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Posts posted by huikings

  1. OMG a Nadal thread:mf_lustslow: well, i must say i'm not a big tennis fan. but ytd's final was exciting n fantastic enough for me to scream for both men!!!!:thumb_yello: my heart kept leaping up n down throughout the whole match~~~~~ somwhow it gave me an Olympic feeling lol


    u know what? here in Hong Kong,, i watched the match till 4 o'clock sth in the MORNING!!!!!! juz slept for 2.5 hours n then went to scl:hypo: anyway,, it deserves:punk:


    i guess i must hv a rest now =P

  2. paris gig report四十多頁了,,,追看得我好辛苦....


    雖然又是licm的歌曲,,,, 不過也是必買的吧:mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:


    現在又到arras gig reports喇......

  3. 其實我也是對german/spanish較有興趣:wink2:



    我昨晚也看了這個video,,, 似乎每首歌都有不同的efffect!

    昨天就是看至2時多才睡...... 不過竟然睡不著:boxed:

    腦海裡不斷縈繞著rain還有幻想中的場面,,,, 癡左線呀真係:roftl:

  4. 我bbq回來呀.... 超累的! 不過還是第1時間上了來看gig reports:roftl:

    clown stage很漂亮呀!!!! 一定下了很多功夫設計:mf_lustslow:


    看了幾個youtube video,,, 發現站得後效果真的不太好,,, 連他的人影也看不到:thumbdown:

    希望將來他來hk的時候門票會在holiday發售吧,,,, 這樣才能一大清早去買靚飛!



    不過我找不到很多相片呀,,,, 是我的問題嗎?? @@"

  5. 電腦好廢啊.... download了好耐先聽到d mp3 =="

    that's why i luv youtube soooo much,,, no nid to wait XD


    每次聽到mika很流利地說著一大段法文,,, 就會有想學french的衝動:mf_rosetinted:

    今次還有french gk:blink:






    是否每個mika gig都是不設劃位要1早去排隊入場的???

    今次有mfcers排了十幾個小時 @@"


    另外是否說今次paris gig會有電視轉播?

    會在何時呀??? 看得太多英文有點load不入 =="




    mika開始tour,,, 果然我們也會很累.........

  6. 總之撙到就好了!










    其實第1次看見toi-toi-toi,,, 我想起的是廣東話常說的 [choi-choi-choi!!!]

    也就是說了不祥/意頭不好的話後的那個 [choi-choi-choi].....

    aiya space明我想講咩嗎?:blink:

  7. 嘩你們很厲害!

    昨天心血來潮找了mika quotes那個thread來看...

    1看才發現我記得的mika quotes真的很少 XD

    然後1直就在看interview惡補喇......... 想不到現在你們又多弄了幾個我沒看過的來:roftl:



    206頁呢,,, 心想如果我是mika一定感動死!!!!!!!!!!

    看到了space和mikababe寫的東東 lol

  8. 原來深圳唔係係廣州架!xDDDD



    cantonese....let me take this as an example! =P



    for the next "係",,, actually there should be a small "口" besides it >>> like "o係",, but since we can not type this word out [unless u download some supporting software, i guess!],,, we simply type "係" to represent "o係"..... complicated stuff, yet, this's purely Cantonese! meaning "在" in written chinese!


    similarly,, "岩岩" should be written as "o岩o岩",, wif a small "口" on the left,, meaning "剛剛"!




    so, the whole thing is sth like "糟糕了剛剛才知道!":mf_rosetinted:



    8月就18歲喇我! hehe 應該也會與家人/朋友入賭場見識1下:naughty:


    算了我想我們還是中止這背囊俠話題.... 否則幾丁人就只會不停說自己想怎樣怎樣,,, 然後光羨慕很久沒出現的lcmlcm! XD 有時很怕看旅遊節目/旅遊書,,, 因為會按捺不住想去流浪的欲望,,, 然後就會很妒忌很妒忌的了 ><


    不過中止前還是說句,, 我最想去英國德國意大利,,, 還有東歐國家也很吸引呀!!!!:mf_lustslow:




    嘩我想擁抱你呀space~~~~ 其實奧運之中我都算是最愛游水了!!

