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Posts posted by xBillyBrownx

  1. This is my most recent painting. Unfortunately, I don't think it photgraphed as well as it looks in real life. It makes me feel soo happy. It's not the most techincal thing I've done, but it just makes me feel good- I had a lot of fun painting it. :biggrin2:


    Maybe I'll post more later. :fisch:


    i LOVE it! :punk: i love surrealism in general (i hope that;s what you've intended it to be:cool: )

    I do art too.. but my work isn't that good :mf_rosetinted:

  2. I keep thinking about all the stuff he's been through too.. and it only makes me love him more.. and respect him more.. i'm just happy for him because i know he really REALLY desreves this and that he really worked for it.. and i'm sure everybody else here agrees...

    we love you MKA

  3. i'm obviously quite new to this forum so i don't exaclty 'belong' anywhere yet.. it's very weird because when i joined and intoruced myself people seemed very welcoming and i felt like everyone new eachother.. but now i'm actually slightly confused.. i haven't had enough experienc here to make proper judgements but i do realise that there are some threads where not everyone's being welcomed.. and it doesn't make sense to me because essentially everyone's here because they love mika and need a place where they can feel at home with others who share the same 'love'.. i'm not sure if i'm making a lot of sense..

    so yes although i've not been here for logn i can certainly see where you're coming from and i'm very sorry for that... but you're obviously receiving a lot of support and you must realise you're not on your own..


    also.. phunkygal, although i don't noe you at all i do understand that people might be excluding you because of your age (i'm not much older anyways.. 16) but afetr seeing the stuff you've written it wouldn't make sense because you seem extremely mature, probably more than other older members..

  4. o sarah i was looking at your myspace and itsays that u like ugly betty and just thought that u would like to know that vanessa williams she is the one that plays Wilhelmina Slater lives in my town her son is actually in my grade and in my french class hehehe just thought u would like to know that :wink2:

    and i can even connect that to mika cuz... devon hervey is vanessa williams son hoo is on ugly betty hoos intro is hey betty u r beautiful which is song by mika so i kind of have connections to him!lol :lmao:


    haha that's so cool! i'm not even remotely connected to mika.. although i do live in egypt, which is near lebanon, which is where mika was born.. hmmm..

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