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Posts posted by mamsie

  1. A couple of mfcers already stood there with Mika and the security guy already said that there were too many people standing there, but Mika said, "no, it's ok!" :wub2: So the other mfcers could come too and now we have the great picture with him


    thank you to everyone for making it such a beautiful day, I'll never forget this :wub2:


    Thank you too, Celien, I was so happy Mika and the group told the security guys I had to be on the picture too... thank you Mika!!

  2. Almost forgot it: Thanks Mamsie for the champagne and Yooligan for the gift ... it was really nice


    Katrien, you really deserved this... I would give even more to a kind person like you... you made so many people soooo happy you can't even imagine! Without you we would have been so frustrated and miserable ;) So we cannot thank you enough!!! Next gig I will bring even more champagne...

  3. I share these reports with you all! What can I say more? It was a pleasure to meet Katrien, Droopsy, Marleen, Celien, Lollipopgirl and all the others....

    And yes, it was the most exciting and amazing night ever! I thank Katrien soooo much for her kindness. Next time in February I will bring even more and better champagne ;):wink2:

    And Mika... he was amazing! For the first time he really recognized us and it felt so warm! This night will stay in my best memories for ever!

    And thanks for the pictures as I did't have a camera myself I cherish yours...

  4. I think Katrien is the nicest person on earth as she gave a ticket to Yooligan :) Maybe I still will go there in the afternoon and hope I will find another ticket for demarre (and myself maybe?!)... It is really frustrating having replaced heaven and earth to be able to win tickets and like Murphy's law... it didn't work :(

    But then again I am happy because Yooligan is and I wish her (and all the other MFC's) truly a splendid evening tomorrow!!

  5. You know what I hate??? Jimmobile!!! I ordered 3 SIMcards last sunday and they didn't arrive on time so we cannot join the competition for Mika's showcase... damn it!!!

    So now I hope to get a chance this way... let's hope and pray... I never enjoyed a concert as much as the one in may

    Of course I will be in Brussels anyway... anybody knows at what time the concert would start??


    Desperate mamsie

  6. Btw, how can we know who is member of MFC and who isn't? I would have liked to meet some of you but there is no way of knowing who you are when you stand in the queue. How about a MFCpin/pass or so where you can write your nickname on??

  7. Last I saw of him he threw the raffle ticket book in the bin through frustration . I thought he was part of Mikas team / security actually at first:thumb_yello:


    Yes, I saw that too. But it was better having some numbering than not at all... I understanded his frustration...


    The day before we talked with head of security and Mikas managers to try and get improved access


    With the help of the MFC seems it went better:thumb_yello:


    Saw you too, but you did not see me!!:naughty:

  8. Oke, here I go with my experience of the last Mika Dodgy tour gig. I must say I was worried when I read about the troubles they had in the queue the 26th. So I arrived with my two kids by 4.30 PM. We were amazed by the crowd allready waiting. We walked back and forth, asking people where we could get our tickets... and finally we saw a lot of people having a number. So I found out where to get our number (don't know who gave it!). And we got our number! But still I think when we finally went in the queue, there must have gone someting wrong. Apperently not everybody knew about the numbers. Then we talked with a couple coming from Holland. They showed us the pink wristband to go to the afterparty. They said they did'nt know what to expect. They just gave them. I don't think they were members of MFC, but I am not sure. Anyway, we did'nt have them and so be it. But I would like to congratulate Aurelien because he was so busy trying to organise things. And he did a good job. He was so kind... Queing was not that bad after all. And time flies...

    The gig itself was amazing (still in Brussels was the best one, I think!!:wink2: ) We had a good place in the front row and I even got the opportunity of going on stage during the Lollipop song. I had a very good time but felt a bit guilty because I would have preferred my daughter (Yooligan) standing there. I think I made her unhappy and jealous with it:boxed: But it all went so quick and what do you do...?!

    I would love to see some film of it or get pictures of it. So if anyone could show me...

    And then, after the gig, we ran like mad to the backdoor. The kids wanted their autograph and my daughter had this Belgian chocolate with her letter for Mika. So, we waited. And waited... Of course it took so long because of the afterparty. And it was freezingly cold. But security was entertaining and friendly. And finally Mika came out. Was tired and did'nt have much time (understandable), but the kids got their autograph and were happy afterall.

    And me? Well I am suffering a bad cold now. With fever! Maybe getting a bit to old for this!!! But I had the time of my life. The two Mika gigs I saw, were the best ever. Nobody can ever take away that feeling!

    About organisation in the future, I would like to give my tip. It would be good to have a true representatieve of MFC (Aurelien???). This person could ask everybody if he/she is an MFCmember when he arrives together with the Nickname. These people could have an invitation for a meet and greet. Or maybe through this forum, we had a list of the MFCmembers joining the gig. We could have a printable invitation or something. I think there were members who missed the afterparty, coming from other countries, being loyal members, maybe a bit at the background, not pushy, maybe shy; and some other people not really interested got entrance. And I also think we should respect Mika, the band and everybody else not to stick to him, show respect, not start stalking, pushing, touching... maybe a "black list" would be appropriate for this bad behavior. Oke, I know I sound like a "mum" here but there are too many fans right now and I think things must be reorganised. In these 9 months, Mika came from "boy next door" to worldwide star. And it would be a shame if he cannot be himself anymore because of a few people bothering him...


  9. Hi everyone!


    Just logged in the MFC site after spending a couple of days in London and being ill since yesterday!! Woooouw su much written yet in this forum!

    I guess my experience doesn't matter anymore! It was amazing. Especially when I had the opportunity to dance on stage with the lollipop song at the end. It felt like in a dream and did'nt realize at that moment how lucky I was being on stage together with Mika!! Is there anyone who filmed this song together with the crowd? I already found a good picture where I saw myself dancing. Nice :thumb_yello: , but can anyone send me more pictures? Maybe there are but with so many posts on this forum it takes a while finding them...

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