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Posts posted by lollipoplollipops

  1. XD i used to love smile. made me cry.(im worlds biggest wuss) but now i cant stand it.


    me too !!!! and i used to think Lily Allen has got a sweet voice, when i saw her live, i know she doesn't have anything

  2. hi, kitty !:wub2:

    there are quite a lot songs really annoy me !

    but they keep changing cos i finally grow up for a bit :wink2:


    for instance, i love Lily Allen's smile last year, and i bought it on itunes store for £0.89. however, when Kate Nash came out this year ... i know they are all whining and being upset and pathetic ! They don't even know what love is cos they don't have it ! and they won't find it cos their heads all stuffed by poo

  3. Hi I'm ok thanks and u?

    That sounds good, it could be a new code for chicken and then we could be even dirtier and noone would know what we were talking about!!:naughty::shocked::wink2:


    :doh: i think you don't cos i don't :naughty:

    i do actually that's why i do you the favour

  4. He could wear a sack and still look gorgeous!!:wink2:


    Hello, naughty mummy !! how r u today ?

    if i say i actually had ramen at wagamama yesterday

    will ramen be the new chicken then ?? is that a brilliant idea :naughty:

  5. of course i'd like him to be like a dog

    and i know im like a dog, cos i only keep a real dog

    but you can pretend to be a cat sometime cos they are more clever and mature than a dog :wink2:




    like my dog, he never hides happiness or sadness, but he only shows his feelings to me and my parents :blush-anim-cl:

  6. mika has enough money to take note of the tea gifts and re-buy them:cool:


    o,well, our ways of thinking are like 2 poles of the magnet

    but it doesn't matter, i know what you or most people up to, suit yourselves well ... i do have an iq slightly above average though i don't really want to show it, cos it's boring

  7. I saw a pair of really cute skinnies the other day they came in metallic gold and silver!!!!!!!!! i wanted them soooooooooososososo badly but they cost like 150 dollars and i am one to not spend over 25 bucks on a pair of jeans so i didnt get them!and i hate my self for it!I also have a pair of silver converses with diamonds on the toe part!hehehe i can so see mika wearing them:mf_lustslow: i kind of wanna by him a pair and give them to him at his concert!heheh does any one know his shoe size!:roftl: :roftl:


    u should know it !! u r his wife :shocked:

    hmm ....... i'll just wear plain white converse in feb. brogues don't work! i've tried, shame

  8. Lol ok yeah of course it will be rainbow colours .. he'll love that .. I just hope he picks it up lol .. Like my signiture? lol (Booger Woogey) Lol.. I am insane many people say that..:naughty: Why not trust myspace?? :wink2: Oh I want a big green booger! I'll save it in a jar forever..


    he will i think, but we'd better let it drown, you know, just in case too many letters fly onto the stage !!

    it's very late !! u can stop the boogers talk now !

    keep the big rainbow colour booger in a jar !! you can label it like "Mika's"

    yuck :bleh:

  9. oh there it is!!!! hahahha that's incredible!!!



    I loved the signature of the milk box!!! That reminds of another one which is written: "Got Mika??" hahahahaa very funny too!!!


    i think it's very cute !!

    it's the original art work for Coffee & TV

    one of my favourite, well, when i was a lot younger

  10. as much as i care about mikas private life and i really truly do can we talk about something else!:naughty: this conversation is going on in like 10 other threads and i dont want it to take over the mfc!hehehe:roftl: i think we all no how to be mature and respect his privacy!


    so how is every one doing on this amazingly warm day???:bleh:


    'hum, my private life is meant to be private' lol


    hi, Mika's wife !!

    weather here was alright ! how r u ?

    i laughed a lot today !! funny business here :roftl: :roftl:

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