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mika- I love you

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Posts posted by mika- I love you

  1. hahahaha, MG! Why would they put it as "70s natural"? It should be more like "the forest of curliness" lolz, he looks a bit more rectangular-ish on the pic thats in the booklet in LICM, but looking at the many pics I've seen (well, I've only seen him in pics) he looks more oval-ish. BUT he's MIKA the one and only!!!!! That reminds me- me and my friend go out sometimes (usually on the weekends) and while we're walking, we look for "Mika CLONES", its fun, we pick out all the men that have curly hair we've seen and compair them to a Mika pic in my handbag (I bring it around with me for good luck-lolz) I KNOWWWWWW I'm weird!!! But no ones normal! :roftl: - by the way this is a post of total randomness. :mf_rosetinted:

  2. Hi!

    Have I become the "Mika's Stalker" yet? LOL, you said I could be named the 'Mika stalker'- sorry its been a while since I posted, I've had builders around turning off all the electricity- no computer!


    So is the "Mika stalker" still up for grabs? If so I'd like to be that title! LOL


    I don't mind where I live- as long as I'm near to Mika's house- if there is a Mika house! Thanks!!!


  3. yeah a huge fan, I've so many books on it, but never got a good birth chart, because I'm too cheap to pay for one:naughty: :bleh:


    Could you do one for me?(if its not any trouble) That Mika one was so good!:D


    I do know that my rising sign is in Leo....:wub2::naughty:



    I'd love to do you 1!!! Just need the information provided below under Mika's astrology profile- and I'll get straight to it!!!! :thumb_yello:

  4. Hang on I think I'm Sagitarious. I think. If I was born on 23rd November I would be Sagitarious wouldnt I? I found out the other day that Mika is the same Chinese Zodiac animal thing as me aswell (pig) and it was the year of the pig last year and it deffinately was a good year for Mika last year, and an amazing year for me.


    3 days before my b'day!!!! :punk: :punk: :punk: hey Sagittarian sister!

  5. Oh thank you!!!!:D I love astrology too, so this is very cool:thumb_yello:


    I love birth charts, excpet when they are inacccurate....:blink:


    this one seems really good though, thanx for sharing:thumb_yello:


    No probs!!! I can see you are a fan of astrology too!!! *points to your username* :naughty::thumb_yello:

  6. how do you know he was born at 12:00? :blink:



    anyway.. don't do drugs Meeks:newyear:



    Na, he wasn't really- I talked to a professional about it- they said if you don't know their birth time, use 12:00 pm, because its in the middle of the day.


    LOL I doubt he'll do drugs- as I said, not all of it sounds like him at all!:thumb_yello:

  7. Me and myself have been studying astrology for a year now, and I've become very fond of the subject! So since its been the Easter holls, I've been doing absolutly LOADS of studying on our Mr Mika! I've found out that me and Mika are very compatible (lol) and he's actually got my sign (sagittarius) in 4 houses! So I just wanted to share all of my research with you guys! (I couldn't keep it too myself) So here! I'm gonna thank Zaxiop- because she made me want to find out more about Mika in astrology!


    Mica Sex M

    Beirut 0 Lebanon 08/18/1983 12:00 - Julian day 2445564.92

    Adjust -2.00 ST 10.07 Lat 33.52 Long -35.30


    Planets in Mica's (Mika's) Birth Chart












    Asc node-Gemini



    Full Birth Chart Information (Do note that this is very confusing and may loose you- personally I thought not all these descriptions match Mika in anyway- but its just a little bit of fun to read about! By the way- you may realise that actually some of these descriptions REALLY DO match him- scary eh?!)


    Sun in Leo


    He is masterful, likes authority, aspires towards an ideal. A little too pretentious and always wanting things. He likes to give advice. He is honest, frank, loyal, open and sincere.


    Weaknesses: pride, vanity, arrogance, presumption and disdain of others.


    Moon in Sagittarius


    Likes to throw himself into the unknown and into adventure: he is agile, tough and enthusiastic. Attracted to long voyages, to discover the unknown.


    Weaknesses: takes great risks in throwing himself into the unknown and into adventure. Audacious, bold and rebellious. Unable to stay in one place, is always ready to risk everything to achieve his goal.


    Mercury in Virgo


    He discusses, deduces and judges. He reasons logically and accurately.


    Weaknesses: he is easily irritable and nervous. He tells off and criticizes. He is impulsive and manic.


    Venus in Virgo


    Gives help to sick and old people. He is very devoted, does not show emotions: he is prudish and never lets himself go, either through fear of ridicule or through fear of not being loved in return as much as he loves. Always suspects the feelings of others. He is therefore sometimes too undemonstrative, so the other (thinking she is not loved) will leave.


    Weaknesses: likes to flirt and provoke. He is perfectly in command of his own feelings, which often lack passion or force. His love is never for free but must automatically bring a bonus, be it only an intellectual pleasure.


    Mars in Leo


    Combative strength. He always realizes his schemes. Can undertake big projects, conclude them successfully and receive the deserved rewards. He likes responsibilities and difficulties above all, and imposes himself forcefully.


    Weaknesses: Combative force can lead to violence if he thinks it necessary. He is bold, presumptuous, intrepid: he likes to face danger and can naturally have a few hiccups on the way.


    Jupiter in Sagittarius


    He is agreeable, seductive, engaging and generous.


    Weaknesses: immoderate taste for sport and games.


