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Posts posted by Candboys

  1. She roo roo's us to give her attention as if she is saying love love me, pay attention to me.


    I finally got around to listening to Diana's downloads this morning. I tried the BBC site stream but it kept closing down on me. I am absolutely LOVEING his cover of Teardrops! I didn't care for it on the first listen but I keep listening to it now.

  2. That's what we are going to call her too- Mika. DH said he was fine with it and just name her already! Besides, Mika IS a girl's name in Japan and we did live there once. Her registered name will be Istari's Love Love Me. Istari is her kennel name and if we can fit it in, we will add ours to it as well to be Istari's Love Love Me at Tuaboo.




    Love Today




    At the end of Relax I think it is, the audio skips. I have no idea why cuz I didn't record it in real time or anything. It's not that annoying though.. :angel_not:


    Interview bits still to come.



    Thank you Mariposa and Diana! I am listening to it now.:thumb_yello:

  4. You guys are great! I can very well relate to all your stories. Yesterday, my 9 year old son was telling his teacher about missing school in Feb. for a Mika gig and she was curious who he was. They went on Youtube and once she heard Grace Kelly, she knew she had heard the song before and they listened to some other ones like Big Girl. She said that she liked his voice and that she would miss school too to go to see him. There was another girl that was in the classroom (this was during lunch break) and she got Grace Kelly stuck in her head and was singing it the rest of the day.


    So now, instead of listening to High School Musical that she had been playing in the classroom, she is going to start playing Mika. My son was so excited.

  5. I'm listening to the broadcast now. Just heard Love Today. I think he sang "girl with the big BUTT on" on the 3rd line like in his earlier demo version. Did I hear that right? I can't rewind. I'm afraid to touch any buttons b/c I don't want to hear the whole beginning again.

  6. I doubt they would sell out..

    Does any one know how many the venue seats (or stands)? I was looking at the HOB site and trying to figure out how big the place is. It seems like the largest room there had a capacity of only 1000. Am I not looking in the right place?


    Megan and Haley, if I order some, I will let you know, if you want. I need to go figure out the conversion rate to see how much these hearts really are in US $.


    I'm going to Chicago for Xmas so I may do a test drive by of the HOB so I don't get completely lost.

  7. *sigh* Ok. I will probably buy the tickets tommorow and work out a way there later. If i dont get them by tommorow, they still probably wont be sold out, Right? AH! This is too much!

    Yes, definitely buy the tickets first and then figure out a way to go later. Wouldn't you just hate it if you found a way to get there and then couldn't get a ticket?


    Also, I am coming from Wisconsin so I can't help you out either. Keep asking though, you never know...

  8. Oh, ad that's great you got tickets too! Be sure to say hi at the show, okay? :)

    I will definitely be on the lookout for other MFCers. I think I am going to place an order for those glowing hearts. I was going to get them a few months ago but I didn't think I would need them anytime in the near future then. They look cool to have anyway!


    Thank you so much to Haley and Megan for allerting me to the presale! I get so stressed about getting tickets to shows and worrying about them selling out!

  9. Is anyone else the slightest bit worried that he might cancel at the last minute? I really don't think he would, but I am the tiniest bit worried because of how far we have to drive....and I know my sister would flip out on me. :-S

    Hi! I got my tickets today too. I am also worried about that and the weather. I am hoping that he gets a proper rest and is in good health by Feb. I just hope that IF it does get cancelled, it won't be at the very last minute b/c we don't live in Chicago.

  10. thanks for understanding- enthusiastic doesn't begin to cover it.

    Even when I was 12, I never had a popstar crush like this, plus my parents never would have let me join a fanclub/go to concerts.

    So, I'm going thru that phase a few decades later, that's all.

    Maybe it's better to do it now, as I have $$ to spend on essentials like tickets!


    Yes, me too! I had never really gotten into any singers or actors or anything before. I did follow the Grateful Dead around for a summer once though.




    Doh! i forgot ticket web. I GOT 2 TICKETS :woot_jump:



    Hello and Yay! That is exciting!

  11. Aside from his astounding talent and criminally good looks, I am infatuated with him because he is so smart, witty, savvy with the press, etc. Love his interviews. His sense of humor comes through, & its refreshing.

    I've been so jealous of all of you who have seen him in concert & met him/gotten autographs! I thought I'd probably have to wait a year before I'd get to see him, & now it's only 57 days away!

    I'm sounding like a 12 year old! Glad it's only my cat who can see me jumping up & down now.


    Leona, I agree with you 100%.


    Goodnight to you, Wendi, Robi, Kath and Carrie! I will be in and out tonight. The kids are home now.

  12. OMG...Christmas cards! I have been so late with them that I don't think my friends expect to see anything from me anymore. I still have the ones that I never mailed out last year that I can use.


    I HAD to buy the Chicago tickets because I am so stressed that the Minneapolis show will sell out on me. It's like my saftey net. The Chicago one had a presale that started today. The MSP ones don't go on sale until the 14th. Plus, I am quite worried about the weather at that time of year. Today, there is an ice storm in Chicago that would make driving hazardous. WHY is he coming to the northern states in the middle of winter??? It's good though...

  13. Hi Oldlings! I was checking in to see what was going on. I purchased 4 tickets for the Chicago show this morning - but wait, I have a family of 5! What was I thinking! I am still a bit undecided between Chicago and Minneapolis. The weather around here is so unpredictable in Feb.


    How is everyone? Hello DCDeb. I used to live fairly close to Mt. Vernon. Fairly close in DC which means about 15 miles away.

  14. I don't have that transpose button. I just thought some of the notes sounded off even in the ones without the note at the bottom. I'll keep working on it. I thought about transposing back but then again....no.


    Well, it was really nice to meet everyone here! I have to now feed the kids and get them ready for swimming.

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