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Posts posted by Barunka

  1. Neni za čo....ja si také antošské časopisy kupujem len ked mám tušáka, že tam bude čosika o Mikovi....je tam ako Slnko uprostred tých šumov - 50 cenťákov, Fergáčky, Rihanny a iných kreatúr:glasses3:.....ako ich môžu hádzať do jedného vreca s Mikom???


    Ách, kde tento svet speje?

    Každej hold poslouchá něco jinýho... :-) Musí se vyhovět všem ;-)

  2. hi aurora...well, they promoted the show WITH Mika's performance. If they didn't show it, it's deceit into advertisings!! misleading publicity...

    and we have the right to complain...


    just being curious...has ever GK or Love Today been aired on MTV in your countries??

    My country doesn't have it's MTV... but on MTV Europe, Mika is actually played quite often ... and on our country's music channel, Óčko, they play him quite a lot as well... hum..strange o.O There's no reason to cut him out even if he's not famous o.O

  3. Hello my name is Carlie and I'm a Mika addict! :wink2:


    I saw him on Thursday at Carling Academy and he was *so* amazing! Seriouslllly.


    The first time I heard about him was on the radio ages ago, they played Grace Kelly, and my mum and I were like WOW who is this?! And they said he name after the song obvs, and I then googled him when I got home and was like WOAAAAH. Got to school the next day and told my friend about him and she was like OMG, my brother bought me the album and I was like OMGGGG. So we stuck it in the CD players in the common room and had a total Mika-fest right there and then!


    I saw him live at T4 on the beach, my friend and I didn't even know he was going to be there so we had a total meltdown when we realised it was so funny! My friend then bought me tickets to see him for birthday which is how I came to see him on thursday. anyway I came to realise that I needed other people to share my love with so here I am. *grins*


    He is also way too hot for his own good. When I was at the concert I bought that huge poster of him (which is now right next to my bed). How yummy is his hair?!!?


    Ok I should stop talking now! :blush-anim-cl:


    So yeah. HI. x

    You don't have to stop talking :biggrin2: ... If it's about Mika, everyone will listen.. (well read:) ) to you here ;):D

    We all became addicts after hearing Grace Kelly.. or it seems so :-O

    And yea, I believe you, it must have been great! I saw him once and it was amazing too!:)

    Welcome to the MFC! :-) Have fun here ;-)

  4. Boo! haha scared you all! anyways! i just started loving MIKA after i first heard Grace Kelly play randomly, and ever since then iv been MIKA MAD! lol How about you guys?


    How come i cant add pictures :crybaby:

    Me too! After hearing Grace Kelly, I'm an addict! :) Welcome to the MFC! :-) Have fun! ;) I'm sure you will :wink2:

  5. Tak ja osobne vodu hrozne zbožňujem :mf_lustslow:! A hlavne ked je strašne hlboká.......cítim sa v nej veľmi slobodne a ked je možnosť že more tak som v raji.....:hypo:

    Já taky strašně zbožňuju vodu o.O Nevím, asi má nějakou špatnou zkušenost nebo co :P :-O

    A děkuju za rozhovor :-) Já už tak děsně dlouho nečetla žádnej takovejhle časopis :-O

  6. Fu, uz neviem, niekde nahodou na nete.

    Barun, mozem ti polozit "dovernu" otazku? Preco nemas ziadny avatar? Mas na to nejaku zvlastnu pricinu? Alebo?


    Hej příčinu to žádnou nemá - já jen nevím, co si tam mám dát :D Ale už bych fakt asi měla :-) Když ale nápady pořád nepřicházej.. o.O

  7. Asi to, že Mika jednou říkal, že by se nepřiblížil k vodě, nebo něco takovýho..Verča mi o tom jednou psala a byla vážně naštvaná!:naughty:

    Aháááá xD! Pravda, to sem vlastně taky jednou slyšela :-) To teda nevím o.O Zvláááštní... o.O Proč se vůbec bojí do tý vody lízt :-O

  8. sorry i don't really like her. i guess it's because we're alot more sheltered here than europe so i guess her song lyrics are a bit disturbing

    Well it's a matter of opinion :-) I actually don't understand what she sings about, cause french is not one of languages I'm learnin... but I like the mellody and yea.. whatever.. x)

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