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Jennifer B

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Posts posted by Jennifer B

  1. I'm not glad this tour is over...but...if I stay up late anymore reading these threads, I'm gonna get fat! More so than I already am! I can't read without my berry ice-cream topped with chocolate! Kids are in bed, hubby is out of town, I'm left to my own resources...ice-cream and chocolate!



    Woops...and MFC! How could I forget! Oh, Maybe cause I'm already on here and live here lately!

  2. Hey, I keep checking this thread too! I was at SLC, my first Mika concert, and was addicted before the concert. Now, I don't have words for what I am! LOL Thank goodness my hubby is a big fan, so I don't look quite as insane talking about Mika so much. Hoping to hear news? I bet it will be on the last day of US/CAN tour?! Seems like a good time! Anytime would be great though!

  3. Sorry girls, I am here! Just reading a lot lately, L.A. and S.F., and watching Leno! My girls both have the FLU, yuck! Really high fevers and just stuffy and feel like CRAP! So, needless to say , I come on here read a little then have to go back to being a nurse. My hubby and I talk about Mika everyday, lol! We are both addicted! We are very happy he came and did SLC, but still want MORE! The whole show too!


    Natalie, got your message. Sorry I haven't responded.


    TO ALL: Yes, would love to hang out/get together! Trying to get my kids better first. (Hubby is leaving to NYC for a week on Fri.) So, if it is this weekend, and my girls are well enough for a sitter/grandma, I'm in! Please don't forget me...BAD PMS!!


    Char, you lucky, lucky girl!


    Hillary, yikes...have to get you my thank you, ASAP!

  4. Hiyall, Jen's hubby, Garth, here again.


    I've notice many of you have found my videos, but here's the whole list of what I've uploaded yesterday/today. Loved the spot we were in, we saw his face the whole time. Sure wish we could do it all over again!


    Grace Kelly


    Relax Sound Check


    Band Intro (they were incredible too!)


    "Instead of canceling the show like my insurance company would have preferred I'd done, we decided to have a little fun instead."


    Grace Kelly Sound Check


    Everybody's Talking


    Pre-show Meet-n-Greet


    Holy Johnny Accident


    Any Other World

  5. Hey everyone! SLC is a great place to visit! Mika just performed at ONE little place. I know there are a ton of better venues, they are just much bigger and they probably didn't think they would sell too many tickets here. We do have many medium outside venues that would be perfect for him! I did ask someone about his bathroom, the bar guy, and he did say, "Yes, they have better bathrooms!" It was just ours (the public) that were so terrible. I do have to say I met Mika's mom in the bathroom. She was very kind. I asked why he came to SLC, and she replied, "He goes to where his fans are!" Again, SLC is beautiful! Just this one area of Downtown isn't the best. (Every city has there low point.)


    To whomever asked about the shirts: My hubby is artistic and used vinyl lettering for my shirt, and an airbrush for the kids! I am lucky to have a talented hubby, for spur of the moment requests!

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