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Posts posted by armande

  1. i seem to remember a shirt a that had redish coloured hearts on it, lol maybe it wasnt hearts



    i found it!


    i know what you are talking about with the icecream! i have seen it before, but i dont know where to find it again. aww well i will leave it to someone else

  2. Nope, we just sort of assume it's a dirty word in Britain.


    You can't get away with ANYTHING on the radio / tv here. I watch BBC america and I'm, literally, shocked that some of it isn't bleeped. Not because I personally think it needs bleeped, but just because the people at the FCC tend to censor the most ridiculous things.


    You can't say: sh-t, f-ck, c-nt, dick, cock, and there's a bunch more. If you take the Lord's name in vain, then they bleep out the first word. Like *BEEP* dammit, *BEEP* Christ (or Jesus *BEEP*)


    wow, im surprised dick and cock got through, here, cock does have another meaning though.


    this website is fun, it has alot of slang words on it



  3. I haven't read all of this yet, but the first thing that came to my mind was Sandalwood. I wonder if it's that. I'm in love with that scent.

    i like sandalwood too, although sometimes it smells alot like body odour :thumbdown:




    he looks so nice in that picture! he rarely has any bad ones. oh, btw, i really like ure siggy

  4. gotta question: how do you call a friend? A colleague, just friend or mate??


    in australia there are so many ways to say it, colleauge is usually for some one you work with, here, you could say; friend or mate, i reckon mate is usually for someone you know pretty well though, it is more casual


    BTW i really love love your signature

  5. my favourite treat of all Nanaimo Bars!! in USA they call them New York Slices!

    they are not from there! they are from my way!







    wooow that looks so nice!

    lol, i have gone crazy at the moment for vegemite and cheese sandwiches


    I dont know if anyone has replied to you gatagordinha

    well, my interpretation of a bogan is some one who is generally dirty and walks around in daggy trakkies (trackpants) and ugg boots, and just isnt very respectful i guess

  6. News from Mikawebsite.com:


    I just wrote to tell that he said that Nice was his 2nd "City of adoption" (I don't know if it's good english) in France.


    Mika was very tired. Cherisse has been carried buy the audience. Mika had some problems with his socks.


    He used to come in Villeneuve-Loubet during his holidays. He told he did a song contest in Juan les Pins few years ago but he didn't win.


    problems with his socks :bleh:

    awww mika sounds like he is falling apart, with the hand thing, limp and sore throat :boxed:

  7. aww... he's so cute! :wub2: maybe he's nervous because he's talking to someone he thinks is really pretty?


    that reminds me, i heard somewhere that if ure nervous with someone that you like ull subconciously touch what you think are your assets (for lack of a better word!).

  8. Everything here is true:


    • You say the correct pronunciation LANG-kist-er instead of the mispronounced Lan-CAST-er, and LEB-en-in instead of the equally incorrect Leb-a-NON.
    • YOUR turkey has "filling," not "stuffing," and most certainly, NOT "dressing."
    • You say things like, "Outen the lights," "I'm calling off today," and "They're calling for snow."
    • You call sloppy joes "barbecue."
    • Know that Wilkes-Barre is pronounced "Wilks Berry." Can pronounce "Knoebels." Can pronounce (or spell) "Schuylkill."
    • Frequently go "with," e.g., "You going to the market? Mind if I come with?"
    • When you were a kid and somebody really pissed you off, you said, "I'm gonna deck you!"
    • You ask the waitress for "dippy ecks" for breakfast. Red Beet Ecks makes your list of top ten favorite foods.
    • You do things "wunst," as in "I'll go check in the back room wunst."
    • The plural of "you" is "youns."
    • Words like: gumband; buggy; hoagie; chipped ham; and pop actually mean something to you.


    where is that from?

  9. thanks for showing us this!


    To his credit, Mika, with his band without relief (guitar, keyboards, bass, drums), does not use samplers sounds but involves two brass and a string trio. Son programme est inscrit sur un t-shirt vendu à la boutique des produits dérivés : "Dance or Die" ("Danse ou crève"). The program is written on a T-shirt sold at the shop derivatives: "Dance or Die" ( "Dance or die"). Le slogan colle aux infernaux Love Today et Grace Kelly , sous une pluie de ballons multicolores, confettis et serpentins. The slogan infernal sticks to Love Today and Grace Kelly, under a rain of multicolored balloons, confetti and streamers.


    a string trio :jawdrop: wow! makes me think of the beatles, i hope he can be as lasting as they are/were

  10. ok so i just got back from the center of Tel aviv...went to buy some fabric for my costume for the shows in november ;)


    and while showing the stuff i bought to my grandma... i suddenly hear mika on the tv! lol..i looked and they showed a part of his concert :biggrin2:


    i guess from last night? ;)


    Finally something good come out of my grandma watching this chanel all the time! unfortunatly i cant understand much of it.


    loooove seeing mika on TV! i actually see and hear him here in israel more than any other artist...he is EVERYWHERE! :thumb_yello:


    i just noticed, your avatar picture with mika is so snuggly looking! :wub2:

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