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Posts posted by Giu

  1. Ciao Giu! piacere di conoscerti:biggrin2:


    grazie...è anche la mia foto preferita di Mika...:wink2:



    could you send it to me (come si dice? me potresti mandarlo? potresti mandarmelo? milo? meli? o non va "potresti":p. scusate eh, siete adessso i miei insegnanti d'italiano:p)??? per favore, perche il mio scanner non funziona :blink:.







    se incontri Qualcuno...salutamelool:


    siii, e dagli un baccio di me...:)

  2. povera Giu............

    lascia stare...i post di 'certa gente' :naughty: non li puoi capire neanche se avessi 3 lauree in italiano! :naughty:


    ci vogliono mesi e mesi di esposizione....poi forse riesci ad intuirne il senso (se mai ne avessero uno).




    haha allright:). sei veramente molto gentile con me, robertina :D!:huglove:

  3. yess:mf_lustslow:

    i like it:thumb_yello:


    is your favorite food pizza?



    yes, ONE of my favourites. i also love pasta, and everything with cheese or chocolate....and i love spätzli and gnocchi and...sorry, i'm hungry:p


    do you sing regularly?

  4. uella, a rapporto...

    tutti a festeggiare l'anniversario di Sua Pietritudine lo spuntafunghetto... :thumb_yello:



    GIU non nominare le balere che fa rima con balene :bleh:

    e comunque "big girl you are beautiful"... e non "perticon girl you are..." :blink:



    ADESSO è ora per il dizionario...


    aaargh, neanche quello mi puo aiutare......:boxed::P



  5. you know you´re MIKA fan if you are 32 years old...have a good job as a specialist for development and in your office (on the furniture) is something like that :blush-anim-cl:




    that´s my inspiration...:blush-anim-cl:



    oh very nice:)


    i've made something like that at the back of my agenda:D.

  6. or watching all the Mika concerts and dying a little inside because you have never been to one!


    but oh my day will come...:bleh:



    it's even "worse" when you've already been to a mika concert, and watch his concerts then you get just soooo nervous and excited :):D



    you know you're a mika fan, when you go on mfc at 7.30 in the morning BEFORE leaving for school (ok, that's not mika addiction, that's computer addiction, it's really bad:()

  7. That is so very true. I can honestly say that Mika is in my Top 3 list of sexy men. Mika is sexy not just hot or cute...but sexy. And YES there IS a difference between sexy and hot.


    He is acutally a musician not like some other pop stars...


    you're so right!!!

  8. Sure he looks different but it's a nice different.


    If only people REALLY listened to his music...


    oh, not just a nice different, he's one of the most good looking men i know!!!!!!:blush-anim-cl:


    yes, people should do that. because it's just and only the music what all is about.

  9. ja ich ess fisch, aber kein fleisch und ich kann mir gar nicht vorstellen, dass ich jemals wieder welches essen werde


    das wird schon wieder... ist jetzt ne harte zeit, aber das geht schon vorbei :wink2:




    Ich esse keinen Fisch, ich sehe Fisch nämlich auch als Tiere an, die haben ja genauso gelebt wie z.B. ein Huhn und deshalb esse ich keinen.


    Puh, ich habs hinter mir und auch noch ne Deutscharbeit (eigentlich ja ein Test aber ich glaub der zählt wie ne Arbeit) von vor den Ferien zurückbekommen. :biggrin2:


    eigentlich schon, fische sind auch tiere, habe mir das schon ein paar mal überlegt, ich bin ziemlih unlogisch, aber ich weiss irgendwie auch nicht mehr, weshalb ich fisch nun esse...


    Uhh... ich hab früher als ich noch jünger war auch Fisch gegessen und probier es auch manchmal, sehr selten. Als wir mal bei Mäcces warn hat mein Bruder so einen Fischstäbchenbrötchen gegessen, das war ecklig! :thumbdown:


    naja, fischstäbchen ist auch was anders, das ist der abfall des fisches etwas zusammengedrückt und eingefärbt:P

  10. Echt? :biggrin2:

    Das ist ja klasse! Find ich gut. :naughty:


    Eine GFS ist ein Referat das zählt wie eine Klassenarbeit. Mika hören tu ich schon so

    ziemlich die ganze Zeit. :fisch::biggrin2:


    uuaah, referate sind so ziemlich das schlimmste (nebst crosslauf im sportunterricht;))


    yeah noch eine!! :


    wie geht's euch allen so? mir geht's gut ausser dass ich unwahrscheinlich faul bin :



    du etwa auch? esst ihr fisch?


    naja, mir gehts ...geht so...faul bin ich sowieso, wegen meiner operation kann ich nichts machen, (keinen Sport, ich kann nicht einmal singen!!!:(). und ich komme zu nichts und erreiche nichts und schaffe nichts was ich gerne möchte. ich kann es einfach nicht, auch wenn ich mir so viele mühe gebe.

    entschuldigt, dass ich euch da gleich meine ganze seele ausbreite, aber...:blink:

  11. eh, anybody who says he "sucks" hasn't really listened to him.

    My friend who i roomed with in chi-town had hear one song and decided that he sucked and then i played mika in the morning as we were all getting ready (but i didn't tell her it was mika, or else she wouldn't have gone for it) but i played it, and the first thing out of her mouth was "oh my god, i LOVE this song! I heard it on the radio once, oh my god, who sings this?!" and I go "you idiot, this is MIKA" and so goes "NO!" and i go "yes" and we continued like that until the next song came on and she goes "I love this song also- who sings this one?!" and i go "MIKA!! STILL!!"

    make her listen to other songs. haha.


    haha, that's great!:thumb_yello:


    Yes you are very right Ankmet20.


    I'm not saying to people that they have to listen to his music all the time or even like him because everyone had their own opinions right? Just respect him and his music. It's when people start saying completely idiotic things like his music is bad...well you are wrong there buddy. His music is brilliant, you just don't like it.



    Yeah, exactly, that¨s it!!!:thumb_yello:.

    i also find it very stupid, when people have something against mika, just because he LOOKS ohter than all the other boring boy"singers" who look (and sound!) all the same... and then they look at mika and think +"oh, he's other, so he's stupid, so his music sucks":boxed::thumbdown::boxed: aaargh, people are sooooooooo stupid sometimes!

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