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Posts posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. OMG...I have just finished talking to Ian which means we were talking for jus over 3 hours and I loved it!! I even copy and pasted our convo into a word document and it took up 38 pages!!! :shocked:


    well, we talked about films i had and hadnt seen, then we teased each other a bit which was sweet, we talked about films a lot actually. and I did actually end up saying 'so what happened to u tonight? thought you were posibly coming over?' and his reply was:


    i ran out of cred had to take dog out and was helpin julie wid the computer and while i did all dat i forgot lol sos



    Which i accept cos we have a great chat and at the end I asked him some random questions, and one of them was r u single? which he instantly replied ye. and I asked him if he wanted to go out for lunch tomoz my treat but he said he couldnt but could prob do thurs if I am free! and he said we would arrange it tomoz night on msn!!! :wub2: so is it looking hopeful again now!!


    I will give u a more indepth explanation if u guys want one tomoz when I have time but it is now 3am and am going to bed!


    night all



    Liz xxxx




    he responded? yayy:roftl:

  2. I've heard about that one before.. also read a politically correct version of it.. how pathetic..


    this is very sad.. i'm a Muslim myself and it really frustrates me whenever something of that sort happens.. no wonder the whole world is turning/has turned against us (for that and many other reasons).. i'd just like to point out that the media creates such an ugly image for Muslims.. we really aren't that bad.. i also find the whole Christmas break thing very annoying.. i'd be very pissed myslef if i was in your position.. it just doesn't seem to make sense to me.. and i'm sure most muslims would agree..


    this one was also one of my personal favourites as a child along with many others..

  3. I tend to really obsess about things.. Mika is one of my obsessions and is one which I have in common with all of you here; it is one which constantly grows. But apart from that, I've been completely in love with Jack Johson and his music ever since the moment I heard it (my first song was Bubble Toes).. Love at first hear.. It's very weird because his music is very different from Mika's.. But somehow I think there's something about them that's similar.. Is it the fact that their both themselves and are unwilling to change or conform?.. I'm not sure.. But they both make me very happy :blush-anim-cl:


    So yes is there anyone else around who likes Jack Johnson?

    This is his myspace page for those who don't know him:



    If not, does any of you have another crazy obsession like myself?

  4. It's mean- Anita,don't give up!
    yupp i suppose so :blink:




    I just speak Arabic, English and a tiiiny bit of French.. you?





    OK:roftl: Hi- Sveiki or Čau (Chau).. And in yours?


    Nice :thumb_yello: It's Salam or Alsalamo Aleikom


    I am going to go now.


    See you tomorrow.




    Okayy then.. i think i will too.. see you tomoro! x

  5. Wow i didn't know so many people actually TRAVELLED to see Mika..But it's worth it ;) I hope i can do the same too =D




    Aw don't worry I'm sure he'll text back soon! especially if he initiated the whole coming over idea.. girls tend to be very impatient :bleh: ..


    n if he doesn't then screw him hehe =P ..



    goodluck with travelling alone! i'll try to bring a friend along..



    I hope you can!! It's really worth it, i already went to Germany to see Mika!


    I really hope I can too:blush-anim-cl: !! Have fun anyways :punk:

    Ok so I jus gave in and text him but I restrained myself from mentioning us meeting up and made it more of a general text! I jus said;


    " wondering if everything is ok, u feeling better after ur trip to town? did u get the game u wanted? Liz x"


    Does that sound ok to u guys?cos I didnt mention him coming round but hoping he will reply to this and mention coming over or not being able to!!!





    I think it's a good text but don't text again if he doesn't reply to that.. if he has an excuse he'll probably let you noe as soon as pos. :cool:

  6. yupp i suppose so :blink:




    I just speak Arabic, English and a tiiiny bit of French.. you?



    I know latvian,english and russian:thumb_yello: :naughty:



    I wish i could speak in spanish:wub2: I can teach you latvian:roftl:



    me too:wub2: yayy.. and i can teach you arabic :naughty: how do you say hi in latvian?

  7. I am from Czech Republic, i have to fly. :) Liz is from England so she doesn't, Nicole is from Estonia, so she has to fly too...!


    Wow i didn't know so many people actually TRAVELLED to see Mika..But it's worth it ;) I hope i can do the same too =D


    No its fine, it is a guy called Ian that I met last weekend and the long story is on page 84 I think of this thread! and basically we ha been texting loads and he said he might come over for a bit tonight if I wanted! and I texted him at 630pm (2 and a half hors ago )saying he is welcome to head over whenever if he still wants to come, those werent the exact words but anyway that is what is happening at the mo, i am waiting for him to come round or at least to text me!



    Aw don't worry I'm sure he'll text back soon! especially if he initiated the whole coming over idea.. girls tend to be very impatient :bleh: ..


    n if he doesn't then screw him hehe =P ..

    I'll be flying there and I guess that totally alone. :blink::bleh:


    Yeah! Plan! And come also! :shocked:


    goodluck with travelling alone! i'll try to bring a friend along..



    I really want to go! I'm trying to plan something.. Hope it works out in time before the tickets are sold out.. Do you all live in England or are some of you flying there?