    4年前簡直為michael phelps瘋狂呀... 之後他來香港宣傳那個松日mp3我還去了看他:wub2:


    很白癡 hahahaha


    看過這個video沒有? phelps在US swimming trials中200m individual medley破了wr呀...





    好厲害呢~~ 但我覺得他可能有少許語言障礙 lol



    "你叫咩名" pronounces sth like "nei giu meh man"

    not exactly phonetics,,, but u can take it as a reference:roftl:

  9. mika_babe: u know wt? i'm freakly loving the song "Lucky"!!:punk:


    Shanghai! my grandma is a Shanghainese and she speaks half Shanghainese half Cantonese,, that's why very often i can't understand some of her words LOL


    n Lucy,, knowing simplified characters is already enough!! it is widely used in most parts of china! we all understand the sentences u wrote!! so... juz keep on practising here~~~~~ =]




    I guess we have to speak 普通話 in 北京 and 上海. Since 普通話 is the official language in China. But 深圳, I think not a lot of people speak 普通話 but cantoneses, is it? 'Cause 深圳 is in 廣州.


    i agree. but Shenzhen is not in Guangzhou! they're two different places! in fact,, ppl in Shenzhen originally speak Mandarin.. however,, since more n more Hongkongers go there during holiday [including my parents!! XD],, Shenzheners start to learn a lot of Cantonese n use it frequently,, for there are greater business opportunities! u know,, 香港人最愛"講數"的了,,, 也就是bargain和議價的意思:naughty:


    好的,, 又轉轉channel吧! hahaha

    去旅遊嘛... 其實我最想去的地方是歐洲 :mf_lustslow:


    中國也有很多地方想去! 愛讀武俠小說,, 因此想到"五嶽"遊覽,, 到不同名山走走~~

    九寨溝也是目標之1!! 但不知四川地震會否對當地造成很大的影響呢? @@


    aiya 說到北京,, 我就想起奧運了!

    常覺得有點遺憾... 作為1個奧運迷,,, 奧運首次在自己國家舉行卻不能到場親身看 ><

    又是希望4年後有機會到london看奧運吧!! 可能屆時會遇到mika!! 發夢:mf_rosetinted:




    the yearbk! i've never heard of this before!!

    signed up for HMCML section... but in fact i'm quite worried abt my poor english:thumbdown: but mika's reli changed my life:wub2:

  10. since i'm studying chin history n chin literature in scl,, very often i got to read loads of simplified characters from mainland books! that's why i'm getting used to them XD


    Lucy u even know what cantonese is! that's so cool of u~~~ i guess most foreigners may think that Chinese=Mandarin and they can't distinguish b/n the wide variety of chinese dialects:mf_rosetinted: u know what? space and i sometimes talk in cantonese in this thread n mika_baby fail to understand:naughty:



    space和mika_baby,,, 剛剛看見你們在myspace談到jason mraz!

    好棒喔我不久前才買了他那張we sing we dance we steal things:blush-anim-cl:


  11. OHMYDEARGOD MFC has a chinese thread and I wasn't aware of it?!!!

    let me fix it,if you don't mind


    你们好 我叫Lucia,是意大利人.





    hey Lucia nice to meet uuuuuuuuuuu:punk:

    in fact there are only 4 chinese MFCers in this thread so it can't be easily shown on the first page of "General Chin Wagging" lol


    u study chinese? that's great!!

    finally someone can read our words here :naughty:


    btw Venice is beautiful,, i always wanna go there:mf_rosetinted:

  12. OMG 真的好可愛!!!!!!!!:wub2:






    所以對new website沒有太大期待:mf_rosetinted:

    現在全明白了~~~ 真的萬分期待呢!!!!!

