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Posts posted by hmitts

  1. Katy Perry's plans for Valentine's Day


    Buzznet: Any specific plans for Valentine's Day this year? If so who are you spending it with and where?:


    Katy: Honestly, I don't really get to plan that far in advance these days. I'm lucky if i get to see my lurve once a month with both of our schedules and us being bicoastal... but it's okay... I will probably be wearing something pink, white and red and collecting all my girlfriends for a dance party or something stupid :) Unless he wants to surprise me... hint hint. LET'S GET MARRIED. jk...


    Buzznet: If you were to stay at home this Valentine's Day and watch a movie with a loved one, what movie would you watch and why?:


    Katy: Well, if I'm home alone I will buy a big tub of fish food ice cream by ben and jerry's and watch "The Notebook." I've never seen it... I'm sure I'll cry myself to sleep. Otherwise, I would recommend the cheesy, but true movie, "Once." I am a sucker for musician boys and it's a very relatable movie for the creative types to fall in love to.



    Buzznet: Have you ever received a love letter from someone or have you ever wrote a love letter to someone? If so who was it from or to and what did you or that person say?


    Katy: I have received many and I have given some too. I remember emailing my first boyfriend every single day and printing out every email to and from and response... it looked like a binder when I collected them all and I found it a while back and read some and thought to myself how much I've changed and how I act has changed! ha! My favorite type of love letters are in the form of songs... that is the ultimate... cheesy but true, if someone wears their heart on their sleeve for me through a song... I am enamored.... Completely enamored.


    Buzznet: Are you telling anyone in particular you love them this Valentine's Day? If so who is it and what makes this person deserve your love?


    Katy: Love is such a strong word for me. It's not something I throw around... I mean, I do to all my gf's and family members... but... when it comes to the opposite sex that I am attracted to, that is very special to me to say or hear. Just recently I have been able to tell the person I have loved and felt love for, for a while that I loved him... it took me sooooo long... I was so afraid of rejection, when really, he felt the same exact way. We still don't "I love you" like hi and bye... and I think that's important sometimes too, especially in the beginning.


    Buzznet: What do you do when trying to set the mood for a romantic date? What does the date consist of, where does it take place, what do you wear, cook, listen to, go?


    Katy: I'm not the type that gets all serious and heavy. I like things fun and light... I like to laugh and have a good time, do something spontaneous and different. My idea of a date is not a "club" per say, but like a night of glow bowling or a dinner party where we end up playing taboo with friends or something that involves a ton of interaction and way to get to know the person's personality.

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