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Everything posted by Revica

  1. OK!! im sure my mom wont care! (oh, and yah, i suggest you talk to my MOM...not my dad )
  2. yay! im home now too! lol, no more worrying that we become official when im not home!!
  3. :roftl: ok, you saved yourself from the horde of flying mud cows now....but only THIS TIME
  4. nono! i WILL be able to go if its willowbrook mall! i just dont think my parents can go to NYC, and they dont feel comfortable w/ me in NYC w/o them yet, pffft
  5. woah, what i miss here? surgery?? ACK, how do i miss things so easily!
  6. :roftl: GOOOOOD times!! and Aimee, i dont think i'll be able to go if its in NYC, im sorry!
  7. :roftl: im slow.. (Holly dont say ANYTHING, ) ok, ok, yay, lol im excited!!!!!
  8. :roftl: everytime i see that it reminds me of the line (w/ the hand movement to go w/ it) "dont make me snap my hands in a 'z' formation exlamation underline, dont make me put my hands on my hips and roollll my eyes" :roftl: ill do it for ya when i see you on saturday! lmao
  9. wait, so Lucy, youre gonna have a car w/ you, right? if you do SWEET, we have a ride to the movies
  10. yesyes, i was talking to Aimee before she is gonna call her mom tommorow. - right aimee? oh? is that so? OK, everything is fine by me, im just scared i wont have the shirts in time! (well, i will have SOME, i know i have Alex's already )
  11. :roftl: well thank you for giving it back to me! (it is now safely in mika's hands )
  12. gasp! i believe ive caught on! woohoo, yay me nooo! you are NOT going to bed
  13. :roftl: the only thing that changes is the emotie! i think shes trying to say something!
  14. :roftl: i am beggniing to think that this is the extent of your vocabulary when you talk to me
  15. exactly, thats why it makes no sense to me :naughty:
  16. that if you dont visit the Rambling thread part II by tommorow a hord of cows will land on you....covered in mud :roftl:
  17. omg, no way, i was wondering, but i wasnt sure, Queenie, you arent by chance THE Queenie from the Johnny Depp forum... are you??
  18. O M G i just...literilly....died...omgomgomg, i like hyperventilated. and OMG im almost in TEARS , just...WOW
  19. :roftl: i think we shall go to the rambling thread Part II cuz noone posts enough on there! haha,
  20. hehe, ok aimee! shrit it is i have to go w/ friend now for that trip i was talking bout i will be back around ...well, before 5! love you all!
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