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Posts posted by armande

  1. oui et toi ? :roftl:




    Well, normally we alos do it at the beginning of december but we were lazy this year! :biggrin2:

    For several years we used the same old fake tree but this Xmas we have a real one !^^




    that's okay :biggrin2:

    Yeah,I had the exact same thought! I think we are addicted :roftl:

    ahk, we use the same plastic tree, we have had a real one, but i don't remember


    Yeh I expected none!! .. lets see how many are on tommorow :biggrin2:

    haha, i bet then there will be none

    i wonder if there will be a few comming here after getting LICM for xmas or similar

  2. This is just a quick hello and goodbye before I head off to look at Christmas lights! That's my family tradition.


    Guess what? Big W wasn't any busier today then it has been for the last week. I was so surprised and happy. And today at work we got to dress-up for Christmas! I wore my bright green skinny jeans, red converses, a red singlet with a Christmas shirt over the top! It was fun. And after I had finished My family picked me up and we headed off to Church. I really love the Christmas Eve celebrations at my Church. All of the little kids dress up and there are heaps of lovely decorations. It's always really beautiful.


    Okay, I've got to go again now. Merry Christmas to you all (but I'll probably be saying that again one last time before I go to bed tonight)!

    hello S-D merry christmas! :yay:


    that sounds like fun dressing up for work, have fun looking at the lights


    hey blue sky, i havn't seen you around here in a while, how are you?

  3. hahha maybe he did



    with a happy ending like that....oh gosh...I will be willing to die for it....hahaha



    it's like :at the end of the rainbow there is a tresure


    now here is :at the end of the trail theres a BIG tresure/surprise/FELLA


    nice analogy :mf_rosetinted:

  4. Ah but is that 8.30 my time or yours?



    I think it starts at 9pm my time, if its 8.30 yours?


    *finally checks tv guide online*

    i think that is a good idea, i am rubbish with timezones


    thx ! u too!

    do u wnat to try french wine ? Some Bordeaux for example ? :biggrin2:

    :eek: that would be lovely :biggrin2::mf_rosetinted:


    K, I am officially signing off for the night.


    Merry Christmas everyone!!


    *group hugs*


    I look forward to hearing what each of you get tomorrow.


    Have a great day surrounded by loved ones.... laugh.... enjoy every moment... and for those that wish to do so, take a moment to reflect on the true meaning.


    Love to everyone!!! xxxx




    *skips off to wait for Santa*

    goodnight, i hope santa brings lots of prezzies and you have a lovely time with loved ones

  5. Carols by candlelight is usually better.


    (do you know how long until it starts? I'm too lazy to check)


    And I like wrapping pressies. Never get to wrap mine though. (I wish I did)

    at 8:30 though you have probably figured that by now :naughty:


    Hiya Assante ..... quiet night in for us ..... I'll prob. watch the tattoo too !!!:thumb_yello:

    Tomorrow we are going to an 'orphans' christmas party ... which we do most years' with our friends .... for those of us that no longer have or live near our families !!! A big lunch & then a gift each !!!:biggrin2: .... & a few drinks .... :naughty::wink2:

    thats a really nice idea, the 'orphans' christmas party


    merry christmas melmam!


    i've always wanted to go to a resort or something like that for christmas lunch, PO, it sounds really nice


    *hands everyone some wolf blass black label wine*

    i bet it is better than this yellow label vinegar :sneaky2:

    i swear that isn't how label is spelt

  6. Hey HK, merry christmas for tomorrow to you too.


    And my christmas eve is going fine now Armande, finally doing nothing (after hectic work)


    Got to wrap pressies earlier, and now I'm waiting to watch carols by candlelight (its a tradition)


    thats good


    wrapping pressies... yay... i always end up wrapping them all (unless they are for me :naughty:)


    we always watch carols here too, i hope it is better than carols in the domain lol

  7. actually i get that reaction 2 but after i say "i lurve mika. me and mika are married" i also get a lot of worse reactions eg: the other day i told someone the devastating news that he cancelled his oz visit and the reply was " coz no one bought any tickets??" i nearly slapped the girl





    and now for my daily rant: i chopped so much crap today that my wrist hurts so much i can barely squeeze out a sponge. end rant!!!

    hmm, at least im not the only one then

    and my symapthy to your wrist :boxed:


    omg my comp had a moment and now look at my boo boos

    haha, i wondered if i had read right at first, the mfc always seems to go slow and weird in the afternoon here.


    i went to the best shop before, every thing is so cool, they have little magnets that are like that boy thing mika has on his shirt, and they have the most random cool stuff there, like handmade jewelery from india, and heaps of the venetian glass which seems to be popular here

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