    不過屆時我們也會很忙的了,,, 應該會多了很多東西看 lol


    那2個北京shot,,, 令我覺得很親切呢:blush-anim-cl:

    真的想 像他那樣跑世界闖江湖~~~~

  13. 我想起了那個 [我想要明天的聲音] 的video XD

    對我來說他們有點兒過rock... 不過jared leto真是1個型男呢:blush-anim-cl:


    [狐狸] 嘛.. 也是最齊全方便的程式了 lol

    記得早前香港有很多警隊內部的資訊被警務人員不小心透過這程式發放出去 @@

    還有就是先前陳冠希事件時的相片 XD


    我想聽下o個隊Alphabeat隻新album,, 不過搵黎搵去淨係搵到2首歌:thumbdown:

    還是youtube最好!!!!!! 不過怕麻煩又要等佢load...


    haha space咁你同你d frds買左ticket未?

  14. wow long time no cccccc gals!!!!

    i'll finally be free on tuesday,, wait for me ah! XD


    那個mtv獎我在kkk的forum也看到有關消息..不過沒有理會就是了 haha


    他們沒有到過香港吧... 對嗎?



    mfc沒有提及這些新相嗎? 太久沒上來了@@



    aiya 我又忘記了.. lcmlcm會去多久的呀? 另外會到那邊工作嗎?

    我prefer轉機去不同地方呀!! 不過如果每個地方逗留的時間太短又真會變得冇意思....

    完全是替你感到興奮緊張和期待呀~~~~ hahaha





    第1次遇上這情況又是在半夜又是把聲嚇得要死趕緊關電腦的 wakaka

    不過之後都再遇上過此問題並發現了魔鬼音出現的原因... 但抱歉啦我現在己忘記了 XD

    大概是不同software一起開引致的吧..... 真的忘記了 @@



    另外呢.. 我想問問你們在哪裡下載外國的album的?

    因為我之前1直是在這down down又在那down down,, 湊來湊去的...

    但最近有很多albums都找不到呀,,, 外國網站又要付錢:thumbdown:



    還是你們聽的歌全都是買cd的嗎???? if so 對不起喇我這麼壞 -v-



    呀... 差點忘了!

    space那個Live N' Loud我原本不知道的,,, 聽你這麼說便去search了一下;

    不過我發現那些bands都不是我特別喜愛的喇 =P 你喜歡當中的哪隊呢?

  15. 古巨基以前的國語歌真的很好聽!

    這隻碟就不知道了... 說真的他派了台的2首歌 [其中1首在棒棒堂上唱了] 都不太合我的口味 @@

    不過無論如何,, 26號那天還是會第1時間撲去買的 XD






    ohoh 謝謝mika_babe的解釋!!




    aiya 剛才無意間撞入了vintage mika那個thread,,,

    有好多video想看呀.... 可惜youtube還是看不到:cool:

  16. 又是我! 因為明天考中英文oral的關係... 又是不用溫習的,, 所以我又來這裡放縱1下自己:naughty:


    說起licm dvd,, 其實我看了這麼多遍也不太明白spray on the cheese/glittter那段是什麼意思... 英文太差 ==" 你們可以解釋1下嗎?


    aiya 還是看不到youtube!!!

    問過懂IT的朋友也徒勞無功..... 還是等考完試才算吧~~

    也正好讓我修心養性 [???? 真的可以??? XD]



    實不相瞞,, 其實我想看youtube的主要目的是想看上星期五的娛樂百分百的... 因為有他呀! hehe



    我正在bt下載昨天的棒棒堂,,, 這將會是我第2次看這個節目...

    第1次看還是因為先前棒棒堂來港時找了古巨基吃飯,, 然後在他們的節目裡播了相關片段,,



    香港的那個獎門人則越來越差勁和低俗.... 現在連半集也看不下去..

    [space和lcmlcm有看的嗎? sori if u like the show :P]


    50%了! 快點快點我要看~~~~~

    oh god 我這個學生也太曳 [頑皮] 了吧:roftl:

  17. I've been cooking in the last couple of days, cos the weather's gotten colder and that always makes me want to bake... Yesterday was lemon drop cookies, today was cinnamon sugar cookies. Yummy! And the day before that I made up a big pot of bacon and lentil soup - which the family loves and I don't, so it was left-over homemade pizza for me! Trying to stay out of the kitchen atm cos the cookies are calling to me....


    cookies are amazing!!!!!! i hv butter cookies,, coffee cookies and cashewnut cookies at home now... but juz dun dare to eat a lot! cookies are sooooo fatty for me:thumbdown:

  18. 嘩! 很久沒上來了!!

