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Posts posted by huikings

  1. 好啦記著 [Requiem for a Dream] 這個片名,,, 遲d 18歲時要找回來看看:roftl:



    唉...... 我也要改變1下呀,, 最近下定決心1個星期只可上1次youtube!!!



    原來你在文化中心做的!!! 嘩嘩嘩似乎很不錯!!


    你看了多少套電影節? 我看了4套,,, 4套都很好看:punk:

    orchestra也不錯啦~~~~ 我本身學琴其實對這挺有興趣的,, 不過已再沒有多餘時間再去多加研究和發展了:huh:


    說起好片,, 剛過去的星期六看了香港french may播的其中1套電影!!!






    1977年的1套法國電影,, 我覺得很好看~~~~~

    故事1開始先是1篇有關1個年青人自殺的報導,, 然後就以倒敘形式說這個年青人在自殺前6個月如何嘗試以不同方法補救心靈上的空虛..但始終不管用; 雖然看來有點灰暗,, 但當中很多對白充滿了哲理,, 給了我很大的反思空間! 也道出了當時的巴黎社會的問題和人與社會間的隔膜,,, 而且片中的男女主角都很漂亮的:blush-anim-cl:


    不過不愛看這些片的人可能會覺得悶喇 ;P

  2. Name is Ashley, means something along the lines of "ash tree"


    To top it off I was named after the "Ashley" in "Gone With the Wind", yes, he was a guy : )



    i hv a male frd called ashley and like u, he was named aft the character in [Gone wif the wind]! yet, since there are too many "female ashleys" and my frd is not very masculine.... some ppl laugh at him when they dun know that his name is actually originated from a famous movie:thumbdown:



    my name's King-sze,, 2 seperate words in chinese and thus not only a single meaning for my name. "King" means competition while "Sze" means ponder; my mum says she wants me to carefully think over everything in such a world of competition....haha strange meaning:blush-anim-cl:


    btw my english name's Kasey,, took it coz of the similar pronunciation wif my chinese name ;P

  3. pineapple bread is SUPER fatty but it tastes SUPER fantastic when it's hot from the oven:thumb_yello: and for the name "wonton",, in fact,, "won" in cantonese means "clouds" and "ton" means "swallow"..... does this gv u some idea?:naughty:





    like egg tart,, this's sooooo "HK" that i dun think u can easily find it in other parts of the world! to make this,, we pour some egg custard into the pan-like container which the woman in th pic is holding. aft.. 5 minutes? 8 minutes? [sori i dunnno the exact time ;P] it'd become somehting like the above pic!! well, not very big,, put 2 palms together and that's the size! we eat wif hands on the streets...for some good ones,, the outside of the food should be crisp while the inside is soft!!! we call it "guy down chai" [pronunciation] and it means "small eggs":mf_lustslow:

  4. i juz found several more photos from my album.




    wonton and beef stew soup noodles





    in HK,, we call this "pineapple bread" -V- but of cozz there aren't any pineapple inside and the bread does not taste sweet..... it juz looks like pineapple [does it? you might not agree XD] u can add a piece of butter if u like and it's a typical food item in the breakfast menu:thumb_yello:

  5. wow!!! thats not ridiculous at all!!! ive tried to take pics of what i eat too but lol my pics look NOTHING like yours, lmao...i cant believe im so lame or how good you are...im so impressed and roasted squids my god you will kill me, i LOVE squids, i cant believe this is street food im so jealous ****!!! i cant believe you are a fan of mika from Hong Kong, this is so exotic for me, if you have pics of the streets where they sell food and stuff please post them, i know i can go on google but its funnier if its someone from here. and yeah i know chinese dim sum,lol, hey btw, do you have real wasabi there, i mean the ones we have here in europe are not 100% pure wasabi, i saw a documentary where they said it was too xpensive, whats the brand of yours?

    there are lots of dialects where you are,no?



    so yea in HK, mika always sounds far away from me:huh:

    i seldom take photos of the places selling food... here comes two only:








    the shops and the food!!






    and this's a very famous street in HK where lots of street food is selling there every day!


    i'm not sure whether ALL wasabi we are eating here are 100% pure or not... but i guess most of them are quite real. and sushi in HK is not very expensive... for some common ones,, it only costs HK$5-7 each [HK$1=US$7.8]!


    umum i dun think there are lots of dialects in HK coz most ppl here speak "cantonese". you can only hear this language in some areas of the Guangdong province in china! many mainlanders find cantonese difficult to understand as it is entirely different from mandarin/Putonghua!!:naughty:

  6. 你看來中國幫我拍紀錄片的這個攝像師,他其實是我的一個老朋友。



    紀錄片?? 那會是些什麼?? 幕後花絮嗎???:hypo:







    看dvd時也見到他常常抱怨tour太長,, 但我相信每個gig他都try his best的!
















