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Ju-Ju Lea

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Posts posted by Ju-Ju Lea

  1. Hihi, sorry had to run last night, had to make sure to have a couple of hours of sleep because... I'm seeing Calvin Harris again tonight :naughty:




    We arrived at the venue at 5PM. There were only three girls waiting. We went to Mc Donalds (we should have gone later because Calvin actually ate there just after us lol, btw, he said his bigmac was disgusting)


    Calvin went pass us and said hi on his way back from McDonalds. Was funny to see him in flesh, he's SO TALL! And I dont know who asked, but he's even cuter in real...:wub2:


    The doors opened at 7:30 PM, the Trabendo is very tiny and there weren't much people yet since there were two supporting acts before Calvin Harris. We could walk around in the venue and get back to our front row spots without any problem, isn't that just great?


    Anyway, the first supporting act wasnt really good but the second rocked. We talked to them afer the gig, they were really nice guys to boot.


    Calvin came on at 9:15. I have the setlist - that he signed - I'll scan it when I can (I'm still in Paris). He was just GREAT. I was scared he would suck live, to be honnest, but he really is a good performer, the sound was brilliant, and the crowd was mad. To all those who complain about jumping/pushing at Mika gigs, try Calvin.... THAT IS SPORT :naughty:


    I rang Ioana on a few songs but the signal kept crashing. I hope she got some of it... I also tried to ring Queenie but she never answered her phone!!! PFFF ;)


    I had a real ball. Then the gig ended. No encore (he had warned us). We ot out and waited for Mister C to get out. It took him ages. We were only 8 people waiting. When he did come out at last, I asked him if he could sign the setlist one of the roadies had given to me, which he did. But my pen was bitchy so he looked a bit taken aback and laughed and said "Mmm, it's a bit wet", which really made me laugh inside. You should have seen his face. Then the other people asked for pics, and he didn't seem to mind, so I asked him one too, he said sure. Em took it, and he makes a silly pose on it, it's hilarious. He has his own apple-pose... wait til u see ;)


    We have vids, pics from the show, and since I stood next to some people from the press, they gave me their cards with their web adresses on them so that we can see their official pics too. But it'll have to wait until I'm back home, with a second report on tonight's show .


    Oh and I forget... I'm hyper, this guy is GREAT, I loved loved it.






  2. yeah I get a bit teary when I watch it sometimes, especially if it's been a while..

    New do.. Must I?

    Fine. *takes pics & uploads*

    I took this one outside so you can see the colour,

    but it doesn't show the red highlights as much as I thought it would


    And this one at my computer ft MFC in the background..


    Damn.. I look dodgy :roftl:

    Don't trust me with your personal information. :glasses3:


    Have to go to centre**** now.. back soon!


    I may or may not have said this before, but Kelz you gorgeous!:wub2:

  3. "Whether you can morph or not, that doesn't instantly get you in. You'd have to kidnap someone, after finding out what they're like, and then you'd have do a very good act." ER said, putting a downer on the plan. There was a momentary silence, as if they were all thinking deeply.

    "Well, rather than kidnap," JJL smiled, breaking the silence, "how about we send him off somewhere. You know, making him think he's won a holiday in the Bahamas."

    The other PPRs grinned.

    "Sounds like a plan. But before we get in there, we'd have get someone to stalk him, find out what he's like, what time he gets to work, what he does for work; come up with a brilliant holiday for how ever many people he has within his household; write a convincing letter; work out who to do this for and work out who can go wwith him without it being to much of a risk." Artsy listed.

    "Me, obviously." JJL smiled. "I'm not as well known as some of you, and I can do a good disguse." The PPRs nodded in agreement.

    "Who will we be our victim then?" Becky asked.

    "Someone who works close to the Prime Minister himself." M4L suggested.

    "How about his secutary?" Phunky asked. "They'll be around most of the time."

    "Isn't that a woman?" Becky asked, frowning. Everyone stared at Reece, as if to say 'Can you turn into a woman?'

    "Woah, nu-uh. Done it before; not only was it uncomfortable, it kept playing up. My voice would break every now and then, and I'd get a 5'o'clock shoadow."

    The PPRs began to laugh, imagining a woman with a beard and a deep voice.

    "Well, who else?" Mika said, after laughing for a while.

    "Isn't there some form of servant, or something?" Calvin asked. As soon as he spoke, M4L glared at him.