    先前mfc down了... 然後自己又1直有事忙著,,

    不上不上就到現在也沒上過來,, 太懶:naughty:

    不過也好,,, 正好改掉了不停上網的壞習慣!!


    其實我明天也要考試喇~~ 前陣子 [1直到昨天] 其實都是在清一些課外活動和報告的debt = ="

    剛剛過去的那個星期還有測驗呢.... :thumbdown:


    有關那個什麼買下mfc我都看得不太明白 XD

    不過我想暫時這裡是不會變的吧! hehe

    subscribed thread即是我們回覆過的threads呀!!

    也就是說每次reply完1個thread,, 系統便會自己把它們紀錄下來,,,

    方便我們日後再看回那些threads.... 不用每次都search~~

    但由於我發的post實在太少,,, 現在的subscribed threads還是很少 XD

    我記得不知在哪看到其他mfcers說他們的st有百多個 = ="


    我和mika_babe一樣,,, 老早把這裡放在my favourites了:punk:


    昨天乘著在家中吃午飯的時候,, 心血來潮又把licm dvd看多了1遍!

    然後我發現自己很想念mika很想念這裡啊.... 於是今天就上來了:blush-anim-cl:

    唉呀,, 什麼時候他才會來香港呢????


    還有呀.. 剛少1個window彈出來叫我update什麼flash player..

    我按了"yes"之後現在就看不到youtube上的video喇 ><"

    how come??? 你們知道可以怎樣修復嗎?? 試了很多方法都不成!!!


    說起相基,,, 我的dc不知何解突然壞了.......

    現在盤算著該買nikon那些大相基待明年alevel後學拍照用好,, 還是再買1部普通dc好?


    深圳! 我和同學也密謀著考完試後去掃掃書呢~~~~

    雖然升上中六後都看多了簡體字... 但仍我有些擔心自己會沒有心基看簡體字書//

    另外回大陸買碟也很便宜... 有同學說那些韓劇日劇台劇,, 1整套只需要8-10大元!!!!:boxed:



    好了~ 要去努力1下!

    不過明天只考英文composition,, 我在想: 上來mfc看看英文也不錯 XD

    今日是我外婆的86大壽,, 晚上還要去吃飯慶祝呢 =]

  19. 那個paper-cut真的好靚,,space你CE有修art的吧:punk:




    好啦好啦到時叨叨你們的光混過去他身邊先 XD


    對了你們的licm mug進度如何?



    ohoh 你們誤會了!!!

    雖然我都算喜歡拍照,, 不過完全照得不好的!!

    那位mfcer不過是看見了我在food thread post的一些食物照片覺得好好味罷了:naughty:

    是那些食物賣相好,,,, 與我的技術無關呢~~~

    so... juz forget it:roftl:


    不過說真的,, 我對攝影也有興趣就是了!!


  20. hey HK buddy! i'm here to support u:punk:


    ur work is juz amazing!!! never thought that u were such an art talent:roftl:

    i'm sure not only all of us luv it,,, but also MIKA! as wt other MFCers hv already said:thumb_yello:


    which exhibition in HK? i wonder if i can go n hv a look!!

    n also,, show us ur another piece of work here,, even it's not MIKA-related,, i think it's still okay lol

  21. 這幾日忙過不停,, 現在還是襯free lessons上來透透氣,,,


    《奇幻嘉年華》沒有看過,,, 不過似乎挺有趣,, 遲些找找看:mf_rosetinted:



    而且題材不太適合我,,,, 不過買了票又不想浪費,, 唯有1直的看1直的看:bored:




    真的!! 十多個人,,, 每個都穿了紅色/青色的skinny jeans!

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