All girls and boys screaming for Mika? Yes, probably, but he'll only have eyes for me... :wub2:

  9. Nika, det var en fin artikel du skrev om att Mika är en intelligent person, håller med dig fullkomligt.

    Först blev jag förtjust i hans musik för att sen upptäcka i intervjuer och annat att han också verkade ha en trevlig personlighet.

    Välartikulerad och klok.:blush-anim-cl:

    Blev liksom en extra bonus.

    Han har sagt så många tänkvärda saker så ibland är det svårt att förstå att han är så ung som han är.:wub2:


    Ja, precis det som jag menar. Många jag möter - som får veta att jag gillar Mika - säger typ "han som bara håller på med godispop" och "bara för småtjejer". Men när man hör honom om och om igen så förstår man att det finns betydligt mer bakom dessa underbara lockar. :wub2:

  10. Jag har fått intrycket att många artister bor på Rica Hotel i Älvsjö, dom brukar göra intervjuer därifrån.:naughty:


    Men fortsätt med er efterforskning, tänk att gå ner till hotellbaren på kvällskvisten och så sitter Mika och hans band där!!!:wub2::mf_lustslow:


    Det vore faktiskt riktigt coolt! Jag ska förmodligen bo på Zinkensdamms vandrarhem och jag tror knappast att han kommer att bo där! :bleh:

    Kanske ska ta globenhotellet ändå....Jag tror att det finns en stor chans att han kommer att bo där faktiskt. Det är ju nära globen och har hög klass. Bernshotellet är ju också av hög klass. Men jag tror att han vill spara pengar nu och kommer att på på Zinkensdamm... :biggrin2:

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