    "I'm not sure. We'll have to find out. Maybe the internet." Jack suggested.

    "And who can we get to stalk him?" M4L added.

    "Well... Uh... What about the fansite people? I'm sure they'd be willing to help." Glow mumbled.


    JJL grabbed her laptop, and googled 'Prime Minister', The rest of the PPR's just looked at her.

    "What, how else am I ment to find out this stuff" she asked looking around, everyone else shrugged "Anyway look at this, his top bodyguard, Dawin he's called... Looks like he has more muscles then brains, typical" and with that last bit JJL rolled her eyes

    "Well that should make it easier to have him followed, and stalked" said Artsy

    "True" replied JJL "That does mean however I need to find myself a decent disguse, I wonder if I brought any of that hair dye..."

    "JJL can I please talk to you outside" asked Reece and they walked out to the kitchen

    "Yea sure"


    "JJL, you remember what we talked about earlier?"

    "Depends what did we talk about"

    "That thing" and Reece wiggled his eyebrows is a weird way

    "Oh that, look it's completely impossible, at this point of time"

    "No it isn't" Reece snapped at her angrily

    "It is, I look after my self! And even if it was true, nobody can come to me on close quaters"

    "What if your powers fail again"

    "Look that was years ago, and I was really sick at that point of time"

    "And yet if I hadn't shown up he would have gotten what he wanted"

    "Yea well, you almost killed yourself in the process didn't you?"

    "I was fine-"

    "And so was I!"

    "That isn't the point"

    "What is then!?!"

    "Look I love you and if you got hurt for whatever reason, I would kill myself" JJL sofened a bit.

    "And if you did that I would bring you back from the grave to kill you myself"

    "You've been saying that for years"

    "And I've ment it every time too"

    "Look, why couldn't it be possible?"

    "Cause I'm not ready yet" JJL had tears in her eyes "And I've screwed it up before"

    "That wasn't your fault, he abused you!"

    "Yet, it resulted in somebody else dieing didn't it? I wasn't strong enough"

    "That's why you ran away, that's why you went around the world, that's why you left everyone, including me"

    "Yea, I'm glad I did, I would have never met the PPR's if I didn't, but it still hurt so much"

    "So is that why your good at disguse?"

    "To hide away from everyone, yea. What happened after I left?"

    "Your mum was so worried, I told her everything that had happened"

    "I thought so"

    "Have you told these guys everything yet?"

    "No, I was going to but stuff kept on coming up"

    "You should tell them...

  4. *waks into Aussie thread without a hangover dispite how much she drank last night*

    *goes into the factory*

    *goes to the vat of chocolate that she poured the remainder of the pretty drinks into last night*

    *gets a straw*

    *drinks the entire 10 tonne vat of melted chocolate*



    *giggles some more*


    SUGAR HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    *snoggs Mika while on sugar high*

  5. I counted it from the day i discovered his music.......and then 4 days later i signed up on the MFC......although i didnt start chatting until ages after me signing up :P

    So my Mika music one year anniversary is the 4th april, and my MFC one year anniversay is the 8th april :)


    Lol it must be sad that i remember these things...... :blush-anim-cl:




    Oh and i was opshopping today and i was wearing my mika shirt i made for the v festival, and the lady who served me saw my shirt and said: 'Ohhhhhh Mika......he's really weird, but still, i like him'. I thought it was hilarious :P


    I'm considering making a Mika shirt in green just to freak out the people I go to school with during sports carnivals... :newyear:

  6. Thanks for setting me straight Kelz. The double life one I worked out was a joke but the other thread just kept going and i got bogged down reading it without ever getting to the answer.




    Hi PO, we were talking about you last night, cos I was back after being offline for over a month and I hadn't really seen you before I was so rudely severed from my lifeline, so just wanted to make sure you were still around.




    Ta Muchly ER!




    Congratulations!! Do we count our Mika anniversary differently to our MFC anniversary if we didn't happen to join the MFC the same day? Cos the MFC records when I joined, but my brain didn't record when i discovered Mika. I think it was October?? or possibly late September??




    I was going to say "Well, hello there", but then the rest of you ran away with a drunken convo after that, so maybe we'll just pretend like it never happened.




    Hello, hic,


    My Mika Anniversary is when I last went to the dentist in Rocky... so like June-ish....

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