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Posts posted by Giu

  1. well, i got this :P


    What American accent do you have?

    Your Result: The Inland North


    You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."


    I'm not american, i don't even speak english:p. but anyway, it was fun to do:p

  2. ur english is fine! i would have never thought that u dont live in england or america! where are u from??? i kind of wanna wonder into the french thread because i am taking french in school and i will be living there this summer but i am always to nervous lol



    are you just...moving to france or are you there on holiday?







    you know that you're a mika fan' date=' when you can't finish mika's dvd live in cartoon motion because you get too nervous:):D. That's what i just did :P

  3. I loved this :wub2: Brings back such sweet memories :tears:




    Oh awesome! I bet you'll love it there :bleh:


    Did you post it in the giftbook thread? Cos it might still be there.


    oh, i hope so:).

    no, i think i didn't post it there...can't really remember...

  4. ur english is fine! i would have never thought that u dont live in england or america! where are u from??? i kind of wanna wonder into the french thread because i am taking french in school and i will be living there this summer but i am always to nervous lol



    oh thank you all, that makes me really happy!!:blush-anim-cl: i'm from switzerland


    oh, french is a difficult language...:) . we've got french for almost 2 years...i'm allright in written tests, but soon we'll have an oral test, and i'm REALLY NOT ABLE to make a sentence in french, because it's so complicated...but it's beautiful!:)

  5. Oh right I see.. it'd be cool if they did have some though :original:


    wow 12 weeks!? where in Canada are you gonna go?



    first to williamslake, british columbia, and then to canmore, alberta...


    hm, i'd like to post my page from yasemine's book, but i haven't got it on my computer...:(

  6. yes, it's true. because there's no occasion to speak and practise here...

    yeah, i think i will, i'm looking forward to it.!!


    Really? Oh wow! You don't have to, but thanks :blush-anim-cl: How much do they cost there?


    Aw that's a shame :thumbdown: Where are you from?

    How long are you staying there for? :)




    Sorry Zsina :fisch:


    oh i don't know how much they cost. i don't even know if there are any...but some friends told me that there are.

    i'm from switzerland:)


    i'm staying there for 12 weeks. first 3 weeks holiday and then i'm going to a language school:)

  7. :sneaky2: what a shame!!!:roftl:


    i got mika freeka too,


    lol! the paris hilton question was fun:naughty:


    i'm sooooory! i did't really know about these festivals and this stuff...but i knew all the other questions!!!

  8. Ah yeah I remember you did :bleh: Thanks for taking part btw :wink2:

    We just got a string, and everyone put a pendant on it. Yeah, I got one of those chups :naughty: I had bought it years ago, and cos I didn't know what to put on the pendant I thought I'd give it to him, but I can't find them anywhere anymore :no:




    oh, i can send you one if i find :). here there are shops named "lollipop", i think i can find them there...


    Aw, I bet that's not true! :bleh: I hope you enjoy yourself in Canada!! Love it there :wub2:


    yes, it's true. because there's no occasion to speak and practise here...

    yeah, i think i will, i'm looking forward to it.!!

  9. Its the same in the UK.


    Most of our schools are still quite traditional in that we all have uniforms and stuff. We never voted for anything apart from who was going to be our sport captains and form reps.

    Although we did have an awards ceremony at the end of year 9, which the teachers decided who won - i won an award for music.... (its hardly a Brit, but i was still quite pleased!)




    wow, you won in music! that would be my dream!!!!!


    i like that, uniforms at school! that would be quite funny if we had that, too!

  10. If you speak the way you write I'm sure you will :biggrin2:


    Hmm let's see what I talked about with him.. erm the first time I did, I told him I had taken part in making the necklace for him (the one we made in Milan) and I told him what one was my pendant, and I said the Lollipop, and he said 'oh the Chupa chups one? I really liked it' :wub2: Then.. I don't remember what else happened lol.

    Then at the afterparty gig I asked him if Yasmine was going to be there (cos I had made her a giftbook and she wanted to meet the person who made it). Then I was speaking to my friend, next to him, and he kinda butted in, in a sweet way though :naughty:

    Then last time I gave him this present from Kavi and I told him she lived in Trinidad, and he was pretty amazed he had a fan there :wub2:.. that's the end.. story of my life :naughty:


    wow!! so many times!

    ah, yeah yasemine's giftbook, i also made a page for it:).

    tha^t's cool, what kind of necklace was it? did you buy the cupa chup or make it yourself? because here you can buy little chupa chups which you can put on your mobile phone (i have to buy one of them, the're so cute!:))

  11. OH mikameka, that's an amazing list!!! (oh here again, amazing...i learn more english here on mfc then at school...but if i have to talk to someone who really speaks english,, i don't know if they'll understand me...)Really amusing to read, also because many things are very familiar to me....:wub2:

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