    太孤陋寡聞了,,都沒聽過 [angry] 這首歌:thumbdown:


  7. Sushi, I've only ever tried the "not real" sushi at the Mandarin...that doesn't have any raw stuff in it. It wasn't real but it was good. One day I will eat real sushi.


    is sushi very difficult to find in ur country? so u needa try the "real" ones in the future!! sashimi is reli tasty:punk:



    the vitamin water looks nice... but i doubt if there are lots of pigment inside? i'm afraid of substances like that:boxed:


    anyway,, i hope i can find one in Hong Kong:mf_rosetinted:





    oh god your so lucky it look delicious, wow...i eat so much you have no idea, did you taste all of them??




    oh yeaaaa.... all the pics are taken by me!! i enjoy doing such stupid thing before eating any delicious food:roftl: all the above which i posted are very common food in HK,, some of them are popular street food,, like the "smelly preserved bean curd" , "roasted squid" and "assorted cow's internal organs" (what's that? sori for my sucky translation = =") while some of them are soup pasta in HK style. 2 of them are chinese dim sum,, i bet u know which i'm refering to:punk:





    Oh hot pot! i know that! i had it once when i was at dinner at a friends house. I remember it was really spicy! But it was good. I liked the noodles and potato things. there was a lot of sea food, but i really don't like seafood.

    It was...HOT hahah =]



    hahaha hot pot can be either spicy or non-spicy... i prefer the former! we simply pour ALL sorts of food including meat,, vegetables,, fish balls,, noodles,, bean curd,, mushroom,, radish etc into the soup!!! (as u can see in the pics lol) in the past,, ppl usually hv hot pot in winter.... but now,,, we can hv it in chinese restaurant at every nite whenever u want:naughty:

  8. Space!






    好可愛的band smilie!!!:thumb_yello: 怎麼之前都沒有留意這個??? hehe

    還有就是很誘人的照片呢~~~ darling XD














    龐大的慶祝團隊呀!!! 哈哈哈

  9. 登登登鄧~~~香港時間過左12點喇!!!!





    希望你會上來吧space,,, 祝你身體健康出年ce考好d越大越美啊~~~

    還有就是將來mika來港時能買得靚飛 [good ticket] 有基會和他合照聊天啦:mf_lustslow:

  10. anyway,, i'm in school now.... free lessons!!!!:mf_rosetinted:

    hv u read mika's new blog post????? oh god it reli freaked me out!!!!:punk::punk::punk: i know mikababe and space hv myspace,,,, quickly leave a msg to mika and tell him not only US n South America,, but also HK n Taiwan are waiting and longing for his coming laaaa! XD

  11. thzz again,, tomomi and kary~~~ the newspaper and telly here keep reporting loads of news regarding the disaster..... so upset...my family's going to donate some money,, though it can only help a little, i hope our country can recover soon:sad:

  12. ohhhhh i luv u mika:wub2:

    ur own blog post's juz shined the rest of my nite!!!!!!


    BUT plz note that not only ppl from the US and South American are waiting for u,, but also ASIA! Hong Kong n Taiwan are longing for ur new album and ur coming as well!!!!!!!!


    plz dun forget HONG KONG when u plan ur next tour:blush-anim-cl:


    n finally, it's sooo cute for u to tell us about the smell of ur hair LOL

  13. that depends from time to time, at the moment: no

    or maybe yes, I think I mention the word "Mika" 500 times a day :naughty:


    Do you have pets?



    MIKA's one of my fave words as well:mf_lustslow:


    no, i dun hv any.... sadly, i'm even afraid of most of pets in the world:thumbdown: sori to pet-lovers!! lol


    do u enjoy making ur own tea/coffee??

  14. oh god why hvn't i discovereed this sweet thread till now??? i came here in jan... shall i still call myself a newbie?:roftl:


    anyway,, when i first came, i found that there are already many parts for some popular threads n i was too shy to post any replies! getting used to that..... but i juz keep on chatting in the Chinese thread, where my own language can be used:mf_rosetinted:


    i hope i can make frds wif all the newbies here!!!!! n thanks sooo much to the newbie representative~~:punk:

  15. Yes, I am


    Have you recently made a decision that you regret very very much?


    yes, i hv.... i shouldn't hv come to MFC this nite since i've got loads of unfinished hw:cool: anyway, i did come and enjoy chatting wif u guys here : P


    do u like travelling abroad on ur own?

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