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Everything posted by Revica

  1. :roftl: im not the only one! FYE - for your entertainment COCONUT - just plain awesome! i always passed it wondering, wtf? coconut?
  2. :roftl: Highly encourage! please?
  3. FYE? haha, remember when that store used to be coconut.... (dont ask, hahaha) no, i dont believe there is one at the Willowbrook mall, HOWEVER there is an outlet on Route 10, so, if we DONT find it at the mall, when you come over, ill convince them to let us go there quickly. its really close to where i live
  4. ohh! dont be mad at yourself! :huglove: ^ i will keep posting that smilie until you dont hate your life! you have no reason to be mad, you WILL get to see him again, and i have heard mixed reviews about that whole afterparty, not saying ANYTHING about how sweet mika was being in thinking of us, but, it was very much NOT expected for there to be so many people. SO DONT HATE!
  5. omg!! FRED!! -melts- that is the movie "From Hell"
  6. sure! just, i dunno, tell me before you call i guess?my parents dont come home till pretty late, so, i dunno. by 6:30 mom should be home... oh, and btw, if you DONT bring your "LIVE in cartoon motion" you will be smacked okok, ill just withhold the shirt
  7. :roftl: i know you do oh yah, mom says everything is fine 'bout you coming over! just tell me when you wanna call
  8. oh yah, i forgot about finals, bleh, i dont really care about them, last year i didnt study either and i got A's and B's they are amazingly stupid so yah, June is fine
  9. i agree, those are very adorable bracelets. That bracelet is actually a bracelet his daughter, Lily-Rose, made for him. She is so sweet, its so adorable!
  10. :roftl: sorry for the confusion! June is OK as long as it is before i leave for Israel and well, i guess, during school (not that you can say school is actually serious when summer is so close, LOL)
  11. haha, i thought you disapeared! and what? how did i not hear about this??
  12. :roftl: Aimee and Lucy just dissapeared! LOL and noone answered me about what is this i hear about surgery + Holly??!!?
  13. ya.....but...if its something that we GET...and they...arghh, no. will not think like a pessimist!! where'd everybody go, btw? :blink:
  14. mhmm!! i BETTER be home when it happens!!! Toi Toi Toi!!!
  15. ya, thats the sentence... now you see what i mean? its a....weird...sentence...
  16. ach! i dont even wanna think of that! but i read what freddie wrote...and..i dunno, you know the part where he says "people will 'hopefully' understand" <--- well that doesnt sound to good to me, i mean, if we have to pay, i WILL understand, but im wondering what he means by that
  17. actually...me too...cuz if its really that BIG...and im not at home (at school) well, id feel REALLY bad if i missed out on stuff..
  18. nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! im gonna be in ISRAEL in June!! cant it be in like...August????
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