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Everything posted by jonnyc1st

  1. As some of you may already know, Mika is unwell and has been advised to cancel tonight and tomorrow's gigs in London. This is just as disappointing for Palladium as it is for all of you who had tickets to see the gigs. However, if you are in town we'd like to offer you another party to come to where your fancy dress, glow sticks, special make-up and fantastic energy are all welcome, Palladium are playing at the famous Camden Barfly tomorrow night (Tuesday 4th Dec). As we might not get to see all you Mika fans until his gigs are rescheduled in Feb, why not come along and raise your spirits back up at Palladium stadium tomorrow night! Details of this gig can be found in our gig listings on our myspace profile! We wish Mika the best of luck in getting well again soon!
  2. Going to see MIKA? Want to help Palladium and meet the band? This is a call out to all of you Palladium fans who have tickets to see PALLADIUM at one of MIKA's upcoming gigs in the UK! If you are lucky enough to already have tickets to one of these gigs and would like to MEET THE BAND in your town before the show, please let Jonny know by emailing him at this address: jonnycnymph@hotmail.co.uk please include: * DATE AND CITY YOU HAVE TICKETS FOR * FULL NAME * MOBILE NUMBER All we ask of you in return as that you help Jonny street teaming at the gig. Don't worry you will still have plenty of time to enjoy both sets from us and Mika! Age 15+ only please
  3. yea, Palladium are amazing! High Five (5) is such a cool song. Can't wait to see them supporting Mika again soon! woo! everyone should buy this single, it's only 50p from 7digital.com and hopefully then they'll make it in the charts with a little help from us Mika fans!
  4. This is the band that will be supporting Mika for the rest his UK tour over the next month! check them out, I think they're great! <a href="http://band-stand.net/clicks/152/1423"> <img src="http://www.band-stand.net/images/mypalladium.gif"></a> PALLADIUM MYSPACE what do people think?!?!?!??!?! Jonny
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