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Ju-Ju Lea

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Everything posted by Ju-Ju Lea

  1. I think I have just found my new fave haunt... Love PATD... always liked their music... then recently became TOTALLY obsessed *grins largely*
  2. I'm trying to save a couple of you, so they can save our children (And so my children have a father).
  3. It happens cause I'm putting all of my energy into it and it goes on into you lot... therefore I pass out.... *doesn't really understand self when in writing mode* Becks!!!!! *glomps* I knows! How are yous??
  4. Bye M! *waves at loo* Actually. I just looked at the time. I haz work in 10 minutes. *logs off as well*
  5. *stands at door and hands out towels to all of those wetting self people* *also points to the toilet*
  6. I woke up. I was restrained, I didn't know where my children were. And I was pissed. I felt a serious of very intense feeling heading towards me, left over from earlier when I had been asleep. Emense anger, a craving for chicken... I didn't want to know what had caused that. Then nothing. Zip. Nil. It was the same thing that had happened to Reece and it surprised me that even though I had left him, he had still been marked. I mentally went through all of the known drugs in my head, then plants, then any other things that could have caused it. Then I remembered Artsy and Cal, it would have taken something powerful to make them this way. Something like that gas that had been used on a forest over here in America, it had shot down every single animal there, even the big bears. Made them all like this. I had seen this for myself way back before I could even control my powers, and I had been so angry at these people for doing such a thing, and the anger had spread so far through the forest that it had awoken every animal there. I had nearly died when I did that, because of course the sudden anger of the animals hit me then I had passed out and couldn't be revived in that sort of enviroment. But I figured it was worth a shot, cause if Artsy could be made angry everyone but me could be saved. I wriggled my hands and found I could take it out of the shackle easy, it was good having small hands and digged in my pocket till I found a napkin and looked for a pen. I found a sharpie on the desk next to me. I wrote one thing. Falian And put it in my neighbours pocket. They would understand what I meant. Then I dropped all of my mental shields and barriers I'd put up over the years. And then I got angry. I thought of every single bad thing that had ever happened to me. Then they began to wake up. Slowly but surely. The Artsy woke up and I blacked out.
  7. *raises hand* I haz somethinks to sayz.... isn't it time for part 9? Who iz makings? Can I? Mmm... That was about it *shrugs*
  8. "They were just animals" he said. I was looking at every feeling he had so closely I was almost him, I could just feel the thoughts that came with every slight feeling change... he felt guilty... for scaring us I think, he looked at my children, one in each arm and felt more guilty. He was no killer, they never felt guilty. I thought to Kelz 'He checks out on my end' then, she told me that there was good on ER's side too. M was still too close to him, she asked "How do we know that your not lying?" Kelz musta missed her in the broadcast to everyone. The guy replied "If I was trying to kill you guys, I would have done it by now." Fair point I thought. He SEEMED nice enough... then there was a giant BANG and the house we were in exploded. "Bomb much?" I asked "No wonder we needed to get out... we wouldn't have exsisted... can you imagine us in the afterlife?" Ok, I was kinda scared... I blabbled when I was scared. Suddenly everything went black... Crappy post I know... I just wanted to fuel Artsy's thing she has going
  9. It's better to be picky then to screw every half decent guy that comes your way right? One of what? Well... they do have 3 kids... and I'd imagine... a hell of alot more sex then that....
  10. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!! I said here sniggering... I still am actually. ;P FY&GN darlingk Kinky. Surrree you are *zhhz*
  11. Mmm... At least your dad has never marked you as a guy on medical forms... for getting the servical cancer needle! It's kinda my own fault it hasn't happened yet. I'm too picky for my own good *zhhz* SHINY pink shoes? Do you have any how long I've been looking for a pair of those... and still not found a pair! ;P Mmm... So do I, so do I.
  12. I know! How suckky would that be! That's what I think. Cause I was watching Peter Pan earlier... (The lastest one right.) And I was thinking, those kids musta been 13... 14... my age at the most... and I still haven't gotten around to my first kiss!
  13. Heya Rosie!! I heard it is all about that. Apparentally he's on stage for like 10mins butt naked... (Kinda small is what I heard *zhhz*) And yea... Which brings me to the subject. How sucky would it be to have your first ANYTHING in a movie or in a play?!
  14. *huggles back* You're most very welcome Ohhhh... Kinky! I know have the urge to watch the forth one again... just to see if it is just photoshop *zhhz* Only awesome people use sarcasm
  15. Heya all! Teegs... you certainly like your shiny clothes *pbs* your hair is hawt too What is this with the equus stuff. *remembers seeing DR's arse... and being scarred* *sigh* The twins are hawt!! So are my lurverly ones today?
  16. I smelt the man who was kidnapping my child and adultnapping me. It was Reece, F*ck. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him hoping you know it was something me... power could influence. "Because." Is all he said I tried to read his emotions, but the wall had come back up, it was like he was a robot, or a totally different person. You have to mask your emotions with another emotion. There was nothing. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before. Then I was tied up, gagged and put in this room where this constent dripping was happening. It was driving me NUTS!!! I kept on hear weird noises too. And my baby. I was such a bad parent, I couldn't even last a full day without SOMETHING happening. I started crying. Grand. I really wanted something to do. It just occured to me. I have powers, why aren't I using them. I zapped the blindfold off, and the ropes on my arms and legs. Took the gag out and ran for the door. Zapped the handle off and killed every known to find my baby. It was like PMS-ing, but to a whole new level. I heard a cry and followed it. I found my child, alone on the ground, covered in Pee. I grabbed her and ran. I found the door outside and waited for a couple minutes. Then a hippie van pulled up, I saw Beaky up the front and hopped in. "Thank you guys! Now how do I fix her?" I thanked then begged. They helped me clean her up, and we went and collected the others then...
  17. Haha, We have idiots across the road having a straight party... you know the sort with loud music and drunken boys screetching around in their cars at stupid times
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