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Posts posted by Giu

  1. I stayed in Steffisburg, and visited Thun and Interlaken, and went sledging in Kiental. :wub2: I was supposed to go to Bern too, but...maybe next time! :naughty:



    ooh, sledging's great!!!

    :blush-anim-cl:i haven't been to any of those places you were...

    but i know bern, it's beautiful!!

  2. I live near Vancouver :wink2:

    Were you here on an exchange? Our school gets a lot of exchange students each year, and a lot of them stay for three months...


    oh, i was in vancouver for one afternnoon and one night:wink2:.


    yes, i was on an exchange. but i couldt go to hightschool, because i went there only for 3 months (strange...). so i just went to a language school...




    hmm, but it's incredible how fast you lose your english again...:(

  3. haha, i always have a whole list of songs i'm addicted to:


    tiny dancer-elton john

    gabriella's song (from the movie "as it is in heaven")

    mika's rain (an all the other new songs)

    "you made me" (i dunnno if this is it's real name and who it is from, but mika sings it on youtube

    mama loo- the les humphries singers

  4. I went to see Bjorn Again last night!

    not Abba but as close as i'm gonna get now!!!!:punk:

    Brought back memories of dancing in my bedroom with my friends in the early 80's! and late 70's!!!:shocked::naughty:


    Was good fun in my silly fancy dress flares and hippie top!!!!:roftl:



    i saw björn again, too, a few years ago. was greaat!!

  5. ja genau :D häschs genau troffe mit dere beschriibig.. genau deht wäri au schier umkippt :D haha..

    aber ich findes irgendwie doof das er jetzt tusigi fans meh hät^^aso für ihn findis scho kuuhl und soo aber ich bi letschti am paleo gsii am konzärt vo ihm und es isch eifach gaanz anderscht gsi mit soooo viel lüüt ^^mir gfallts besser mit weniger so wie in winterthuur :roftl:


    genau:(. das hani au scho oft dänkt


    Irgendwie sind jo do alli i dä 1. Reihe gstande, also söttemer üs alli scho mol gseh haa

    Mich het di doof Vorband voll gnervt, und dass es nocher so lang gange isch... Aber denn woner cho isch, isch alles vergesse gsi und s'isch afach dä WAHNSINN gsi!!

    Isches bi eu amel au so, dass es eu tagelang nochem Konzert schlecht goht? xD Ich han irgendwie so Sehnsucht gha, und bi so truurig gsi dass es vorbi isch... Han immer weni d'Lieder gloosed han(und da hani nochem Konzert EXTREM viel gmacht xD) mösse hüüle:shocked:


    Han au bitzli schiss weg dä viele Lüüt... Ich mein, z'Winterthur sind mir öbe ä Stund vorem Iilass cho, und mir sind trotzdem no i dä erste Reihe gstande. Aber etz muemer sicher voll früeh cho damit mer en guete Platz het:thumbdown:


    nai, im gegatail, mier ischs nochem konzert tagelang uuu mega guet gange. aso aigentli bini di ganz zit wie wegträte gsi...:P. han nochem konzert sogar gmaint, i heg jetz ändli min liebeschummer überwunda (was denn aber ned ganz dr wohrhait entsproche het).



    gell, eigentli müestemr üs alli scho gse ha...hihi.



    weg de vilne lüt: i han scho zwaimol devo träumt ir nacht, dassi widr amne mika konzert bin, aber denn hani huera panik kha weg da vilna lüt nd dassi z spot döt bin nd so...;).

  6. aaaaaaaaaah, there's an ABBA thread!!! finally!!!!!!

    i'm an ABBA fan (like crazy,...).

    Their music means so much to me, their voices, the songs. important part of my live, like mika (i was an ABBA fan before i was a mika fan, anyway, unimportant)



    we want ABBA!:)



    sry just got crazy

  7. thats right. i love bruce almighty




    oh yeah, love it:)


    The accoustic version of Rain used to be a sad melody with sad lyrics and now WOW!!!!! What he did to it is AMAZING! Similar feeling to the one Relax always makes to me - sad lyrics, powerful tune! BRAVO!!!! Can't wait to listen to the whole of it!


    yes, it is AMAZING! :wub2:. i love love love what he did with this song...the rhythm and the feeling...:roftl:....

    what you say is true! seems to me like he turned some of the chords in the recorded version (minor in major). (i'm not sure, have to listen to the live version again at some time...)



    stop posting youtube links, grrr,:boxed: i'm in a boarding school and they block youtube:thumbdown:


    Well... I think now the one I like the most is the clapping song. I showed the whole vlog to my mom, and she's pretty delighted, she likes how he's so into the music that he doesn't care about what people like that Luke guy think, and just goes along with the rythm... My mom says he's one of a kind, and I think we all agree.

    I keep singing over and over the verses that we got to hear from that untitled song


    yep, i thing so too, nd my mom too:D



    i voted for hmdylm...because it gives my this ultimate mika feeling and it reminds my so much of his concert i was.

  8. ich bi au 16 ni :D

    HAHA Jaa hans gseh :D isch halt scho es hammer konzärt gsiii :naughty: wär fascht gstooorbe biin so nöööch a ihm dra gsi :roftl:


    i wär wükli es paar mol fascht umkippt. i hett nie tänkt das me i sonen zuestand chan grote.:roftl::roftl: am afang zom bispil, woner nie cho isch, und denn isch plötzlich de hammmmmmer afang vo relax cho mit dem amazing bass und me het de mika khört singa (woooow, life heter no vel di besser stimm notürli) aber mer het na ned gse und denn ischer plötzli det gsi,

    jo i bin au u nöch gsi, aber ned ir erschta raiha...

  9. ouu kuuhl ^^:D und wie alt bisch ? was machsch so ? ^^chans sii dasd s giimi machsch? ha ebe en thread gseh vo dir :D dasd es thema fürd matuur am sueche bisch?! oder?


    i bin 16 und du? jo mache s gimi und huaa, bruch as thema...aso igendwie hani scho an hufe idee, aber igendwie nüt konkrets.

    han übrigens gad igendwo öppis über dini sigi gschribe...i han zersch nume s datum gse und han scho fasch e herzbaragge kriegt.


    oooh das isch so toooll dasmer jetz endli meh schwizer do sind hehe.

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