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Posts posted by hmitts

  1. You've never seen it before? :shocked:


    Think along the lines of gorgeous bisexual male glam rock stars with lots of drama and conspiracy... and tinsel. :naughty:


    No, my stepsister threw our tv out the window a few years ago and we never got a new one. :thumbdown:

    Sounds intriguing, will check it out. Who can resist tinsel... :naughty:

  2. I want to be even more beautiful for Mika when I meet him one day :) I want to fit into one of those pretty blue corsets that the Big Girls wear!! :)


    I don't think exercise is necessary to achieve that. :naughty:

  3. I think so!


    I've been watching Velvet Goldmine so the hot Ewan Mcgregor has made me all

    **ahem***:naughty: :naughty:

    I've never seen that before, what's it about? I love him in Young Adam and Moulin Rouge though.




    In the words of the ever beautiful Sebastian "The Screamer" Bach "If you think, YOU STINK!!"




    haha I've never heard that quote before!

  4. Well thank you very much :) I spend too much time doing it, I think, so I've gotten fairly good at it! LMAO!!! :wink2:

    Thinking is a good thing! :wink2:



    Also, I think it would be more appropriate in renaming this the LGBTQ thread.

  5. I don't know if I could call myself gay, bi, or lesbian....


    I am a woman. And I like Men. And I like Women. And it's not like...half and half..it's like..I like PEOPLE. regardless of gender. I don't care how someone pees, I just like personalities. That's how I love. By feel, not by looks.


    And that's my piece :)


    I love you all, I love Mika, I love the world, I love everything, regardless of gender.


    I think I might hit on a tea cup too LOL He's so funny, that Mika :)


    Oh very nice! how refreshing! :) I find that alot of people in the GLBT communities have a tendancy to be frustrated with me for not giving myself some sort of label, but how can I? I'm not one thing, I'm not another thing, I'm just....me....Crystal, that's it, Just me. Sorry for dissapointing :)


    It's nice to find a place with some other people like me!


    I like how you think!

  6. No probs :biggrin2:


    Looks like we have another honourary Mikamite joining our shores of the untoured, multiple marshmallow eating, vegemite smearing, beer swigging, tinsel wig wearing, cornchip shimmying, land of rejection.

    Did that make sense to anyone? :blink:


    EDIT: I like the crown smiley!!


    Now I have mixed emotions! I don't know if I should feel intrigued or worried about this rejected land. :roftl:

  7. Well make yourself at home in the thread.


    And aussieland is a great place to live. Not as cold as other places, and really pretty..... apparently we're friendly too *shrugs*



    Well, if it's isolation you're after, you've come to the right place :thumb_yello:


    thank you


    EDIT: oops I don't know why I did that crown smiley.

  8. I would say melbourne... not that I've ever been there... though, seeing as you're from florida, maybe the Gold Coast/Brisbane will be better climate wise...

    Ah.. will make a mental note of that. :thumb_yello:


    Where is "here"? and why is it so bad you'd want to move to the Untoured Land of Oz??


    I'm just sick of things around here.. I just want to move far away, anywhere really. The Australian thread was just the first one I saw!

  9. Save yourself the heartache and move to London.

    Otherwise, Melbourne.. It's awesome. but it depends on what you are looking for when you move here.


    Yeah, if it's Mika-meeting your after ... probably not Perth :wink2:


    lol no, not Mika related. :roftl:

    I was kidding, I just want to move away from here.

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