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Everything posted by rabdash

  1. Anyone else notice that Mika had a bit of a shave???!!! lol! :roftl:
  2. I too would be afraid of people being snobbish about me, as although I have been a fan since the beginning I havn't been on this forum since the beginning and I have only been to one gig thats parents for you though! I think it's sad though that we both would be afraid, and it's not the vibe I would like the MFC to give out. Not that I don't love it here though!!!
  3. Wow! Go you! If you have time could you upload a pic of it?It sounds sooo cool!! I though you said it would take 10 hours? lol
  4. I heard about a storm on the news. Its not a water storm if you know what I mean so I don't think there will be flooding, I think it's more of a wind storm. They said it definitely wont be as bad as the infamous hurricane of '86. Well I think it was '86 anyway! I am not sure
  5. Fair enough!! Well, it was my best Mika gig, seeing as it was my only Mika gig!
  6. The Mum (Amanda Holden) died in a massive forest fire!!! :(
  7. I know! I saw it on the news! FreddiesDouble, are you a mod? Sorry, just wondering!
  8. Hehe lol! I am watching Wild At Heart now also on ITV - its so sad, making me cry!
  9. ooh I have been watching that! Chris and Frankie were amazing non?
  10. I wish not for an argument and please dont take this the wrong way but: I paid also for a gig but I got more and so did you, we both got an incredible, amazing, out of this world gig! I loved the gig, and I was immensly pleased coming away from it, and it was definitely more than I expected. You also got invited to the afterparty, which certainly wasn't what you paid for in the ticket last time I looked! I didn't get invited to the afterparty, yet I am still looking on the bright side, his music, which at the end of the day is why we are all here and why we go to his gigs: the music. I understand that some people must be annoyed that they didn't have the best time at the afterparty and that things went a bit pear-shaped, and I understand your anger, but you did get more than you paid for, and that's what I wanted to point out. Sorry, for that, I am in no way directing any negative points at you, and the last thing I want is conflict, but I just wanted to say what I had to say!
  11. OK Laurel I now love you!! You have completely summed up everything I wanted to say and said it 10 times better than I ever could! Thanks! I especially love your 1st paragraph!!
  12. yeh, just a bit! I have given up on doing schoolwork now! lol
  13. Awww! How are you getting on with your landscape of fruit???
  14. thanks!!! I understand what you're saying completely and I agree!!
  15. Oooh tell me more..... An alternative forum? I havn't heard that one before........Is there really another one.....
  16. I dont mean it in a bad way but that poem's sooo cheesy!!!!
  17. So when sparkly1 said she was the same person, who is she the same as? This is v.confusing!!! I agree, we all need to vent what we think, and this thread has been nothing but civillised, well at most times anyway, so therefore this is a safe environment TO vent our feelings, which at the end of the day is what we all really need to do!
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