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Posts posted by BumbleBee_Vix

  1. I can see this theme thing really causing a problem tbh. I mean as good as it would be, whoc an afford a new costume every gig? AND everyone is already trying to fit the theme to their own costume.


    Cartoon cos we already have people as power puff girls


    Arctic cos we already have xmas/snow theme costumes


    Bugs cos we've got a bee and a ladybug etc.


    It would be a lot easier if Mika dictated the theme lol and made it EASY lol...AND CHEAP!

  2. I dunno when exactly he wants it to start as it was backhand information so I dunno if he wants it for the next tour cos Andy said he wants more political stuff and his next album is meant to be more serious. So I dunno...hmmmm.


    However Easter I'm afraid we NEED a CHICKEN theme :naughty:

  3. Newcastle has been THE BEST gig by far so far!


    The crowd was somewhat ridiculous as those on the front row practically had their ribs caved in from the pushing but once Mika got started it wasn't that bad.


    He did mitionary man as an alternative to Sweet dreams which tbh I don't think is as good but still really enjoyable :D


    The whole band seemed to really enjoy themselves and Mika was smiley as anything! In the drum competition between Cherrisse and Mika he went and poured his water over her and she ended up running after him hitting him with the drum sticks :D Also Martin started hopping round the stage on one of the huge balloons lmao. At one point they also all climbed onto the BIG M *ultimate photo moment* Mika looked a bit lost without his Holy Johnny tonight mind lol as he was like praying to nobody and he didn't pull anyone up from the audience which he has done at every other gig.


    As everyone has already seen the quilt was on display on the drums as was the stocking he was given and Martin's mike stand had the MFC heart on it :D.


    On another note Cherrise handed me her drum stick last night cos when she threw one to me on Saturday it blacked out at that moment and it smacked me in the eye lmao, she apologised so all is well. AND I didn't even notice last night but on the photos...HES WEARING BUMBLE BEE SOCKS WOOOOO!


    For those who are interested in the fancy dress situation go look in the news thread cos I have the inside info now on what Mika wants to do with all that so go have a gander on there.


    Also mass thanks to Freddy who blew up a whoppin balloon and kept the crowd amused during the half hour between palladium and Mika :D Mika was kicking it when it came over and was like eh? :shocked: lmao.


    Also for those who queued afetrwards we got a strict telling that he was ONLY going to sing a few on one side and a FEW on the other NO PHOTOS and he's going straight in the car. He came out, signed everyone's stuff, allowed a few photos took the amazing bear me n mam made :D and we have his reaction on video :D


    Over all an AMAZING night.


    Bring on Hammersmith!


    Pictures to follow !

  4. Ok so we all know by now that Mika said that dressing up was becoming samey cos other bands were copying and that it was time for a change. But nobody knew what right?


    Ok, so I was talking to Andy the camera guy and I asked if it was true he didn't want us to dress up anymore and he said "you'll have to ask him yourself" I said I won't get chance he's not stopping long and the MFC really wanna know whats going on. He said "what do you think?" I said Well currently the MFC people in the queue think we should start a nudist party but it's November so you know and he was like "Wow thats a great idea I think the MFC should all start that" And so I was like no seriously what does he want us to do? and he said...



    Mika basically still wants us to dress up, he doesn't want it to stop, he just wants the MFC to like pick a theme and have each gig themed somehow, especially from a political point of view for example environment and we all go as plants or like the xmas theme etc.


    SO THEMES people. What Mika wants he shall get!

  5. He then spoke with Freddie telling him that all the bands were now copying him the dressing-up idea and that "when everybody does it, you don't wanna do it anymore. It's time to move on".


    Since Mika started the whole dressing up thing I don't see why it should end. Everyone loves an excuse to dress up and it's part of the whole atmosphere, I mean if we didn't dress up he wouldn't have Holy Johnny would he! (Not that he has any more like lol he has withdrawn from the the church) So sod it I'm in Newcastle tonight



  6. I've uploaded all my photos from Manchester and Doncaster onto photobucket.


    Here are the links to the albums,






    but so you have an idea of how good the pics are (front row guys they are goooood!) there are a few below















  7. I've uploaded all my photos from Manchester and Doncaster onto photobucket.


    Here are the links to the albums,






    but so you have an idea of how good the pics are (front row guys they are goooood!) there are a few below


    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Bradhadair13/Mika%20-%20Manchester/DSCF2584.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>


    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Bradhadair13/Mika%20-%20Manchester/DSCF2606.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>


    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Bradhadair13/Mika%20-%20Manchester/Mika%20Doncaster/DSCF2695.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>


    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Bradhadair13/Mika%20-%20Manchester/Mika%20Doncaster/DSCF2682.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>


    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Bradhadair13/Mika%20-%20Manchester/Mika%20Doncaster/DSCF2686.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

  8. I've uploaded all my photos from Manchester and Doncaster onto photobucket.


    Here are the links to the albums,






    but so you have an idea of how good the pics are (front row guys they are goooood!) there are a few below















  9. Hi everyone I'm Sparkly1's daughter Vix.


    If you ever see a Bumble Bee at a gig that's me so Hi :biggrin2:


    Anyway been luvin Mika for ages (not like that...I wish!) However after seeing my mam was getting a million emails a day I didn't wanna sign up to the MFC however I've discovered I don't have to sign up to every thread like her lol. Anyway nice to see all of you up on the balcony flashing your MFC hearts last night! Hope to see some of you ni Doncaster and Newcastle and possibly London!. Come say hi!



    Bumble bee Vix

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