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Everything posted by easyrider

  1. guess I will have to wait a few years then!!
  2. just how old do you have to be to be... an oldling!!
  3. Well its nice to read how some of you guys think... Not been here for a while and its great catching up with the gossip! When I get sorted will post my whereabouts on Myspace so if your in the neighbourhood, stop by for a coffee! I take in all waifs and strays as you guys already know! Hope you all had a great Christmas and New years! Si x
  4. wont be around for the london gigs... duty call.. off to the cold parts of the world...russia!!
  5. well yes, i suppose where ever my bus is... is my home but this was a long long time ago!! and what are you still doing up... u should be long ago in bed!!
  6. anyone from alberta? i used to live there
  7. wasn't my choice... its was from my guru... will have to find a new 1 I guess!! any ideas!
  8. well the old woman got in my way... had to swerve 3 times to hit her!!
  9. i think the only person it would be dangerous for on a skateboard is me!!
  10. u could kill a guy with a skateboard... why is it dangerous??
  11. ok... will try and answer your questions for you... the tour bus i drive is a little longer than most normal buses.. 12meters for a normal bus.. where mine is 14 meters but now some regular buses are being made this long so they can carry more bums on seats... for us.. its a matter of being able to equip the bus with more comfort!! which leads me onto cost, we actually buy the buses as a empty shell and do all the rufurbishments in house at our depot.. the costs go into millions of euros for a fleet like ours... each bus i guess is around a million? at a guess! the licence to drive 1 of these is the same as a normal bus but before u can go out in 1 there has to be some careful scrutiny on ur driving ability! and first you start with the older not so big nightliners and progress up the chain!! As for cornering and driving the big things... well.. i guess it just takes practice and a bit of good luck!! as for third day... never heard of them... sorry!!
  12. I have spent the last 17 years trolling around these countries.. u tend to get over the newness of different cities every day, sleep is also a good way to let it all go by you!!
  13. nobody has ever complained about my technique!!
  14. colouring book... naaaah open book meaning... what u see is what you get.. no hidden messages!! plus colouring books are hard... staying with the lines when shading in... very technical!!
  15. waiting i dont mind... its my job... after all.. if it wasn't for him... i wouldnt be here! and the phones were stolen when we were picking Mr M up from the hotel... just my bad luck!! not all italians are "stunzos" or whetever that word is!! but u understand i think!!
  16. gone off italians since the whipped my phones from the bus... sorry!!
  17. victory normally means after a battle... here was no contest! respect!!
  18. now then... lets leave my fancy one out of this conversation... its not working right just at the moment!!
  19. just take hold of his zoom lense and squeeze real tight... should make something go flash!!
  20. lol... i guess u have heard the rumour what they wear under their kilts!!
  21. i thought you ladies would have enough in Mr M to keep u busy instead of us ... but the interest is cute... richard/andy/samantha... is a free spirit... why dont you ask him tho!! so lets get the popcorn popping and the chickens running!! it makes me smile... thats a good thing!!
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