    You should definitely come to England in Feb, it would be great! and if u need any help plannning things then do not hesitate to ask me, I organised the accomodation for me and Barunka and even made a travel plan for once she got to London, didn't I barunka?




    Thanks that's so sweet =D if there are any problems i'll let you know.. just pray that i get my visa firstt.. and then maybe we could all meet =)

  8. Hi!


    I know that I am and Liz and Barunka. :bleh:



    yah, she posted earlier :tears:



    most of us are going to see mika in feb. yah.. :thumb_yello:



    I really want to go! I'm trying to plan something.. Hope it works out in time before the tickets are sold out.. Do you all live in England or are some of you flying there?



    Mika gigs in Feb, woo! Not long to go! All three, woo!:punk: i cant wait!


    and I cant wait for a certain someone to arrive either! still no sign!




    haha excuse my curiousity but who is it (if you don't mind me asking:blush-anim-cl: )?

  9. Would you like me to put your name down on my list, as you are a regular visitor in here?


    yupp i suppose so :blink:


    Oh,cool! And you know any else?



    Why you saying that?:wink2: You know more languages?


    I just speak Arabic, English and a tiiiny bit of French.. you?



    very interesting.. maybe it's the effect of global warming? haha..

    our weather is much more constant.. it's almost just the two seasons - winter and summer.. in winter the coldest it EVER gets is -5*C.. it doesn't rain much.. cairo's actually the sunniest city in the world :thumb_yello: so it gets pretty hot in the summer, sometimes over 40*C..

    anywho.. what grade are you in?




    aww that sucks.. but i'm sure you'll get to see him some other time :thumb_yello:

    i'm trying really hard to plan something but the uk visa is so hardd to get:thumbdown:



    Maybe:naughty: Just -5 :naughty: Lucky!

    I'm in high-school.. in 12th grade.. I'm 18 years old! And you?


    Me too.. except i'm 16 haha.. that's weird..


    I've seen him once before so I'm ok about it!


    aww lucky.. i'm dying to! and there's almost a 0% chance that he comes to egypt..

  10. Yes me me!

    Please :blush-anim-cl:





    Ok..in the spring we have soo cool weather.. (i love spring:wub2: ) its warm, and so fresh air.. in the summers we have hot weather, and rain and thunder and lightning.. in the autumn-tree's foliages starts be in awsome colors-red,yellow,orange.. and in the winter it's cold and snow here.. But now it's sooo weird.. we don't have snow.. we had a bit but it's melt.. and now is january and we have +1 degrees.. (always we have in this month -30).. And there was a really strong wind too last week.. And how about weather at your place? ( i hope you understand my english.. i'm not so good)


    very interesting.. maybe it's the effect of global warming? haha..

    our weather is much more constant.. it's almost just the two seasons - winter and summer.. in winter the coldest it EVER gets is -5*C.. it doesn't rain much.. cairo's actually the sunniest city in the world :thumb_yello: so it gets pretty hot in the summer, sometimes over 40*C..

    anywho.. what grade are you in?


    No, I have uni so I can't go! :tears:


    aww that sucks.. but i'm sure you'll get to see him some other time :thumb_yello:

    i'm trying really hard to plan something but the uk visa is so hardd to get:thumbdown:


    Yes me me!

    Please :blush-anim-cl:




    (passes over a smoothie drink)


    Here you go.


    Thank you =D

  11. Anyone for a banana smoothie?


    Yes me me!

    Please :blush-anim-cl:


    What you want to know?:roftl: I don't know-we aren't too big country..we are friendly ( i think:naughty: ), and we love Mika!:wub2:


    hehe aww.. so what's the weather like? maybe significant historical info? hehe




    It takes a long time to decide what you want to study!


    i know so true..

    ..are you going to see mika in feb?

  12. I did business and retail for my A-levels and I'm studying business i.t at uni!


    What A levels are you doing?


    Interestingg.. I'm doing English Lit, Art, Biology and French.. A very random combination i know.. i still don't know what i want to study at uni tho :mf_rosetinted:


    Oh,it's so cool:biggrin2: I really want to go there..!

    Yes, i'm from Latvia.. You have heard about us?:naughty:


    haha yes but not too much.. what's it like over there? (now I'M asking stupid questions :cool: )


    My day was cool. I went shopping.


    oohh luckyy.. buy anything interesting?

    i was supposed to go shopping today too.. for WELLIES hehe

  13. You can talk about the idea of the audience believing in witchcraft and superstition more at the time.. So the wicthes' claims would've been more believable.. and Mcbeth's madness would've been linked to astrology.. And about the fact that Shakespeare's plays kind of addressed both the poor and the rich so he had to include things which would've touched the lives of both (hence the presence of a king but also of witches).. you can talk about social climbing and heirarchy at the time and the difference between what the king meant back then and now (so mcbeth's killing the king would've eben more shocking because he was thought of as powerful and related to God, and speak about how much mroe important and valuable it would've been to a character like mcbeth to become king because it would've given him more authority)..


    i don't noe maybe try http://www.sparknotes.com hehe it's pretty useful..

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