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Posts posted by Barunka

  1. Hej, vyzerá tam veľmi mlado.....mám pocit že vtedy hral aj v nejakých muzikáloch........počúvaj, nedokážem pochopiť tejto fotke, ty hej???



    Neprichádza tu niekomu na um nejaké vysvetlenie?Že by to bola stávka......?

    A co na té fotce nechápeš, Veru? :)

  2. Prosímťa aký antitalent?Pozri kolko máš všelijakých vecí pod menom - icq, skype a tých panáčikov čo ani neviem čo sú...:blink:

    Ja by som si tam dala skype ale my to nemávame zapnuté lebo to "spomaľuje počítač" takže si to zapneme iba ak sa s niekým dohodneme...........ách jaj stále mám z teba pocit pani dokonalá:eek: vadí ti to?

    heh :D ten zelenej panak je MSN a ten zlutej jetej panak je AOL ;) ..

    no vadit mi to urcite nebude:) ..

    , jen bych te chtela presvedcit o tom ze to je blbost :biggrin2:

  3. Hej!My nie sme z revucej!Sme zo Strečna!A ta imelia je tu uz fest dlho....ale viem o nej len od Malky neviem presne ako sa píše jej meno tak som jej ešte nenapísala ale chcela by som.....a Terou je z Postřemlova....tiež dedinčanka ako aj my :cheers:.....no tak povedzme si narovinu - ako často tu v MFC vidíš chalana?

    A náhodou jich tady je taky celkem dost :-) Ale mohlo by být víc no :-/ :P ... Prostě chlapi nedokážou ocenit talent nebo co :biggrin2:

    P.S. pro Rebeku, jj původně z Bratislavy :)

  4. Nooo,mne sa zdá že ešte stále existuje....

    Ty, ako to že máš toľko veľa pošt?Kedy to stíhaš?Ved si tu len od Októbra...teda poviem ti si dobre aktívna....

    Ehm... mas pravdu, jeste existuje.... jen já sem blb x) no co se dá dělat... berme jako aktivní tohle o.O *jde se se svým technickým antitalentem zahrabat*

    Vis ze ani nevim? :-O To bude asi mym vecnym somrovanim do ruznych for.. x) :biggrin2:

  5. thanx for the vid robi! :biggrin2: don't understand all, but the parts i understand are really funny! did he say "thank you for freezing"?! :roftl: and "you all wanna get ill like me!" - mika, how do you know, have you read ircazo's posts about how happy she was to catch your cold?! :roftl:

    and the way he says "hello" when he's talking to someone standing left of you, LOL!!!

    "Thank you for freezing" :roftl: ... well i don't have a clue either, but i think he said "it's freakin freezy" .. which is 100% wrong... but makes a little more sense... :biggrin2:

  6. Yeah, when his friends are looking he can be true gentleman!



    So, this is depressing. It's 4pm, and I have to turn the light on! The suns gone. I always say winter is my fav season, but it's only the snow I and clear sky I want. Winters fåckin depressing!!!


    *eats chocolate and drinks more tea*

    Right!! ... I hate winter too... when i go to school it's dark and when i get back from school, it's already gettin dark... :blink: .. Let it be summer again! :) *thinks of moving to Hawaii while drinking tea*

  7. in czech! :

    Hello - Ahoj

    Goodbye - Nashledanou

    Lollipop - Lízátko

    Nice to meet you - Rád jsem vás poznal (i guess this is not the best version.. :D )

    Thank you - Děkuji

    Brown - Hnědá

    Blue - Modrá

    Fan - Fanoušek

    Club - Klub

    Yes - Ano

    No - Ne

    Do you have? - Máš?

    How many? - Kolik?

    Book - Kniha

    Face - Tvář

    Etertainment - Zábava

    Ice ream - Zmrzlina

    Woman - Žena

    Man - Muž

    Little - Malý

    Big - Velký

    Leg - Noha

    Bottle - Lahev

    Mouse - Myš

    Cow - kráva

    Cat - Kočka

    Black - černá

    Rainbow - duha

    Cloud - mrak

    Umbrella - deštník

    Curls - kudrliny

    Christmas - vánoce

    Christmas tree - vánoční stromeček

    Christmas present - Vánoční dáre(če)k :)

    Church - Kostel

    Santa Claus - Santa Claus o.O

    Rufolt the Red Nose Reindeer - Rudolf, sob s červeným nosem :D:D

  8. i wouldn't say i'm a fan, but i've come to like her during the tour. still don't like the electronic parts in the songs (and when i read this thread i think it's better that i don't understand french! :naughty: ), but apart from that, her songs are really catchy, and at the berlin concert i was actually dancing and clapping along like mad, don't know if i was just in a good mood or if it was her music that made me so euphoric. probably both. :bleh:

    I agree with you :) She made me dance too... and I think she really got a good response from the audience... mostly cause of her dancing... which was great btw :naughty: well at least at concert in Berlin, right mellody? :biggrin2:

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