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Posts posted by lollipoplollipops

  1. ah, ewoky mummy, you can actually read my mind !! we've got antennas on heads relly ! wicked !

    coz my dad asked me to do a short course at CSM ... 2 or 3 days ago !

    "Costume Design for Theatre and Screen" is what i chose !!

    shall i do it or not ? humm ........ i think i learn everything on my own since i was born !!!!! coz it's easier ..... to me :doh:

    im going the mental help line now !! c ya

  2. :blush-anim-cl: i love everything about chicken and Mika ! my heart is flipping very fast :snog: i got to go to the toilet for a short while to calm myself down !!!!!


    hmm ... mummy, do you believe it's a real plane crush ? Mika cast a spell on everything to have chicken and his babies i suppose :wub2:


    If I were you, i might snog him from the start coz he is so fit !!!! how can you wait till the end of the tour :shocked: everything is driven by chicken including "love today" you know :doh:


    P.S. there is breastfeeding bit, isn't it ?:confused: humm ........ :blush-anim-cl: shall we just go ?!!

  3. I don't know about Europe, but in N. America most VIPs are normally only invited to an after party backstage. There's no reason to be running around back there during the show. That's when he would come and do and meet and greet and talk to people and that's why the other plebs have to stand outside and wait for an hour or two for him to come out.


    Usually no one care about the artists playing but alcohol in brighton

    if you go small gigs they will watch the support act together with you ! some people amazed coz i just go up and say hi to them, old papa of the mystery jets told me he lives in Richmond in London and ask me to visit him, but thanks no. i think it's not a problem to groupie someone, then I saw big M one day, i think i asked him" where do you live ? " while thinking "hmm...he is fit" :mf_lustslow:

  4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    You give me WAY TOO MUCH CREDIT. Can't remember where I stumbled





    Just one of those gems floating in cyberspace.


    I think it's PRETTY FUNNY. Sent it to everyone I know about a year ago.

    Something made me think about it NOW and dig it out for all you MFC'ers!


    By the way, does MFC'ers make you think of anything other than "Mika

    Fan Club?"


    pile up your credits, you should be in the chicken outfit on stage someday !!

  5. Thanks everyone!!!

    I'm really going to try to focus... :blink:


    I love everyone here, you really are a second family... anyone else's club would have been like..."oh that sucks... k bye."


    You all are genuinly sweet like the big M lol


    Oh, :tears:

    im Oliver Twist you know, an orphanage child labour for my catatrophe auntie

    Big M is Fagin, hahahahaha :chair:


    Good luck with your application BTW ! It's easy if you r overseas students, they just want the tuition fees

  6. :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

    what's going on here ?????????

    thanks so much for the mfc tutorial ! about the teabags, hmm ...... difficult, you know they have those pointer doggies to snif them at the custom ! it's not hygienic !

  7. the mfc amazes me every day how quickly we get off topic! we are only on our 4th page and we are talking about undies and chocolate on a pictures of your face thread!:roftl: :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


    you'd better ask MFC's Kylie Minogue and Calbury :mf_lustslow:

    it's not FUNNY, they r mini eggs ! don't you think so

  8. Ha, Perez and I have the same problem. I didn't realize it until long after I'd heard about Mika so Perez hasn't been feeding my exposure to British music. But he's picked up on almost all the ones I'd noticed in 2006 so we have similar tastes.


    Bab you can't imagine how bad the music is here. :thumbdown:


    If it's not British it's just the same old crap they've been churning out for the past decade. I can listen to some of it because I generally like all music, but none of it is innovative or interesting.


    As for Adele being compared to Mika. No one's had a patch on Mika in the past 15 years, and probably won't in years to come. Amy Winehouse is the only artist in the same league artistically IMO but the way she's conducted herself since her fame took off shows she's not made of the same stuff as Mika and it doesn't bode well for the rest of her career.


    I guess they will always focus on someone at this time of year, even though they're not going to really be comparable to Mika.


    :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

    Mika should definitely date you not Kylie i suppose !


    No comment on Adele, i only know Airedale terriers , they are the king of the terriers !


    and I saw Bishi, several days ago, i was about to leave while she was performing, sorry

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