    Saturn in Libra

    Recognized for his seriousness, moral qualities. He is respectable, conscientious.


    Weaknesses: not open to new ideas.


    Uranus in Sagittarius


    He is shy, delicate but proud, bold and lively.


    Neptune in Sagittarius


    Likes long voyages, things foreign, water.


    Pluto in Libra


    Brings changes.


    Interplanetary aspects


    The interplanetary aspects have a strong influence on the character and disposition of the individual and, consequently, on his destiny.


    The conjunction aspect is variable and depends above all on the nature of the conjoint planets.

    379 Conjunction Moon - Neptune


    317 Conjunction Jupiter - Uranus


    He knows what's going on at a glance. He thirsts after knowledge, and is a good organizer. He is very independent, likes his freedom of action, is a non-conformist. He is very agreeable company and is always in demand.


    206 Sextile Moon - Saturn


    He controls his feelings. He has a sense of duty, of self-esteem and is prudent. He can concentrate on a long-term task, manual or intellectual. He perseveres and is serious in everything he does.


    199 Conjunction Saturn - Pluto


    He perseveres, achieves his projects through hard work.


    176 Trine Sun - Moon


    He has lots of vitality. He likes public life, he is popular and his company is appreciated. He is balanced, at ease with himself and gets on very well with his parents.


    162 Sextile Moon - Pluto


    He wavers between a rich and successful love life and social success. He has difficulty in succeeding in both. Almost always, the choice comes down on an ideal emotional life.


    142 Trine Sun - Neptune


    He has a fertile imagination, is full of inspiration, and very emotional - all qualities that he uses on the professional level. He likes the Arts, beauty.


    140 Sextile Sun - Pluto


    He is aware of the goal to be achieved. He is strong, and always picks himself up after a setback.


    137 Trine Mars - Jupiter


    He has a good sense of organization, he is jovial, frank and sincere. He is full of dynamism and over-abundant energy. He loves life and takes all it has to offer. He likes sports and the outdoor life. He is successful professionally and emotionally. He usually has lots of children.


    67 Trine Mars - Uranus


    He possesses exceptional energy. He is impulsive but bold. He takes on risky enterprises for the good of the community, with all the energy he possesses. He has a great need of his independence, likes his freedom of action.


    -54 Square Mars - Saturn


    He is only interested in doing something if there are problems attached: once these are solved, he goes on to something else which has complications. He likes to overcome obstacles, is tough, does not have too many feelings, especially in business. He is egoistic, violent and stubborn. He does not always make friends.


    51 Sextile Neptune - Pluto


    -47 Square Venus - Uranus


    He looks for new sensations in love and is often unsatisfied by affairs which quickly turn into purely conventional relationships. He likes novelty, adventure, the eccentric: he is frivolous, unstable, unfaithful. Marriage is not for him and, if he does throw himself into this adventure, it will end in divorce, written off as a youthful mistake. As a result of his numerous love affairs, he makes sure his line is continued.


    -41 Square Mercury - Neptune


    He makes errors of judgement, and lacks sincerity. He lets things happen, and is happy in his dreamworld. Confronted by reality, he is hesitant, incapable of being tested and falls back into his imaginary world. He might become a drug-taker.


    41 Sextile Saturn - Neptune


    His plans are realized in a methodical fashion, he works hard to achieve success.


    -34 Square Venus - Jupiter


    He is nonchalant, pretentious, full of self-importance. He likes what is beautiful and sometimes ostentatious, and spends lots of money for the sake of appearances. He likes to please and has numerous amorous adventures. He is unfaithful and undergoes tribulations in love.


    -11 Square Moon - Mercury


    He is happy in his imaginary world and thus is happy nowhere, because he can never find his ideal world - thus causing a lot of change, instability and also disquiet. He is a liar, a gossip and leaves himself open to criticism. His lies save him. If the other aspects allow, he can be a very good novelist.


    6 Trine Moon - Venus


    He is gracious, sweet and gay(THE GAY AS IN HAPPINESS :naughty: ). He likes pleasure and entertainment, but also the Arts. He needs tenderness, loves and wants children. He appreciates home life in a comfortable atmosphere.


    -2 Square Mars - Pluto


    He is violent, brutal, irascible and succeeds in crushing others, without giving it a thought.


    asteroide signs in Mica's chart







    South node-Aries


    Mica's sign types

    Signs masculine 8

    Signs of fire 6

    Signs feminine 2

    Signs of earth 2

    Signs cardinals 2

    Signs of air 2

    Signs fixed 2

    Signs of water 0

    Signs mutable 6





    Why don't you go and see how compatible you are with Mr Mika?

    I'm also taking requests, if you want to find out about your astrology

    just give me your name, gender, time of birth (OPTIONAL), your Birth date, the city you were born in (eg. Beiruit) and give me the place of the city (eg. Lebanon)

    PM meDon't be scared- I'm happy to do this for you! :thumb_yello:

  8. But WHO wouldn't smell of sweat if you were prancing around on stage-lights directly faceing you in your eyes blinding you, fans screaming their heads off, banging drums constantly over and over again through 'love today', singing non-stop, wearing big fluffy animal costumes-making you sweat even more-then smelling your own sweat-when its absorbed into the material when singing/dancing to 'lollipop'. Seriously I feel sorry for the guy :blink: . But Mika's adorable-I wouldn't mind any disgusting smell if I could have the chance to hug/kiss him. He's just so lovely :mf_lustslow:

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